
Nov. 1

The four greats would no longer be so great anymore. Savannah wasn't going to like what I planned to do with her next. I needed to increase her mana. Easiest way was to force her reservoir to increase one point at a time. I needed to increase the amount of mana I could use as well.

If I was right about the state of the world we'd be left alone for quite some time. I smirked at the thought. Time seemed to pass painfully slowly for me. Turned out that the egg needed to breath twice a day for half an hour. Getting the egg back up was just as unpleasant as swallowing it was.

The damn thing also drained my mana. At first I didn't notice because my mana regenerated so fast, and it was such a small amount at first that I didn't really care, but now over a month later the egg was taking eighty mana a day. It was still increasing too. I couldn't shrink down at all while the egg was in the pouch so any combat I did with the wolves was limited to an hour a day, and I was struggling to increase my mana capacity as well since a good chunk of the mana I brought in was given straight to the egg. In fact the little bugger was taking up so much of my mana that I had to take sleeping in shifts or I'd run out before I woke up, and the damn things health would start deteriorating.

It only had a fifty percent chance of hatching to begin with according to the system since it was a revived egg, and not a freshly laid egg. I could understand now why male dragons had an egg pouch as well. If the female didn't have enough mana to support them then they could easily be baby sat by the male. I on the other hand didn't have that option. I was eternally grateful that I hadn't been cocky enough to try incubating more than one egg.

I was really hoping that this whole hatching thing succeeded. The eggs chance of hatching was forty-one percent at the moment. If I didn't let it breath that would go down. If I didn't make sure the egg had plenty of mana then it would drop. If I didn't put it back after breathing fast enough it would drop.

I never knew that eggs were so high maintenance. The glow it gave off brightened each day as well. At first it was easy to hide what I was doing from everyone except my bonded. The literal glow gave it away as soon as I was seen outside my cave at night. Now it was clearly visible even during the day.

As much as it pained Jax I was right about no one coming. The world had been thrown into chaos by the second rift event as all the news stations called it. They were bragging about how they were beginning to rebuild, and the anger throughout could be felt. The Samson, Ethan, Savannah, Jax, and myself all remained neutral on the matter. Humans were close companions of most of the dragons of the past.

There was a reason that all dragon kings were required to have at least one human bonded at all times. Dragons would have wiped humans out if the kings didn't sympathize with humans. Then dragon kind would have lost the value that the bond brought to them. It kept my mind stable when they were safe, and drove me forward when they weren't. Being attached to something much weaker than myself made me stronger.

I still didn't understand why the dragon queen before me would have left the fate of the entire species in the hands of someone she didn't know, and would never meet. My affinities were getting stronger quickly even though I wasn't creating any new spells. The egg prevented me from casting spells since I was so focused on not letting the irritating little thing die. The restrictions the egg placed on me stopped me from doing much of anything beside improving my elemental understanding. Now my elemental manipulation skill was becoming one of my most valuable skills.

As my understanding of the elements increased the spells I'd created before became more, and more useless. They had a limit to how much they could be advanced before the spell fell apart. Just thinking about it was irritating. My elemental manipulation on the other hand didn't have any limit. I could manipulate the very nature of everything around me.

Changing the world like I'd done when I grew an entire forest out of nowhere. That was actually really cheap mana wise considering. Maybe the plant life didn't consume as much mana to grow as the other spells because the plants were able to supplement from other sources. I really had no clue, and there was no way for me to experiment with it. Not right now with an egg draining away most my mana.

Another week passed by in my everlasting painful boredom. The only entertaining thing I'd gotten to do the entire time was drag that big beast up to the shore so the others could take a look at the monstrosity that had nearly caused the whole island trouble. That wasn't the only odd thing that washed up on the beach though. Dozens of fish, and other sea life started washing up on the beach. According to my system they all died of mana poisoning.

At first I didn't know what that was. Not until I asked the system a bit further. Apparently other types of mana when absorbed in bulk or too much over time would poison incompatible species. Origin species produced enough mana to be protected from mana poisoning. Most of the time.

Even origin species could fall victim to mana poisoning if we used too much mana. Which made the fact that humans could establish settlements on other mana rich planets even more amazing. Savannah absorbed mana on other planets without a problem, and she'd been doing it her entire life. Her, and her father had lived on other planets for months on end. Not once did they have a problem absorbing mana.