

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Sports, voyage et activités
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45 Chs

Chapter 43

His fingers slid around my neck, drawing me closer to his lips.

He glided between my lips, quenching my very longing. My heart beats faster as my body vibrates with the desire for him to be inside of me.

Our bodies pushed together. His hands traveled down my body, tucked into my dress. He grabbed and smacked my bum.


He yanked my panties aside, he started to move his fingers up and down.


"I miss this"

and slowly stroking them inside my clitoris.

I grabbed his hair and squeezed it with both my hands while sighing contentedly.

He hoisted one of my legs to his hips as his body crushed us up against the window glass.

I moaned loudly as he got intense down there.

Abruptly, Isabella sprang to mind when I was immersed in ecstasy. I opened my eyes, aware of our connection.

"Stop" I said

"No, don't disturb me", he said.

"Luke, stop!", I spoke haltingly.

He released his hold on me and looked at me. "Did I hurt you?"

"We shouldn't be doing this."

"What's the matter? We are husband and wife!", he said.

"You and Isabella are!", I said.

He kept quiet while tensing his muscles in his fists.

"What do you want, Sarah?"

"If we keep doing this, we're only hurting ourselves. We ought to keep a safe distance."

He glanced at me with a rage-filled breath.

"We won't keep our distance, we won't stay in a different room anymore! We argue, we fuck, we sleep together!" he exclaimed.

"I don't care about the future when Isabella is back! I don't care if we get hurt."

"The present moment is all I want. Fuck you every day and night, anytime and anywhere I want!"

"Don't make choices you'll come to regret," I said.


"You're going to hurt Isabella," I said.

"LIFE IS A PAIN!" he shouted.

"I'm not going to hurt her!" I said.

He gripped my neck and said, "I'm not asking for your approval, Sarah. You won't give me any fucking excuses!"

"Move your fucking bedding to my room, now!"

"Mr. Luke Abrams, I will hold firm in my decision." I stormed back into his study room.


"Good night, have a beautiful dream", I yelled from behind the closed door.

He pounded on the door. "OPEN UP!"

I switched on the air conditioning, lay down on the mattress and wrapped myself in a blanket.

The screaming stopped shortly after that.

Finally! I can sleep soundly now.

I once more awoke to the sound coming through the keyhole.

He is trying to get in!

The door flung open. I rose from my bed.

"I have access to every room in this house. Leave this room immediately," he said.

I resumed my sleep. "Never."

"All well, I'll do it my way." he said.

I can hear footsteps coming closer to my bed. He won't stop until he gets his! I feel my heart racing.

He snatched me up.

"Put me down!" I fought to break free from his hold.

"Leave me, Luke! Why don't you get it?"

He threw me into his bed. He took his shirt off.

"We'll finish what we started."

He climbed on top of me, began sucking all my energy countless times.

My third intercourse. I rolled over to the opposite side.

He surrounds me with his arm while pressing his body against mine.

"What are you made of Luke Abrams?", I asked.

"Made by the devil himself", he said.

"Wouldn't you be ashamed to call yourself a devil?" I said.

"I would if I called myself a god." he smiled.

"Do you know how much I hate you?"

"Not as much as you love me," he snuggled into my neck.

"I don't love you anymore," I said.

"You are not good at lying," he said.

"You love me more than you realize, you're willing to reunite me with my girlfriend," he said.

"Tell me, Sarah, will you sleep with another man after we split up?" he said.

"Absolutely yes! I'll sleep with any other man!" I said.

"Poor boy, he has no idea who he's up against," he said.

I turned to face him. "What are you going to do?"

"Anything that can tear you apart from him" he said.

"You evil!" I exclaimed.

"I own you, nobody can touch you but me!" he said.

"You won't let me live my life, will you?"

"No, if you engage with another man."

"My eyes are always on you, even if we aren't physically together."

"How? I'm not going to tell you where I am."

"Have you forgotten who I am?"

"It's the same as you being unfaithful to her."

"Unfaithful? I observed my wife, not any other bitches"


"Wrong. We're not divorcing, we're simply going our separate ways."

"You can't do double," I said.

"Life did, not me." he said.

"It will be difficult for her, she will understand," he said.

"You're a part of me. I won't ever let you go." he said.

As he declared that I was a part of his, my heart leaped for joy.

I climbed on top of him and kissed his lips. "I thought I was going to be a divorcee."

"You are mine, Sarah," he said.

We dominate the night with our passionate desire.

We awoke to the sound of a bird chirping outside the window as the morning light began to break.

"Morning, sunshine", He looked at me while stroking the strands of hair on my face.

"Morning" I said.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me closer to him. I enveloped his neck.

"You hungry?" he asked.

"I feel more drowsy than hungry," I said.

He smiled.

"Let's eat" he said.

"I don't have the strength to go downstairs" I said.

"We'll stay in bed, baby. What's Ruth for?"

He grabbed his phone.

"Ruth, could you please bring the breakfast to our room?"

"Thank you"

"Our food will be ready," he said.

I pulled him onto the bed.

"You want round four?" he smirked.

"Once I refuel my energy. Give me more kisses, instead." I smirked.

"I'd be delighted." he said.

He swiped his lips across my face before sharing a heartfelt kiss.

Knock! Knock!

"Sir, your breakfast"

We laughed and backed off.

"I'll get that", I said

"Nope, you are staying here." He was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt.

