
The Archangel of Fallen : Divinity Slayer

I, am the Heavenly Being who once occupied the highest rank among all beings in the universe. I am the only one who deserves to be honored by heaven and earth, Hell and Heaven, because I am the Archangel who rules over all domination. However, everything changed when I committed an unforgivable sin. And that sins too, has made me loses everything that I am proud of. They would call me a Cursed Being more evil than a Satan, they consider me to be an impure Being and they also consider me to be a being who destroys all hopes of Humans, Angels and all other living Beings. But what they didn't know, they had absolutely no apparent reason to think of me that way, because they knew absolutely nothing about me and how I could fall from all my Grace and Glory. However, even though they all think of me as such, I am still an Angel who will remain faithful to my Creator. I will fly back to Heaven, to cleanse every evil they have bestowed upon me. Because I, am the Archangel who can never fall! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the Story of a Fallen Archangel, to return to Heaven and cleanse all his unforgivable sins in the latest Fanfic Story: ×The Archangel of Fallen: Divinity Slayer× © Highschool DxD • Ichie Ishibumi ©

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 2 : The New Transfer Student! Yatomichi Ryuma!

Chapter 2.

"Does Senpai need help?"

Then Ryuma was surprised, when he heard that a voice was speaking to him. He looked back, and how surprised he was when he realized the figure who was talking to him.

Ryuma could see that there was a female student standing in front of him. The girl had short white hair, a flat face and a petite body. People who don't know, may think that the girl is still in the age range that is still at 12 years old.

"Oh that, sure. If Miss doesn't mind."

Ryuma replied with a slightly soft voice, he was very grateful that there would be someone coming to help him. The girl slowly nodded her head and started walking slowly, leaving Ryuma who was standing sculpting.

"Follow me, Senpai."

The girl said in a flat voice, which was able to make Ryuma come back to his senses from his own reverie. Without much further ado, in the end he walked to follow the white-haired girl in front of him.


(Short Timeskip)

After spending some time on the way, Ryuma and the white-haired girl finally arrived in front of a fairly large building. After seeing the huge building that was now in front of him, Ryuma was very surprised.

How did this little girl know her destination? Even before he didn't say anything to the girl, let alone say his purpose. He now has thought, that this white-haired girl is not an ordinary student, maybe this girl has the advantage to read other people's minds? Of course no one knows, apart from the girl herself.

"Thank you for helping me, miss."

Ryuma thanked the white-haired girl for driving him to the student council building, which he had been looking for. While the girl only gave a low nod, before finally walking away leaving Ryuma alone.

"Hmmm... Now what should I do?"

Ryuma said softly, as he stared at the building that had stood before him very firmly. All the documents he has brought, now just waiting for action from him. The problem now, he didn't see a single person passing by around the student council building, the building was very quiet, as if there was no one inside.

"Excuse me, can I help you?"

But when Ryuma was immersed in his own thoughts, suddenly there was a voice that made him surprised again. But this time the sound came from the side direction, rather than the back direction.

Ryuma then turned to the source of the sound, and found that there were two people that he didn't know. The two people were standing with a flat look on their faces, and a piercing look in their eyes.

The two people were female students, one of whom had short black hair, wearing red glasses. The girl was looking right at Ryuma with her piercing gaze.

Changing to the person beside the previous female disciple, that person is also a female disciple. Having almost the same characteristics as the previous girl, the girl has black hair, but long down. Also wearing blue glasses, it also appears that the girl is looking at Ryuma with her sharp gaze.

Realizing that the two people in front of him are questioning about himself, Ryuma finally decides to introduce himself, maybe these two girls can later help him.

"Ahh... I am looking for the administrators of the student council organization of this academy. My name is Yatomichi Ryuma, I am a new student at this Academy."

Ryuma introduced himself while slightly bowing his body towards the two girls in front of him. While the two girls were a little surprised, when they heard that the young man in front of the two of them claimed to be a new student.

"Oh, then, please come in, the two of us will take care of all the documents that belong to you."

The short-haired girl then said with her voice slightly softened, accompanied by a low nod by the long-haired girl next to her. In the end, the two girls told Ryuma to enter the building, in order to complete all the documents needed so that he could become an official student at Kuoh Academy.

"Yatomichi Ryuma, you are in class 2-B. Would you like to ask for help in order to find your new class?"

The girl offers help to Ryuma, to be able to find his new class without getting lost. But the offer from the girl is gently rejected by Ryuma, who reasoned that he wanted to get to know more about his new Academy environment.

"Well. If you find any significant problems, just report it to me. My name is Sona Shitori, the President of the Student Council Organization of this Academy."

The girl introduced herself with her gentle smile, which made Ryuma a little amazed. Although the girl looks a little tough, who would have thought that the girl has such a soft side.

