
The Armor of Chaos

Our friendly neighbor hood guy become a friendly...well not so friendly neighborhood armor, let's enjoy the chaos he brings

Iamadegenrate · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Guess who got plot armor

*MC PoV*

Meeting their tank head on I go for a haymaker to the jaw only to be grabbed by my arm and slammed to the ground. Before I could counterattack he tossed me up and then kicked me to create some distance between us.

Getting up to my feet, I am met with a wind blast to my face launching me to the wall. Damn that hurts and I can definitely feel some cracks. 

Sprinting towards the big guy, I plant my feet before attempting to get off a body shot on him. Keyword attempting as the rogue kicks me from the back on the knee which throws off my balance while the guy weaves to the side grabs my hand with one arm and uses his other arm to strike at my elbow and cracks it  AND IT GODDAMN HURTS. 

I attempt to headbutt the guy only for him to step back and knee me in the face followed by a wind ball by the wizard that launched me back. I WILL RIP THEM APART THEM APART. 

[Do you wish to use souls to repair the damage?]

Of course yes, anyway "TIME FOR ROUND TWO BIT*HES" I shout out as I get up on my feet. I could see the tank's eyes widen at my words. 



"You can't kill us if you're already dead" I hear a voice from behind me as the assassin appears behind me and once again kicks me in the knee. This time I balance myself with my hands and swing out my leg only to hit air as the rogue dodges my kick. 

Using my hands to jump up, I am met with a fist to the face that sends me flying in the direction of the wizard. Seeing that this might be a chance to take out the wizard I position myself for an attack the moment I land near the wizard. 


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I howled in pain as a sharp stone pillar emerged from the ground and impaled me in the chest. I was slowly losing feeling in my chest as I felt the immense pain of my body breaking. 

I punched the base of the stone and broke it before standing up. The moment I stood up a first landed on my face throwing me back deeper in the tunnel. I felt cracks spread on my head as I felt agonizing pain. 

"HEAL" , I howled as I punched out the piece of rock that was in my chest. Rage consumed me, I wanted nothing more than to KILL THEM, I WANTED THEM TO SUFFER. 

I ran towards the man again, only this time I was wary of my surroundings as well. This was a fight against a coordinated team. Unlike the goblins, they know what they are doing. If I focus on just one I will die. 

I stop right before the man as I use my feet to throw dirt in his eyes. As I was about to take advantage of his temporary blindness I felt a sudden sense of danger and throw my head back as a hand holding a dagger appeared in front of me. 

I grabbed the assassin's arm. In the split second it took for me to grab the rogue's arm, the man had regained his vision and punched my arm. Holding back my scream I use my free hand to punch the rogue in the chest and send her crashing towards the mage. 

"CLAIRE" screamed the mage as she ran towards the assassin. With those two occupied I would have a much easier time…or so I thought as the tank kicked my knee from the front and broke it before slamming both his fists on my head. As I felt the pain soaring through my body I felt my vision blur. 

"HEAL"  I cried out in pain once again as I felt my body breaking apart. 

Suddenly a large magic circle appears on the ground. Not having a good feeling about this I attempt to move out of the circle only for a large hand to grab my head and slam me back down. 

It was the party tank. Rage visible in his eyes as he held me down with his hand. I punched his hands in desperation, afraid of what that magic circle might do. Sounds of flesh meeting rock could be heard as the hand started deforming but the man stood unshaken. 

Suddenly he picked me up a bit before slamming me to the ground and jumped outside the circle. 



I screamed in agony as multiple stone spikes tore through my body. Feeling my body breaking, I use souls to heal only for the spikes to go back into the ground and come right back out again. 

This turned into a devastating cycle. What were mere minutes felt like an eternity. Everytime I healed the spikes came back. The spikes felt endless but the souls, the souls were not. I could see them depleting. I could see myself dying. 

And as I used my final souls the spikes stopped. I laid there on the ground. Exhausted. Overwhelmed by the pain. My senses picked up footsteps as I looked at the man and the mage walking towards me. It seems they had come back to check if I died or not.

Magic circles appeared over me as the mage casted a spell. Looking over I could see the man vigilantly standing in front of the mage, ready to intercept me if I made any move. Alas I felt like I had no power to do so. My body felt numb. 

Suddenly rocks dropped from above me as the mage completed her spell. Falling over me with overwhelming force I could feel every part of my body breaking. The rocks first shattered my legs, then my arms, my shoulders, and my torso. I felt deep anguish, my mind was muddy and my body in pieces. 

Looking at the final rock right above my head and then I looked at the duo who killed me. I burned their faces in my memory. I will kill them. I WILL KILL THEM. I WILL KILL EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING THEY LOVE RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR EYES. I WILL TEAR THEM APART LIMB FROM LIMB BUT I WILL NOT GIVE THEM DEATH. THEY WILL SUFFER JUST LIKE I HAVE. THEY WILL SUFF…

The last rock fell 

What will happen next, what is in the mind of the psychopathic author who jas killed him main character 2 times in 5 chapters, stay tuned to find out

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