
The Arthimoi

A boy with the power of creation who is a part of group called The arthimoi fights demons and keeps the human populations safe loses his powers

Ahmed_A · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

The War

June 17th 2025

"Disgraceful not even following through with your punishment" Vier shouted at unu

"I want to use my ability until this issue is resolved and I will serve the extra time without it" unu responded in a persuasive tone

The room lit up an viers eyes lit up, so

"Explain the situation?" so-nam asked unu

Unu looked at him A male with long hair, dark skin, white outfit with the cutoff being at the sleeves,

"The demons that we are fighting aren't normal they are people turned into demons making the demons have intelligence and now they are getting even stronger as we speak our number 8, valu while she is a rookie she has air manipulation and she couldn't take one down, they even tore each other apart so they can create one army from 1 demon, there's also a shadow person who is experimenting on them let alone from the other side the ang Lima can attack at any moment we are trapped and fighting a 2 sided war" unu explained

"I'm with unu on this one seems like they're building an army only to beat us" muru said next to unu

"Kaksi what do you think about this?" Thoba asked

Kaksi looked up unimpressed, a dark toned, purple haired, female looked down at him

"I'm with muru and unu on this one the war would be easier" kaksi said

"Well where do we play a part in this" local police chief Anderson

"You need to defend the citizens from these demons and being taken, yesterday we lost an entire district of people that kaksi had to repopulate the are with people with random memories" unu said with a piercing Galre

"Me and kaksi can't bring the dead back to life no one has that power so if one were to die we can recreate them but memories and emotions will be different once a human is killed the soul

Is lost forever" unu continued

"We prepared a load of weapons for you to defend against the demons" the head of the civilian court in The Arthimoi organization, Andrew jackson

"May we demonstrate?" Asked agent Jackson

"You may in the training room" vier replied

The scenery changed to the outside world with a bunch of trees like a forest but empty in the middle

"Kaksi could you?" Agent Jackson asked a vague question

"Yeah sure" kaksi answered

Kaksi weaved his hand to create a demon almost identical to the one in the district

"Okay so this gun shoots out a metal cylinder that kaksi created with will cut through anything like that level 6 demon" agent Jackson said

"What? How do the levels work?" A local police officer asked

" sorry I forgot to explain we made a new demon system so it works like this

Demon levels 1 is 8ft weak demon

Demon level 2 is a 8-12ft helpless powerful demon

Demon level 3 is a 12-16ft close combat demon

Demon level 4 is a ranged demon with any hight

Demon level 5 are close combat:ranged demon

Demon level 6 are demons with any sort of intellect

Demon level 7 is a demon that has a special ability

Demon level 8 is a demon that leads level 4 and below

Demon level 9 is a over ruler of level 6 and below

Demon level 10 is the over ruler of 9 and below

Demon level 11 is the creator of demons from level 10 and below and is the demon king" agent Jackson finished

"As any level 6 or below demons don't have any abilities that can negate this weapon it should work a level 6 demon is the strongest we've encountered as that shadow is unknown level" jackson continued

"So how this works is this small circle shaped hole shoots out very quickly a metal cylinder that should be aimed at the chest and will create a hole around the heart and Effectively kill the demon" Jackson said

Jackson shot the gun at the demon and it went straight around the heart and the demon was destroyed

"We have enough for every single local officer" another civilian administrator said name moras

The area switched back to lunar castle and vier was ready to Make his final verdict

"Unu you will have your powers back for a week" vier made the decision

"If I withheld your powers our chances of victory decrease while chances of civilian murders increase" vier stated

"Everyone is dismissed" viers voice circled the entire castle as everyone was transported to place of leave

"Excuse me mister when are you gonna start packing up" Jessica hit unu in the back of the head as soon as he walked out of his room

"sorryyyy" but I already did so

Unu stopped time and preceded to pack everything

Unu spent around 10 minutes in time stop even tho time did not pass

"I didn't notice that you were sweating you sure worked hard on it" Jessica said

"Don't worry about the furniture I'm gonna come around every now and then" unu proclaimed

"Or maybe not this place will tend to get lonely" unu said under his breath

"So let's go" Jessica said excitingly

*15 minutes later*

"We're here" unu said

A very detailed house that seems to be made from wood and other materials

"Well let's start unpacking" Jessica said

As they greeted the parents and headed to unpack they all got together for dinner