"We will help you with all of our might, so don't hesitate to tell us the grievances you are experiencing. My name is Tsubaki Shinra, I am the Vice President of the Student Council Organization."

This time it was the turn of the girl with long black hair to introduce herself, it seemed that the girl was also unraveling her sweet smile towards him. Ryuma reciprocates all the hospitality from the two girls with his gentle smile, a smile he rarely shown to this world.

After making sure that nothing was missed, Ryuma finally decided to say goodbye, in order to find his new class. But by the time the door of the room had been completely closed, the two girls suddenly cast sharp gazes at the door that had been completely closed tightly.

"Tsubaki, do you feel it too?"

Sona asked her best friend in her slightly cold voice, with her gaze also sharp. When she first met Ryuma, she felt a strange aura inside Ryuma's body.

"I feel it too, Kaichou. It seems that we will be a little troublesome this time."

Tsubaki replied with her flat voice, but her gaze was still the same, which was very sharp. She also felt that there was something strange inside Ryuma, even though she didn't know what it was. But certainly, it was something so big, that no one could have imagined.


(Short Timeskip)

Ryuma is currently standing alone at the door of class 2-B, which is his new class. While Sensei is preparing for his upcoming introduction, Ryuma is currently preparing mentally.

"Please come in."

After a while of waiting, Ryuma finally heard a voice from inside the classroom, telling him to go inside. With one long sigh, he finally began to walk into his new classroom.

The first thing he saw, was Sensei who was standing while smiling at him. The Sensei was a beautiful young woman, beautiful enough to rival the Academy's female students.

"Introduce, my name is Yatomichi Ryuma. I come from this City, I hope we can all be good friends!"

Ryuma introduced himself while bowing his body towards the students in front of him. Then a brief introduction from Ryuma, was able to make the female students scream hysterically, while the male students, were staring at him with a sharp gaze.

Of course Ryuma could feel the hostile gazes of the male disciples, which made him surprised and astonished. He had just come to this Academy, had he made enmity as well? After asking his new friends about himself, Ryuma was finally invited to sit down. The seat that will be occupied by him, is at the back end, and right next to the window. The same fate as all Main Characters in general, (Just Kidding).

In front of the chair occupied by Ryuma, is a chair belonging to one of the male students in his class. The young man has characteristic brown hair, with a sharp gaze. But the sharp gaze of the young man, not at all, was on him, but on the girls. Of course, the behavior of the young man in front of him, made Ryuma a little surprised, when all the male students were hostile to him, this brown-haired young man didn't seem to be.


The first rest bell just rang, which signaled that it was time for the first break. All the students quickly walked out of their classrooms, in order to rest themselves, or play with their friends.

The same is true for Ryuma, who is currently walking alone around the vast Academy area. He intends to do this, in order to get to know more about his new environment, moreover he is a new student, who certainly does not recognize the environment around him at all.

Ryuma is currently standing in a grassland, which is on the edge of the Academy's main park. From here, he could see almost all areas of the Academy, considering that this grassland had a towering surface upwards, slightly higher than the other areas.

Ryuma sat leaning against a fairly large tree, with lush leaves. He decided to rest here, considering that the leaves of this tree are quite shady, able to block the sun's rays that are so very strong.

But when Ryuma was complacent about the calm he felt, he was suddenly shocked after hearing someone's voice that sounded faintly. Not a person, but more than one!

He turned his head around, in order to find the source of the sound. And after a while of searching, he was able to find the origin of the mysterious sound.

In the grassland that had a descending surface, he could see three young men lying down. It also appears that the three young man is looking at the blue sky that is so very beautiful, which makes Ryuma speculate that they are looking for tranquility, just like him at this time.

"I want to touch the chests of girls all over this Academy!"

But when Ryuma was about to close his eyes, again, he was suddenly startled again by the voice he had previously heard. He then turned his head sideways, more precisely towards the three foreign young men, who were currently seen sitting while staring at each other.

He don't know what the three young men were talking about, but obviously, every time a female student happened to pass by the three of them, the girls gave them sharp eyes, which indicated that the girls did not like what the three of them were talking about.

"New environment, of course there will be new things too..."

Ryuma said in his low voice, while continuing to look at the three young men who were still chatting with each other. Although he also felt that he had to make friends immediately, but for some reason he felt much calmer when he was alone, it felt much better than hanging out with other students.

He don't know where all those feelings came from, but certainly, they have been deeply ingrained in Ryuma. He don't know when, how could it happen? He didn't know at all.

After thinking about it, it is indeed important to have friends, at least one person. Besides being able to help him at a certain time, getting a friend will certainly make life more colorful. At this very moment, Ryuma has committed, he will find friends for himself, but not for now. He now feels better alone, when he is alone, he feels much closer to nature, even closer to the Creator itself. It is true that solitude is the best friend of everyone in this world, and he is no exception.
