
The Apostle Of Time Returns

Tags: Mystery, Romance, Action, Adventure, Reincarnation, Comedy, Drama, Overpowered characters, Female-leading, Fantasy, Game Elements *** In an age where magic reigns supreme and the existence of gods is certitude, there existed the gods' Eight Apostles, each of whom were gifted intriguing, nation-destroying abilities. However, of the Eight Apostles, was the one who was persecuted and despised more than she was held in awe for her astounding power. This was the solitary Apostle of Time, Laverne. Laverne lived in constant retreat from the pursuit of her enemies, convicted of a crime she did not commit. But one day, the most-wanted criminal in all the realms, Laverne, vanished into thin air and was never seen again. . . . Nova Young, meanwhile, is a sickly 32-year-old who perishes in modern-day Earth due to an incurable affliction. She believes that she will never get to achieve her dream of losing her virginity to a handsome man, leave alone seeing the warm light of day. With this thought, Nova breaths her last, only to open her eyes once again and find herself in an unfamiliar body on a strange, deserted island. Is this the return of the long-vanished Apostle of Time?

FryingDragoon · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 10: "Sensei"

Divine Calendar Year 5568

The Faceless Realm

Outer World: The Forsaken World


Nyx sat opposite Nova in the hot spring. They groaned simultaneously at the heavenly feeling of their sore muscles being massaged and nourished by the mana-rich waters.

Unexpectedly, that Graham Wyknight(who had - by circumstances that neither had foreseen - become their first ally) was quite considerate and had left the cavern to go scouting around the cave.

The dark witch had ascertained the fact that the eccentric master of the labyrinth was convinced that Nyx was her son. She refused to think further on that. Nova felt overworked just thinking about this misconception that would follow her for ages to come.

She knew for a fact that she would struggle in throwing orders to Graham(as their deal entailed), leave alone giving him her blood. Anyways, what's done was done. Later, they would officially share their abilities to each other before venturing out to commit monster genocide(yippee! Nova was enthused at the bloodbath she would later create). Now though, it was time to enjoy the hot spring!

"Oh, I'm in heaven~!!" Nova exclaimed and exhaled heavily with a relieved smile.

"It looks that this hot spring has healing properties and increases MP," Nyx remarked breathily, his stubby arms pulled up at his sides. His long, wet hair was floating around his bare chest and his grey eyes were sparkling in curiosity.

Nyx enjoyed studying magic, oftentimes to a greater extent than Nova - who was more concerned about her future marital status. He was rapidly becoming more adept in his mana absorption.

Recently, he began muttering about how the cold environment there was a paradise for ice elements. He seemed ready to start meditating in the wintry wastelands, frostbite or not.

Nova nodded, still smiling contentedly. "Yeah. That's why I've been secretly storing this water into my pocket dimension. I'm thinking of adding some of the mana-rich crystals scattered here into my pocket dimension to increase the mana concentration of the waters I've stored," she commented, wading her pale hand through the surface.

"Why would you do that?" Nyx asked, arching a brow.

"Well, I want to collect different-coloured mana crystals over time to test if their effects on the water will be the same. In this cavern though, there are only blue and grey crystals," she answered, "I think the blue crystals increase the healing properties of the hot spring whereas the grey ones..."

Nova smiled mysteriously at the end of her utterance.

The black-haired girl hummed, her hand wading aimlessly through the hot waters, a sly smile curving up her wet face. "How do you think the grey crystals influence this hot spring, Nyx?" she inquired.

Nyx raised a brow and scrutinized his Status. He squinted his eyes for a moment before glancing back at Nova with an incredulous expression. "I have no idea what they do!" he exclaimed.

Uh, he was just excited at the realization that there was something else(magic-related) that he did not know.

Nova choked on her saliva after hearing her partner's heartfelt words. She chuckled. "The grey crystals do not produce any status effects when their particles fuse with the hot spring. Instead, they enchance the physical appearance. They reduce the effects of aging, nourish the skin, reduce acne and pimples, and the list goes on," she revealed, cupping her glowing white cheeks in her palms, looking as though she'd found paradise.

Nyx looked at her. "So they're useless."

She rolled her eyes. "Uh, my dear Nyx, what do you think would happen if I stored this water for later use? For what situations would it be best used?" She asked, smiling lightly. Her bare damp shoulders looked as though they were sculpted from marble. With her wet hair tied in a loose bun and steam gently rising over her flushed skin, she resembled a dryad or a water nymph.

"I suppose that you can create a resort place outside the labyrinth, hence earning money from the tourists," Nyx answered thoughtfully while rubbing his chin.

