
The Armor of Chaos

Our friendly neighbor hood guy become a friendly...well not so friendly neighborhood armor, let's enjoy the chaos he brings

Iamadegenrate · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

A bit of a warmth for my cold face

"Man now that I think about it I did some pretty cringy stuff when I arrived, at least I escaped modern problems. Probably won't have to worry about a job now. Man why can't these green shits make their village closer to the exit." 

Taking a sharp turn in the tunnel I can see three people standing over the dead bodies of the few goblins that escaped me. Seeing them made me feel angry for some reason, a constant ringing in my head to kill them, it wasn't as bad as the goblins though. I'm not raci*t against the living am I? 

Observing my new target of mild annoyance, I looked over each of them, first was a muscular man around my height. He had black hair and muscles which were easily visible through the leather armor he was wearing. Spouting a majestic beard he was wearing metal gloves which had blood on them. Every gymbro's dream was what I would call that man. 

The other was wearing a typical wizard outfit with the hood of her cloak covering her face, but the thing that stood out the most was her massive and I mean MASSIVE….I think I am getting carried away here, how am I hateful towards her even I don't know.

The third was a slender Woman? Man? Femboi? I don't know man but they flat as fu**. Wearing all black and nearly blending in the dark like a typical fantasy rogue/assassin but probably can't be an assassin cause I don't see no ass. Did I mention they also short. 

Anyways while I was sizing them up the other party was doing the same while gathering behind Mr Gymbro. I could see them signaling to each other and wispering something. The warrior slowly walked towards me while the wizard started spawning shiny colorful circles and the short stack, wait where did the short stack go. 


Yep, I definitely deserved that fireball to the face for internal monologuing and DAMN IT HURTS. Sorry lady but your assets ain't going to save you now. I am definitely having all their heads. 

*PoV Change* 

Outside the cave 

Before meeting our armor boi, our party of adventurers had just taken up a quest to take care of the cave goblin camp. 

"Hey meathead, how long till we get to that cave, don't tell me you got us lost again" 

"Shut the hell up pipsqueak you're the one who was supposed to guide us but somehow I have to do it cause your rogue ass can't "

"Shut up Grey and for the last time I am a FUC*ING ASSASSIN " 

"Sure you are Claire and I am the sword saint" Grey countered back.  

"CAN THE BOTH OF YOU PLEASE SHUT THE F*CK UP AND GET US TO THE CAVE, ALL YOU GUYS DO IS FIGHT AND FIGHT AND FIGHT" The wizard burst out in a fit of rage after being annoyed by Grey and Claire's fight. 

"Geez Martha aren't wizards supposed to be the calm kind also how the fuck do you even see with that hood over your eyes" said Grey 

"Grey is right shouldn't you be more calm so you don't mess up your spells, also we have reached the cave. "

With a very visible vein on her forehead Martha shot two air fists at both their heads. " Why is it that whenever I join your argument both of you absolute retards join against me?" 

"YOU KNOW THAT HURTS RIGHT" Both Grey and Claire shouted simultaneously. 

"Shut up and get ready I can hear something running out of the cave" 

Just then a goblin ran out of the cave only to get decked right in the face and thrown back inside the cave by Grey. 

"Man I am getting a bad feeling for some reason, proceed with caution." Entering inside the cave our trio of adventures could see 4 goblins including one with a broken nose. 

"They seem to be running from something." 

"No shit smartass, get ready for a fight." 

A fireball flies right between the two and hits a goblin burning it leaving the other 3 in a state of panic. Seeing their state Claire blends in the darkness and Grey runs right towards one of the goblins. 

Currently lacking any weapons the Goblins try to fight Grey with em hands. Grey tanks one of the hits from the goblin before caving its skull in with a blow and is suddenly attacked from the back by the remaining two goblins. One of the goblins jumps up to dig its claws into Grey's neck while the other attacks Grey's legs. 

Claire appears beside the goblin going for Grey's leg and stabs it in the neck with a dagger. Meanwhile Grey ducks under the goblin as it flies past him and grabs it by the neck before slamming it into the ground and breaking its neck. 



Sounds of heavy footsteps could be heard from deep within the cave. 

"That sure as hell doesn't sound like a goblin" Grey passes a handoff comment as the source of the footsteps gets closer. 

Motioning Claire and Martha to get behind him the trio came face to face with a monster that shouldn't have been there. 

Covered in head to toe with blood they see an armor. It's eye holes burning a bright blue. It was a living armor, an undead monster born from souls that possess or shape a suit of armor to live after their death. These armors become a part of their soul. For these undead that escape dead there is no reincarnation, for those who cheat death shall pay the hefty price.

Devouring souls to get stronger and repair itself the living armor is considered a monster with a lot of potential though sadly most armors die before being able to show that potential.

"This wasn't in the contract was it" Grey chimes in as Claire and Martha move behind him. "We weren't paid enough for this wanna get out of here, considering it's a rock armor I don't think fireball is going to work" Claire chimed in. "I don't think our new friend might agree to that and I can cast spells other than the fireball" Martha rebutted while pointing at the monster. 

"I think imma need more than a few shots of alcohol after this" Grey said. 

"You'll get your share of drinks after taking care of this now get in formation" Martha replied. 

"Aye aye captain" Grey said with renewed vigor at the proposal and started walking briskly towards the armor as Martha shot a fireball at the Armor's face as it's eyes shifted from blue to red. If the undead wasn't pissed before, it sure as hell would be now. 

Man can't even appreciate beauty without getting a fireball to the face. Poor boi

Iamadegenratecreators' thoughts