
The arranged marriage of my life

Noor_2008 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Family meeting

Well my crazy life have never gotten crazier when I was called out on family meeting.I hated those meetings wish I could die. I knew everything my mother and father will say will make no sense. The other time they asked me to be Mr Wilson son's Girlfriend which is Tyler well I didn't agree on that.My parents were all about selling me out like I'm the product. I dressed up in my black gorgeous gown and my hair was very long and shiny and went down to my waist. 

I stepped inside the family dinning room everyone was mesmerized.In my village I WAS known for beauty that can't be explained my slender body the smallest waist long hair long lashes and perfect siren eyes that are very blue like the ocean. I was every girl idea perfect picture dream body and face. I was born in one of the richest royal family in England. My Parents which was Queen Julie Martinez and King Zamiel Miller. 

As I entered I walked to the Queen and King I greeted them.I was suddenly command to sit down. 

"As you know princess we wanted to see you, (he paused and looked at me I was speechless what's so important to call me here and fail to talk) We we wanted to see you because we wanted to talk to you about something very important as you know you just turned 18 and you ready now to get married and settled down after you have finished studying.

I cut him off between his speech "but Father marriage how come we agreed on 21 I haven't enjoyed my freedom yet very well".

He stood up. He was very angry "Hazel! I haven't agreed on that and please do not cut me off when I'm talking to you. Tomorrow you going to meet your future husband whether you like it or not I would not argue with you anymore".

He walked out very quickly and the door was violently closed. Bang!

My mind was somewhere else I felt really unheard tears fell down on the ground. I just wanted to scream but my voice was not there.I fastly ran out to my room throw myself to the bed I asked myself does my father hate me that way to sell me to a man I do not know really? A lot of questions where traveling through my brain I instantly cried myself to sleep knowing that tomorrow I will finally leave home to another one I'm not used to.