The black-haired girl's brows lifted at his words. Her smile deepened. "That was my second idea. I'll give you three hints about my first idea: Stamina. Heal. Libido."

Nyx: "..."


Graham Wyknight watched the eccentric girl stride beside him through the leering darkness of the narrow path(within the cave).

The girl looked too young to have delivered the boy beside her, that musing had occupied his mind for hours on end, even as he had been patrolling alone outside - sticking to his brain like a moth drawn to a flame. Nonetheless, he was not one to criticize the current era's treatment of the youth. Although that did not mean he was pleased by it.

Being as he was someone who had watched the beginning and end of many generations.

In any case, what most mattered to him was that he would be able to destroy the curse upon his leg...

To break the uncanny silence, Nova lifted her quiet grey eyes to Graham who held a torch in his strong, right arm. "You said earlier that, though you created the Labyrinth of Nightmares, you can't forcefully let us out of here. Why is that?" she asked.

The amber hue from the torch illuminated the tall man's plain black mask that only revealed his glittering blue eyes. He seemed to be one with the darkness and yet the amber glow from the torchlight was somewhat drawn to him.

He hummed softly, lowering his gaze to her delicate(yet somewhat mature) features. There was something 'old' and unnerving concealed in her starry-eyed gaze. "This labyrinth...even without me...is self-sufficient," Graham began, maintaining his controlled pace through the narrow path, "To some extent, the labyrinth is an enormous and intricate monster. I originally created the labyrinth as a place to conceal myself. I intentionally made it so that the floors - all 1500 of them - were disconnected. Transfer from one floor to another is based on the whims of the labyrinth.

"Nonetheless, to escape the Labyrinth of Nightmares, this floor we are in - the Winter Floor, that is - and its 'gatekeepers' must be exterminated. This was a condition I set for anyone within the labyrinth, including myself."

Nova paused her steps. He glanced at her and also stopped striding, keeping his eyes trained on her.

"Are the 'gatekeepers' the humanoid beasts lurking in the snow outside?" Nyx inquired, his thoughts wandering to the sight that he and Nova had witnessed while employing gyrokenetic flight.

Those scattered entities in the snow had emanated such sinister and domineering energy, even from afar. Yet they needed to exterminate all of them, to get out of the labyrinth? It was such a ridiculous suicide mission. Good thing death was nothing new to them.

Graham nodded, still gazing calmly at Nova who wore a thoughtful expression. He was waiting for her to share what was on her mind.

Finally, Nova lifted her grey eyes to him and asked, "Would it be correct to claim, then, that the Labyrinth of Nightmares is your <idea >, but evolved, as it is self-sufficient?"

Graham paused momentarily at her question, his blue eyes turning thoughtful. <Idea >... To think there would be someone in that rotten world who would be aware of such knowledge - knowledge connected with the beginning of space and time.

He nodded. A smile was hidden behind his mask and this delighted beam glittered in his blue eyes. "That's correct," he said in the same monotone as ever, yet his gaze betrayed his feelings.

Nova was lost for a moment. Her throat burned suddenly and her mouth felt parched. "Um, so let me make a wild guess. Your abilities should be connected to elemental...magic...?" she inquired, averting her gaze, trying to divert the topic. Still though, she could feel his curious gaze burning the cold skin of her cheeks.

It didn't help at all that the charming face behind the mask was none other than that of her previous life's ex-boyfriend. Ah, that indeed made it harder for her to contemplate about her future love life.

Nyx arched a brow at Nova's suggestion, oblivious to her turmoil, and turned to Graham Wyknight with a shining gaze. Being an extreme magic nerd, he was ten seconds away from...

"Yes, I'm adept in all the elements, be it earth, fire, air or water," Graham responded lightly, his eyes still fixated on Nova's exasperated face, only for his arm to be swiftly grabbed by the enthusiastic Nyx Young. The boy's eyes glittered in marvel at the full-fledged sorceror before him.

"Sensei, it's a pleasure to work with you!"

Hi there. It seems that Nova and Nyx have found their first ally(??) but I think Graham is more than meets the eye.

What do you think of the pacing? Too slow? Should I stick to the third-person perspective or should I switch between different POVs?

Updates have been a bit slower because I've been working on another book as well, titled 'I'd burn for you'. Unlike 'The Apostle of Time Returns'(/The Return Of The Apostle Of Time), my new book is a contemporary romance with supernatural elements(a lot of mature scenes, BTW). I wanted to venture out of the Isekai spectrum(which I love still). I've also been working on a highschool romance - Pausing Heartbeats - but The Return of The Apostle Of Time is def my main gig! I just can't help but write whenever a new idea pops in for any of the three stories.

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