"I was expecting you to stroll in naked." I flirted

"I don't want her to fall in love with me", he said.

"Two women are enough," he laughed.

He took the meal and shut the door behind him.

He put his tray on the bed. He took his shirt off and joined me.

"What have we got here?" I asked.

"Jammy Egg Toast," I said.

"Get me that orange juice, it looks so fresh," I said.

"You won't drink it on an empty stomach," he said.

"After a bite?"

"After you eat a slice of that toast"

I sighed, "Okay."

"Did you just obey me?"

"For my health's sake" I said.

"Have you informed your parents that we're coming?" he asked.

"Still not. We'll take them by surprise."

We returned to sleep after having our last bite of breakfast.

We slumbered peacefully till the noontime sun woke us.

I dragged myself out of bed. I twisted my hair into a bun. "Time to get ready. Wake up"

"5 more minutes."

I stepped out of the bathroom. I walked right up to his side.

"Get a move on, husband."

"10 more minutes"

"No way, you may take hours longer once you're in my room."

"Oh, I'd love to get a little dirty in your bed."

"I'm running out of patience." I smirked.

I hauled him from his bed.

He gestured with his finger toward his lips.

"Not for now." I blushed.

"I'm not going in there until we kiss."

"Come closer to me."

I can't hold myself when he speaks in that tone.

I moved slowly in his direction.

He reached to my cleavage where the towel circle was tucked in. He pulled me, and captured my lips.

When his hands tried to strip me off, I clutched his hand.

"Only kiss"

"I want a quickie" he said.

"Go get yourself clean first."

"Fine. You win"

We made our way down, with our bags in hand.

Sitting in the living room with his family while reading a newspaper, Silas glanced up at us. "You both look stunning! Are you going on a trip?"

"Yes. Trip to my parents' house" I said.

"Why do you go there? You know, you're not supposed to stay longer in their house", Delores

"Is there such a rule?" he asked.

She clammed up.

"I stay wherever I like for however long I please," he said.

"Don't be a jerk, Dee. Let them enjoy their lives." said Silas.

"Send my regards to them, son." Silas smiled.

"Bye" he said.

"Take care" Silas

(In car)

"Funny seeing your mother. Is it me or she being overly possessive of you?" I smiled.

"She is. I'm her sole child." he said.

"How does she take it when you reside in your cabin?"

"She opposed, she forced dad to persuade me. He says, It's all up to you."

"Luke, why did you choose to live with your parents? You have residences all over the place."

"I dislike being observed. They treat me as if I'm a child."

"You can warn them."

"You know how they are. If only I had a brother, I'd be free from whatsoever"

"The rich playboy leads a complex life. People will bully you if they read the headline"

"One of the richest dark sides. People bark when they know nothing." he said.

"Jack is a lucky person, he lives with his partner in their own home. Lead a tranquil life" he smiled.

"It's simply a matter of time till you have that life," I said.

We reached my parents' house. I sounded the bell.


Her eyes glowed when she saw us.

"Sarah, Luke!", she hugged us. Then, her attention was drawn to our bags.

"Are you staying with us?", she casts a glance at Luke and I.

"Yes, ma'am. We're going to stay with you"

"Enter right in!" said Arabella.

"Why didn't you inform me? I haven't even set up your room." she said.

"It was Sarah's idea to take you by surprise, ma'am."

"Don't call me that, I'm your mom too."

"Sorry, Mom"

"I don't know what to do, I'm over the moon!"

"Do you want to sleep in your room or in another room?"

"My room, mom"

"Wait in here while I get your room ready."

"No problem. I'll do it myself."

"No, darling. Keep your hands off anything"

Mother called the maids to re-clean my room.

We leaned back on the couch.

"What a beautiful house your parents have." he said.

"More than your castle?" I asked.

"You could say that."

"I'm curious. Why didn't he build his castle?"

"Ask him"

"Will he tell me?"

"Of course, you are his lone son-in-law."

"By the way, where's he?"

"I don't know. Mom, where's dad?", I shouted.

"At a golf club with his mates", mom shouted from behind the room.

"Lordy! I forgot to tell him that you were here. I'll call him right away."

Mom appeared not long after. "Your room is completed. I've put your favorite bed sheet"

"Who sleeps in my room when I'm not around?" I asked.

"We're aware you don't appreciate having other people sleeping in it, so we keep it clean and empty."

"Thank Heavens you remembered that."

"Your mama won't overlook it."

"What do you like to have for lunch, son?"

"I expected that you would prepare my favorite dish."

"Not today, dear Sarah."

"I'm craving cilantro-lime chicken" he said.

"Wise choice, son, unlike my daughter. All she knows is fried chicken."

He giggled.

"Mom, why don't you get to the kitchen and start your cooking? We are starving."

"Now you see, how lovely my daughter is to me. If you behave that way, your mother-in-law is going to chase you away." she said.

He laughed.

"She's sick of seeing how I act."

"She is always being herself, even in our home."

"I believed that you'd change after marriage."

"Never, I'll remain this way."

"All right, we'll carry on later. Get some rest. I'll let you know when lunch is done"

We entered our room. He tossed the suitcase aside.

"Don't wake me up until I wake up" Luke

"Okey dokey sleepyhead"

I snuggled into him, watching him sleep.

Thanks for breaking the distance, thanks for pulling me out of that void. Thank you for making my life colorful again. We will live to the fullest till time takes us apart.