
The Archaic Dragon Mage

Wyatt was alone in the world. When the rifts opened the world was thrown into chaos. Archaic mages came through those rifts, and war after war followed. The last war had ended when Wyatt was just a baby, but he had still lost his eye to it. The empty socket, and loss of depth perception made him an easy target. Wyatt being an orphan meant that no one back him up when he did get targeted. Wyatt was used to fighting for himself, and the draft was going to force him into military academy. He had no genetic markers to become an ability user so he had already accepted the fact that he would probably die during his two years required military rotation after the academy. It was just a fact of life. Non ability users were just cannon fodder, and archaic abilities were highly restricted. Wyatt didn't think anything off it. That is until he found a marble in an old rift area. A marble that would change everything.

Angelina_Bennett · Fantaisie
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670 Chs


"The new ranking system is more accurate then the old system," I stilled, "I don't think there are any S ranked humans yet. D rank isn't bad for a technopath."

"Not bad for a technopath," he frowned up at me as he started to relax into the conversation, "It'll take me months to repair the drones I busted to get that far, and I have to do it out of my own pocket or I could lose the patent to whoever I partner with. I won't be able to advance before I get them repaired."

"Why don't you just leave this guild?" I started tapping my talons as I thought about it.

"Do you have any idea how expensive it is to travel to another planet?" he looked down at the ground, "Of course you don't. You could just massacre a few hundred beasts, and go wherever you want. Do you have any idea how valuable those wyverns cores you gave us are?" he didn't wait for me to answer, "You handed over a fortune as if it were nothing. How rich do you have to be to toss away half a million credits each as if it's nothing?"

"I'm not rich," I smirked slowly, "Those three cores are worth more then my groups combined account."

This surprised the tech guy. He looked more then a little confused.

"Then why did you hand away all that money," he looked at me with his eyes full of confusion, "It was your kill. Yours to claim. Why'd you hand it away?"

I lowered my head so it was close to him, and whispered, "I think the only reason that Eric hasn't tried to take my core is because he thinks I'm more valuable alive, for now."

The tech was surprised by my sudden confession. I snorted before drawing my head back. Giving him some much needed space. I looked off into space, and decided to ignore him from then on out. We didn't know enough about each other to really have any reason to continue talking.

My wings twitched as I debated on moving. I needed to send this tablet to Calen. Once it got to him he would probably spread the information. Major genetic alterations were highly illegal after the augmentation scandal a hundred years ago. I don't remember much about it from the history books but it was a big mess.

They created a hybrid creature that nearly devoured all the crops on the north American continent. Causing a major food shortage. To top it all off they couldn't even eat this hybrid creature because it was poisonous. They had to mobilize the whole of their military might just to kill a bunch of pests. That event led to the collapse of the united states.

The nation was absorbed by the surrounding countries after the civil war that followed the collapse. Ending the nation of the free, and the brave in a single year. My tail lashed as I stood slowly. Closing my talons around the tablet as I rose to my feet. I had enough mana to do what I wished now.

I took off. Beating my wings casually as I decided on where I would chill for a few minutes to send the tablet back to Calen. I landed beyond the line of normal human sight, and opened a small portal. Taking the tablet out of the bag to set it on the desk. I flicked my tail casually, and debated on whether I wanted to go back yet or not.

I wondered if Savannah's investigation was going well. It should only take a day or two for her to find out what I wanted to know. My wings flared as I made the decision to stay here for a while longer. I wasn't planning on allowing them to think I trusted them too much. They were unlikely to attack my human allies, but they would attack me if they were ordered to.

I didn't see Eric hesitating to make that order once the wyvern problem was taken care of. I sensed Savannah's desire to speak with me nearly a day later. I opened a portal for her, and one for Ethan, and Jax. Ethan, and Jax looked slightly confused as they stepped through the portal with little to no hesitation. Savannah on the other hand had a dark look on her face.

I got the gist of what she found out in the few short seconds that it took for her to pass through the portal.

"They haven't sent anyone north in over a year," I coiled my muscles angrily, "Because no one was coming back from the north. He didn't even think to investigate."

Jax was totally out of the loop on this so he looked more alarmed now then confused at the mention of people not coming back from the north. I flicked my tail as rage boiled beneath the surface.

"That idiot," I slapped my tail down as hard as I could.

Slicing through several trees, and leaving a large gash in the frozen earth.

"He knew they fled that direction, and yet he didn't pursue them properly," I snarled, "Why wasn't he the least bit suspicious that they came from the south to attack?" I stood up suddenly, "Savannah, I need you to update Jax on everything we've learned. He's going to be the one keeping us in the loop when we head north."

"You're going to make me the spy while your gone," that seemed to concern him more then anything.

Jax wasn't all that good at lying. Trickery wasn't his thing. He had a brutish personality. He was the type that liked bashing his way through things. His personality, and my own were more alike then he was willing to admit.

I waited while Jax was updated on everything. The more he heard. The more angry he got.

"So you're the woman who destroyed the warehouse back at the guild," Jax pointed at Savannah.

Word had gotten around of the destruction I'd caused.