
The Architect Of Systems

What would you do if you gain the power to create systems? would you use it to create an army of super power soldiers? or maybe use it for your own entertainment?

Daoist_Icarus · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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The Architect

"Pops, I miss you so much..." sighed by a silhouette standing in a grave of someone while the heavens are pouring rains upon him, "what I am supposed to do now? it's unbearable, pops I am so bored!" Complained by the silhouette the sorrow and frustration was evident.

"But I know you wouldn't left me without a surprise aren't you?" the silhouette continue to speak as if the grave would respond back

"I promise dad, I would lived my life full of thrill and excitement" once again the silhouette sighed before leaving the grave drenched in rain.

Hi There, if you are wandering who I am? I'm Ethan Sirius and boredom is the bane of my existence, as long I can remember that is when I finally did learn how to walk I live for the thrill and excitement. Without this two my life feels unbearably dull, challenges, new experience is what I seek and the adrenaline that rushed after overcoming obstacles that head on face me- these things truly make me feel alive.

After the unfortunate passing of my dad, the only person who can understand my aversion to monotony and nurtured my adventurous spirit, I have once again felt the the thing I hated "boredom" My only wish is do something fun, anything that would entertain me and remove this "boredom"

That evening, as Ethan sat alone in his room, The loneliness and boredom felt oppressive and slowly inching towards him

He absentmindedly fiddled with an old-looking peculiar artifact he had found from his father's belongings It was an ancient, intricately carved relic that seemed to hum with a faint energy. As he dared to examined it more closely, it suddenly began to glow with an intense, otherworldly light.

Startled, Ethan dropped the relic, but instead of shattering, it hovered mid-air. The light grew brighter, filling the room with a blinding radiance. Then, just as abruptly as it had started, the light faded, and a holographic interface appeared before his eyes.

"What the hell did just happen" exclaimed by Ethan the excitement and shocked filled his voice.

"Welcome, Ethan Sirius," a calm, authoritative voice resonated in his mind. "I am the Systema Creator."

"Systema creator?" Repeated by Ethan? Are you perhaps a system that create other system? asked by Ethan.

Ethan has read ton of webnovels to hopefully satisfy his intense cravings for thrill and excitement.

[Yes Host, That is The entire purpose of mine] The Systema Creator continued, [You have been chosen to wield the power to create and control systems. This is a rare and powerful ability, one that can bring you the thrill and excitement you seek.]

Ethan heart raced with excitement as the mechanical synthesized voice spoke

the promise of adventure and new challenges igniting a spark within him. "What kind of systems?" he asked eagerly.

[The Systema Creator can create three primary types of systems: the Soul Parasitism System, the Artifact System, and the Divine Ascension System]

The cold voice of Systema Creator explained.

[Each has unique characteristics and functions]

Systema Creator, explained to me the three types of system asked by Ethan as his mind race with thoughts and plans.

[Certainly Host,

1. Soul Parasitism System

- "The Soul Parasitism System latches onto a host's soul, enhancing their abilities but at a price. It forces the host to face numerous obstacles and schemes against them. Its ultimate goal is to hijack the host's body to inhabit it permanently. This system is dangerous and cunning, often leading its host into perilous situations to test their resolve and strength.]

[2. Artifact System

- "The Artifact System revolves around an object that evolves to gain sentience. This artifact chooses a 'chosen one' to bond with, bestowing them with unique powers and unwavering loyalty. The artifact grows alongside its host, becoming more powerful as their bond strengthens. Unlike the Soul Parasitism System, the Artifact System is protective and supportive of its host.]

[3.Divine Ascension System

-"The Divine Ascension System is derived from godly origins, making it the most powerful but also the slowest to grow. It grants its host extreme capabilities, far beyond mortal limits. This system remains neutral towards its host, neither scheming against nor fully supporting them. Its power unfolds gradually, requiring patience and wisdom from its host to harness its full potential.]

After the brief explaination of the system creator, ethan pondered the endless possibilities, his mind racing with ideas and potential that the systems he could create.

"How do I create these systems?" he asked.

[ To create a system, you must first gather the necessary materials and energy specific to each type. For the Soul Parasitism System, you need soul fragments and essence. For the Artifact System, you require a rare artifact and a bonding ritual. For the Divine Ascension System, divine energy and sacred relics are essential. Once you have the components, I will guide you through the creation process.]

"Hmmm, system how do I gather the materials needed?" Ethan asked

[The Host would be given the Beginner Starter Pack, Please say status and a game like status would appear]

"I guess systems really are generous to their host, said by Ethan as he mutter "status" and a game like status appeared in front of him

[Host: Ethan Sirius

<Age: 17>

<Status: Health>

<Profession: System Architect>

<Level: 1>

<Mission >

<System slot:1>

<Inventory >

<Abilities > ]

"This is cool, with this I could finally satisfy my boredom!" shouted by Ethan

Systema Creator open the Beginner Starter Pack!

[Certainly Host, Opening the Beginner Starter Pack in 3, 2, 1. *Ding!*

The Host has earned:

6 Neutral Soul Fragment

2 Neutral Essence

Eyes Of Six Paths(SR rank) ]

"Systema what is neutral soul Fragment and essence?" Ethan asked

[Host, Soul Fragment and Essences are divided into three types:

1. Neutral- This is the most common type of Soul fragment and essence and you could only create system that can grow a normal person into giants of the concept of their system. An example would be a "Teacher System" the goal of this system is to turn someone into the best teacher in the world.

2. Beta- This type of Soul fragment and Essence can be used to create system that would allow supernatural powers, example of this would be a "Mage System"

3. Divine- This is the rarest type of Soul fragment and Essence and the only way to create a Divine Ascension System]

"Hmm that makes sense, can I create a Artifact System now?"

[Unfortunately the Host can't, you must be level 30 to gain the authority to create Artifact System, And Level 100 to access the necessary authority for a Divine Ascension System]