
The Art of Surviving Deep Space

The planet Atheria rests on the outskirts of the Galaxy. This is where Aurelia spends her days after narrowly escaping the destruction of her home planet, ruined by the greed of her people. With her original world lost, Atheria has become her new home. Alongside her best friend Zayne, they navigate daily life on a planet teeming with wandering creatures. Aurelia encounters unlikely individuals who become intertwined in her life, captivated by her presence. Among them is someone connected to her hidden life, leading her to uncover a deadly plan, previously executed, that had caused numerous deaths.

littlebirdy · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 - Aurelia

A nationwide emergency alarm pierces the air at six in the evening and is followed by a female voice issuing an urgent evacuation message to all citizens. All television programs and radio channels started broadcasting the same evacuation message, urging all citizens to head home or flee to the bunkers strategically provided throughout the city.

Aurelia's Watch beeps, making her glance down to see a notification appear on the screen. Information regarding the sudden evacuation is received; her eyes widening in disbelief as she reads the reports. With a sense of urgency, she rises from her seat, preparing to heed the call to action.

The message issued reads:

Attention to all S-Class Hunters,

We have a critical situation at hand. Multiple wild Class A and S creatures have breached our defenses and are currently advancing toward residential areas. All S-Class Hunters must respond immediately to protect the citizens as they evacuate. We strongly advise working in pairs or more to prevent these creatures from infiltrating residential compounds.

You are authorized to take whatever measures necessary to neutralize these threats swiftly. While fire rescue, police, and ambulances will assist when available, do not solely rely on their support. Remember, if you encounter a creature with a higher classification than your own, do not engage alone. Call for backup immediately.

The safety of our citizens depends on your swift and decisive actions.

Stay vigilant and stay safe.

Aurelia works as a Hunter and she happens to be an S-Class rank. As she pulls on her black uniform and arm guards, she receives a call from her Captain, Sienna. She updates that she is paired with Nathalia, a senior S-Class rank Hunter and they are to head to Northshore District to protect the area with ten more pairs of Hunters.

Northshore District has quite a dense residential population, mostly low to mid-income families. The area there is full of school-going children and families that are trying their best to make ends meet. It consists of fifteen blocks of thirteen-storey buildings, two playgrounds, and a scattering of clinics, dental, and supermarkets.

It is about a five-minute ride from where she stays and as she gets ready, she hears a few text messages coming in, one after the other. The bell notification tells her that one of them is from her childhood best friend Zayne. Picking the phone up to check messages after she's done, she sees messages from Nathalia as well.

Both individuals were providing her with updates on their current whereabouts and confirming that they were en route to respond to the emergency call. Zayne, who serves as a general surgeon and also acts as her primary care physician, was preparing for an anticipated influx of injured individuals at their hospital.

Replying to their messages, she slides the mobile phone into her back pocket and makes her way to the door to put on her boots. Once that is done, she rushes to the basement carpark and peels out of there with her motorbike. The journey took her less than five minutes, dodging traffic and public scrambling to safety.

As soon as she arrives, she keeps her motorbike at a secluded corner and treks the rest of the way to join the gang of Hunters who were already milling about by the entrance of the Northshore District, waiting for their partners and the incoming horde of wild creatures. 

These creatures are categorized based on their strength and the inherent power they possess within their cores. The majority fall within the range of Class A to B, with Class S being a rare occurrence. Class B creatures typically resemble animals such as bison, horses, tigers, or apes, with cores akin to pearls, topaz, or rubies. 

On the other hand, Class A creatures exhibit more elemental characteristics, such as water dragons, fire salamanders, earth trolls, or wind sylphs, with cores resembling sapphires, emeralds, and similar gemstones. Assignments for dealing with these creatures usually consist of one Class A Hunter or four B Class Hunters.

In contrast, Class S creatures are exceptionally powerful and formidable, often resembling dragons with wings or Kraken, reminiscent of mythical beings that once roamed the planet centuries ago. These creatures typically dwarf their Class A counterparts, with some reaching heights equivalent to skyscrapers. Due to their immense strength and danger, only S Class Hunters are tasked with dealing with Class S creatures.

As Aurelia joins the force, she extends greetings to the assembled Hunters. Many among them are unfamiliar faces from various teams, yet they share her rank. Each exudes a formidable presence, embodying years of experience in confronting such creatures. While some may possess knowledge of crisis management, others may be less versed in handling such emergencies.

She stares ahead, her Hunter's Watch quiet. This Watch possesses the unique ability to detect various life forms, particularly those emitting magical signatures. Capable of detecting them from a considerable distance, the device provides increasingly precise locations as one draws nearer.

The Hunter's Association has enhanced the watch to identify magical signatures emitted by a wide array of dangerous creatures, spanning from Class As to Class Ss, thereby aiding Hunters in their endeavors. While undeniably valuable, especially for Hunters lacking innate detection abilities, overreliance on the device can prove to be a liability.

The Watch has more uses, but that's the main one.

Soon, her partner arrived in a huff and they clasped their gloved hands together; nodding in synchronized precision. They were partners for the last five years and have grown accustomed to each other's peculiar habits. They work well together, and Sienna feels it is important to keep partners together during missions.

Seconds later, their Watch lets out a beep signaling that the first wave of the horde is coming. The smiles on their faces drop and they assume their role as a Hunter. Aurelia cracks her neck and gets ready for the upcoming battle. They can see the creatures gunning toward them, the speed takes them by surprise and they launch a counterattack - running forward to intercept them.

The ethos shared among Hunters is one of valor and selflessness, epitomized by their readiness to confront peril head-on. It's a testament to their unwavering commitment to protecting the defenseless, a noble pursuit that fuels their every stride forward. This brand of courage is not merely a fleeting impulse but a deeply ingrained characteristic, essential for facing off against adversaries intent on unleashing the most brutal forms of harm. 

It's a testament to their resilience and unwavering resolve that propels them into the fray, undeterred by the daunting odds stacked against them, driven solely by the noble cause of safeguarding those in need.

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