
The Armor of Chaos

Our friendly neighbor hood guy become a friendly...well not so friendly neighborhood armor, let's enjoy the chaos he brings

Iamadegenrate · Fantaisie
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That time I did some pretty questionable stuff

*Gobsuk POV*

I ran with all my might. Even though the village was not far I felt as if I was running for an eternity. My legs felt weak, a cold feeling surrounded me, I knew the moment I stopped even for a second death would claim me.

That monster was behind me. For the first time in my life, I ran with such intensity. My legs felt as if something was tearing them from the inside. The fear drove me insane. What should have been a few minute run felt like hours as I finally saw the silhouette of my village.

Hope filled my very being. I continued running with renewed vigor. I ran like never before. My chance of survival and my only hope was within my sight.

Suddenly a chill ran down my spine. A great urge to look back overcame me. I fought against my instincts to look back and kept running. Suddenly my vision turned upside down. The last thing I saw was my own dead body dropping to the floor as that thing followed right behind it. I knew it was the end for all of us.

*POV change*

Running right behind the surviving goblin, I soon saw the outline of the goblin settlement. Seeing no point in continuing this game of cat and mouse with the goblin I decapitate it with one clean hit with a palm strike as a thanks for the directions.

Soon I reached the goblin settlement. The settlement had 8 big house like structures and two watch tower like structures near the one entrance. The settlement was surrounded by wooden logs with pointed ends. 7 of those house like structures were smaller in size and surrounded the last one which was bigger in size compared to the others. There were a few torches scattered here and there and It looked as if the tunnels ended after this place as all that was visible were rocks.

A group of 15 or so goblins were currently on top of the towers. 7 on the left one and 8 on the right one. Knowing that they might have already spotted me due to my already bloody appearance I ran straight towards the towers.

I ran with all my might towards the tower located on the left. The goblins above the tower started shooting arrows and darts toward me but I maneuvers through the rain of attacks. Reaching the base of I quickly break the support base of the tower with two solid hits and pushing it making it fall on the settlement as I heard loud screams.

Knowing that now all the goblins knew about my attack. I broke off a sharp piece of wood from the remaining base of the tower and threw it towards the remaining tower. The wood left my hand with great strength tearing through one of the wooden bases of the tower.

I grabbed two more pieces of wood before I broke another part of the wooden tower with my throw making it fall on the settlement.

The current state of the goblin settlement was in utter chaos. 4 of the original 8 houses have been destroyed by the falling towers and were currently on fire.

The goblins had quickly prepared for battle and were currently heading towards me with different weapons.

Seeing the army of goblins heading towards me, I dashed towards the group of goblins not caring about damage.

Reaching the closest goblin from me I hold the wooden piece in one hand and utterly blow its head into smithereens before using my other hand to poke through the skull of the goblin who tried to sneak behind me. My fingers crushed its eyes before I applied more pressure and my arm went through its head.

I was covered in blood and brain matter as I dived into the swarm of enemies heading towards me. Killing my way through the mob of goblins taking goblins down with each of my swings.

Heads were blown off, arms and legs went flying, and chests were pierced. It was a scene full of gore and blood. Like Something out of a nightmare, a humanoid creature stood surrounded by many green humanoid beings half its size. Near its feet laid the dead bodies of many of those these beings. Those bodies either had no limbs, chest holes, or missing heads. The surrounding area was up in flames.

The being covered in blood had lost all his senses as he relished the pleasure of his power. It didn't care about its surroundings which were up in flames as it crushed the dead bodies under its feet rushing towards the alive ones with its fists.

*Pov change*

I had already broken my wooden club. Seeing the still alive group of goblins I rushed towards them crushing the dead bodies in my way under my feet. What was merely a couple of minute was all it took to kill tens of them. I felt no fatigue all I felt was joy.

Suddenly out of nowhere a big wooden club hit me straight on my face and I was launched back from the impact. Not knowing what was happening I looked up to see a big tall goblin. It held a big thick wooden club the size of a goblin which currently had cracks running through it. It looked like the leader of the goblins. It looked angry with throbbing veins on its head and neck.