"Thank you so much for having me here" unu said happily

"No problem you've spent a couple nights here the bedroom practically has your name

On it" Jessica's mom said

They Had a slight laugh and started eating while conversing and then after dinner everyone headed to sleep

"Goodnight" everyone said to each other

Unu was thinking "that shadow figure what if he's the level 11"

10:53 pm

"Maybe I'm over thinking this I'll just go to sleep" unu said as he dosed off


Unu woke up and looked at the alarm clock

June 18th 2025


He ran downstairs And went outside to see a giant demon around 6 streets down or 12 blocks straight the demon was heading to unus right

"That's the direction of the local police force" unu gritted his teeth and flew up

6 demons huge all going different direct the demon was around 60 meters or 192 feet

The middle of the city looked like a giant pool of burning hell

"Dammit how did I sleep through this" unu said angrily

"We're already on it" unu heard in his voice from almost every arthimoi but vier who was at lunar castle with the arthimoi civilian side organization

"Oh?" Unu was confused

"We are transmitting our voice to everyone in the agency so we are able to communicate with everyone" agent Jackson said

"Who's at headquarters?" Unu asked

"Me, vier, Thoba and sonam" agent Jackson replied

"Unu take on the on in front of you" agent Jackson told him

"Make sure you destroy the heart these are level 8 demons" agent Jackson continued

"Got it" unu said while flying

Unu teleported to the shoulder of the demon

Unu jumped back created a giant sword in the sky with the handle being a circle that's meant to cut around the heart

Unu threw the sword at the heart of the demon

The heart was detached however the demon didn't go dead instead it actually caught the sword took the heart out and stuck it back in its chest and the demon regenerated on the heart

"He can heal his heart?" Unu said confused

"Well I'll work around it" unu said

Unu reached into the air and the demon stopped moving

"Erase life essence" Unu said

The demon started disintegration bottom


The demon was groaning and screaming

It turned around and tried to grab unu

Unu stood still and as soon as the hands started rapping around it the hand disintegrated

"I killed the one I was facing" unu said while breathing out and stretching

"Well that was a good warm up " unu said

"Kaksi what about you" Jackson asked

"Just finished" kaksi said

"There's an entire army of level 6 demons in the underworld" vier said

"Thoba open a portal me and kaksi are going" unu sent a message to thoba

"Okay here" thoba said

A portal opened in front of kaksi and unu the other side was a sea of level 6 demons

"We haven't fought together in a long time" kaksi said with a smirk

"No ones ever prepared to face us 2" unu said with the same smirk

Unu and kaksi showed up on the other side

A sea of level 6 demons with ever few hundred a level 8 demon

"Count" kaksi said while pointing

"17,000" kaksi said after he scanned

"It wouldn't change anything if there was 35,000" unu said

They landed informed of the entire army, the level 8 demons signaled an attack gesture, all the demons rushed them

The first demon to hit was aiming at unu, unu flipped the demon, the demon landed on his back and unu put his hand on the demons chest and unus hand flashed a light and the demon disintegrated

A bunch of smoke went around unu and 5 demons appeared behind unu and tried to hit unu

"I hate being ignored" kaksi said

And all 5 were disintegrated

"Remember just use disintegration" kaksi said

"Yeah I'm not planing on taking on all 17,000 I don't have time" unu replied

Unu waved his hand in front of the army and 5,000 demons just went into thin air

"Why don't you just kill all of them" -kaksi said

"My current body can't handle me using that wide range of an attack" unu said in a disappointed tone

Unu and kaksi rushed the rest back to back

They tore through the soldiers like butter and didn't stop


A level 8 demon tried hitting the pair, the 2 were sent back

"Annoying" unu said

Unu and kaksi sprinted at it, the demon tried hitting them but missed unu and kaksi climbed the hand and were at the face, unu kicked the demons head and the demon fell over kaksi created a bolt of lighting to hit the demon, then unu came back and picked the demon up and sent him at kaksi (keep in mind the demon is 60 meters tall) kaksi went through the heart while grabbing it with him,


