
The Architect Of Systems

What would you do if you gain the power to create systems? would you use it to create an army of super power soldiers? or maybe use it for your own entertainment?

Daoist_Icarus · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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Failing? Study System Is Here

"So I can only create soul parasitism system for now?" Ethan asked a little disheartened

[Yes Host, Soul Parasitism System is currently set as "Default" to create systems, work hard and gain levels to unlock more types of system]

"How much Soul Fragment and Essence is needed to create a Soul Parasitism System?" he asked.

[Currently Host has enough Soul fragment and Essence to create two soul parasitism system, each soul parasitism system required 3 Soul fragment and 1 Essence for creation of a soul parasitism system]

explained by Systema Creator

[Does the Host want to create a system? You currently have one slot for a system]

"Yeah I do, is it possible for the creation of a Study System?" he asked.

[Yes Host, do you have any requirements and Functions for your system?] the systema creator asked.

"Hmm, Set the The criteria for its host to be: a mediocre student with at least four failing subjects, And the Functions must be: a daily quest, missions, levels and profession." Ethan instructed the systema creator for the creation of study System.

[The Creation Of "Study System#01" is initializing. In Three, Two, One. Host Please be Advise That this will drain your energy. ]

as the systema creator advised

Ethan hands start to glow and two white energies appeared and slowly start to swirl with each other as Ethan carefully combined these elements, his hands glowing with ethereal energy as he molded them into a new form. The energy coalesced into a tiny, white worm, only about two inches long. It wiggled in his palm, glowing faintly with a strange, mesmerizing light.

"System created," the Systema Creator announced. "The Study System will now seek out a suitable host."

Ethan quickly set the worm down into his desk, fatigue start to hit him, " That was exhausting" complained by Ethan

"But you must bring me some entertainment okay?" As he was looking at the worm

And after a few seconds the white worm quickly slithered away, driven by an unseen force. The criteria for its host were clear: a mediocre student with at least four failing subjects. The Study System would latch onto their soul, pushing them through daily quests and missions designed to improve their academic performance.

"Whosoever was chosen by that system will possess a two edge sword"

Because Ethan knew the cost: the system would also challenge the host with obstacles, testing their resolve and growing stronger through their struggles and would someday try to hijack their body.

As the Study System ventured out into the world, it found its way to a small, cluttered bedroom in a nearby neighborhood. There, a teenage boy named Jake was slumped over his desk, staring despondently at a report card covered in red marks. Jake was a mediocre student, struggling with four failing subjects: Math, Biology Chemistry, and Physics.

The white worm crept up to Jake, unseen and unnoticed, and then it disappeared into his body. Jake shivered slightly, but he didn't notice anything amiss. A moment later, a holographic interface appeared before his eyes:

Host: Jake Anderson

Profession: Student

Missions:Complete Math homework

Study for Biology test

Review Chemistry notes

Prepare for Physics quiz


Raise all your falling subjects to a passing grade in a month

Punishment: Host would be expelled from school.

Level: 1

Exp: 0/100


•Focus Boost (Temporary enhances Concention for 30 minutes)

•Cool down: 25 minutes

Jake blinked, confused and intrigued by the sudden appearance of this strange interface. "What... what is this?" he murmured.

The Study System responded with a calm, authoritative voice, "Welcome, Jake. I am the Study System, here to assist you in improving your academic performance. Complete your daily quests and missions to level up and gain new abilities."

Jake started blankly at the system interface, his mind racing with thoughts "A system?What does that even mean?" He muttured to himself. Taking a deep breath, he decided to ask more questions. "Who sent you?" Why was I chosen?

[Lack of authority. Please level up to 100 for further information.]

Jake frowned. "Level up to 100? That sounds like some kind of video game," he thought aloud. "Okay, but seriously, why me? I'm just an average student... actually, below average if you look at my grades."

[Lack of authority. Please level up to 100 for further information.]

Frustration start to bubled up inside him,

"Is this some kind of prank? Or even perhaps some kind of alien experimentation?" He muttured

And after few seconds the system didn't replied Jake frowned.

"And Level up to 100? That sounds like some kind of video game," he thought aloud. "Okay, but seriously, why me? I'm just an average student... actually, below average if you look at my grades."

[Lack of authority. Please level up to 100 for further information.]

Frustrated with the not so helpful response of the system Jake ask himself if he was dreaming. "This is crazy. Am I dreaming?" He pinched himself, wincing at the sharp pain. "Nope, definitely awake," he confirmed.

He looked back at the interface, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity. "Alright, fine. How do I level up?" he asked.

"This is crazy. Am I dreaming?" He pinched himself, wincing at the sharp pain. "Nope, definitely awake," he confirmed.He looked back at the interface, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity. "Alright, fine. How do I level up?" he asked.

"System how do I activate my abilities?" He asked

[Host would just need to say out loud the name of ability and it would activate]

"Okay, Focus Boost!" Jake said a little bit embarrassed for saying out loud the name of the ability

As he began working on his Math problems, Jake noticed a subtle change in his focus. The numbers and equations seemed slightly clearer, and he found it easier to concentrate. "Maybe this Focus Boost ability is actually working," he thought.Despite his initial skepticism, Jake felt a tiny spark of hope. If this system could help him turn his grades around, maybe he wouldn't have to worry about being expelled. He continued working through his homework, determined to see if the Study System could really make a difference.