I broke out of my thoughts on seeing it run towards me discarding the cracked wooden club. Knowing that it might be as strong if not stronger than me, I quickly rose to my feet. As it reached me it punched towards my head, and I quickly bent down and gave it an uppercut blowing it off its feet.

It quickly touched back to the ground as we again went in for a round of blows. There were many casualties from our exchange of blows throwing each other's bodies here and there.

We both were tough but signs of damage were being accumulated on both of us. We were trading blows for blows. As I punched its stomach it went for a punch to my face. Both of us hit each other with our very best.

Each of its hits felt as if I would break any second. But I too had done a lot of damage. It was currently bleeding from its mouth as it went for another punch to my face, I punched it in the stomach again blocking its blow with my shoulder.

Coughing up some blood the goblin leader took a step back. The surrounding area was up in flame and it looked like all the other goblins had either died or fled.

Perhaps knowing that it was reaching its limit the chief goblin quickly went for a headbutt.

As I was hit my vision was disoriented for a moment before it used its elbow to hit me in the side and then grabbed my head and slammed its knee on my head. I was brought down to my knees.

Feeling the pain from that combo I look up only to see a green heel heading towards me from straight up turning my vision black.

*POV change*

It was finally over. The being that had attacked us was finally down. With our first exchange of blows, I understood that it was around my level. But it lacked experience. Even though every one of its hits hurt a lot I back it with an even higher intensity. I had lost nearly all my stamina. A sigh escapes my mouth as I remembered how I would not have been able to win if it continued.

Though out the whole fight I noticed it never once looked like it was tired. My hands were currently bloody from hitting it's body. My body was currently in a lot of pain.

As I leaned down to deliver the final blow I suddenly felt a cold feeling in my stomach. Looking down I saw a hand piercing my stomach. Knowing that it was still alive I went in for a punch with all my might to its face. But it suddenly moved out of its place before ripping out a my intestine from my stomach.

It positioned itself on my back wrapping my intestine around my neck and suffocating me to my death.

I slammed my back down to the ground but it didn't let go of its grip and tightened it even harder. I felt great pain from my stomach I slammed my back down harder and harder but no matter how many times I did it, it didn't let go of me.

I was running on fumes, and most of my strength had already left my body I wouldn'tl ast any longer. Slowly my vision started turning black as I condemned my enemy to eternal damnation.


But poor Gobkuk didn't know that all his killer heard was the mindless screaming of his prey as he slowly choked it to death.

*POV change*

Finally, it had died, killing it was not easy. Making it drop it's guard and then choking it with its own intestines was not easy, fun ,definitely but it sure was not easy hell. It's last struggles had hurt me a lot. There were cracks running through a few part of my body, mainly my back.

Killing it felt different from the others. Fighting a creature of my own strength and watching it struggle in my hand was exhilarating.

As I threw the body of the goblin from top of me, suddenly a light blue coloured screen appears in front of me. I dont have a good feeling about this.


I consume 4 souls to repair my back. Somehow it's more expensive, probably due to area of coverage. Let's hope I don't become like elderly people and spend all my money (souls) on my health.

I feel the warmth from the mending process fade away as I feel the cracks in my back fade away. But as the process ends so starts my disappointment ,"That's it...i was hoping for more. Anywho where am I going to go next " . Looking around at the burning cave with heaps of carcasses I just start walking back into the tunnels to find an exit spot. After all who wants to look at goblins am I right.

Let's hope I can get out and find some water, The blood is cool and all but brain matter and other stuff aren't, I thing I also stepped on some goblin shit..."FUUUUUU***" I ain't wearing armor I am armor and I just stepped on GOBLIN SHIT

"I definitely need water"


What will happen to our rock bro, will he find some water, maybe some maidens, who knows but stay tuned to find out

Iamadegenratecreators' thoughts