The heart disintegrated

Kaksi landed next to unu

"Let's continue" unu said

*while currently in the district*

Only 2 of the 6 demons still roam the town

Thoba created a portal and muru stepped through

"Where are unu and kaksi" muru asked

"They are currently in the underworld fighting the army before it gets out of hand" agent Jackson answered her

"Dang it They went ahead of me" muru said in a disappointing tone


The house in front of muru was destroyed

"I guess you'll have to fill my boredom" muru said as she sighed

She jumped up all the way to the 60 meter demons head and kicked it clean off

"Awww Too quickly" muru said disappointedly

The demon tried punching but missed due to the loss of eye sight

"Hmmm it seems that didn't affect you at all?" Muru questioned

The demon regenerated and the head appeared like nothing happened

"Okay let's See about this" muru continued

Muru flew up to the demon and punched the heart out

"That should've killed it" muru said confidently


Muru went flying into the houses she turned around the demon was fine in fact the heart was healing back into then chest

"This is new" muru said excitedly

Muru took one step and ended up right in front of the demon she jumped up and kicked the head off again then as she was landing she tore the hands off and then proceeded to slash the legs

The demon fell down and muru made her hand into a giant claw grabbed the demons heart and made her hand into a press and crushed then heart

(Murus ability is she is able to make her limbs and body parts into anything and everything but she has to understand the function however considering she's been alive for most of time she understands most concepts)

"Thoba make me a portal to the underworl-" muru is cut off

"We need you in the over world in case any of the demons escape or some else comes through" vier told muru

Time stopped and a portal was created right in front of the demon the time resumed the demon walked through

"Was that your doing septima and Thoba?" Muru asked

"Yeah we did that in case that if it was created in real time the demon would just avoid it" septima answered

"Where was each demon headed?" Septima asked

*back in the underworld*

Most of the demons are dead and there are only a few thousand or so

"Kaksi Create clones so we don't have to

Fight the rest ourselves" unu said

"There's no point that would just strain my body" kaksi replied

A portal was created behind them and the 60 meter demon walked through that was teleported from the over world

"Well I have an idea" unu teleported to the demons shoulder

He tapped the demons head form the side and the demon stopped moving

The demon sprinted but the sprint was slow but large stepped at the army and ran over kaksi

Unu jumped back and landed next to kaksi

"Hmm what did you do this Time?" Kaksi asked

"I just made it so the demon attacked other demons" unu said

The demon tore through the level 6 demons

As unu turned to tell kaksi something


The 60 metered demons head landed right in front of them

"Oh what could cause this to happen" kaksi rhetorically asked

"It isn't regenerating" unu said

They both looked forward to see the shadow figure

"Who gave you permission to invade my home and gather all the demons up?" The shadow figure asked

"You constantly invaded the over-world and Attacked us" unu replied with a mad tone

"Do not excuse me of such actions the war with you and the demon race has been concluded and the demons that attack the over world are demons who have escaped" the shadow figure said

"Tell that you this army and the 6 60 metered demons that were outside" kaksi replied

"The demonic experiments that you have been conducting on the humans and creating Intelligent demons" unu continued For kaksi

"You think we have time to conduct on humans these humans have nothing to aid us we run the underworld the humans that end up

Here are not conducted on they are mere slaves " the shadow figure answered

"However what do you mean "intelligent" demons?" the shadow asked

"I'm not explaining you came into my life a year ago and have been pushing around a group of kids" unu said

"You are aware that there are 10 shadow figures in the underworld correct?" The shadow said

"What? The demon king is the ruler of the underworld he is the level 11 demon and the shadow is what we assumed to be his product" Unu stated

"The demon king has been dead for the past year" the shadow figure zaid

Unu and kaksi looked very surprised and confused

"and from his death 10 shadow figure were created each as powerful as the demon king but each having a different personality trait, we rule the underworld and we have no need for humans to serve as demons and my name is nzuri however the shadows cannot speak the name of the other shadows" nzuri the shadow figure said

"One of your shadow. Uh. People? I guess, has been attacking the over world in order to take over it" kaksi said

"None of the shadows would betray others" nzuri said

"Well he or they have weather you believe us or not" unu said

A portal was created behind them and they turned around to walk through

"Wait" nzuri said

Unu paused as kaksi kept waking, unu turned around to look at him

"I wish to help" nzuri stated