
The Apostle's Descent

Noah Hasegawa was walking back from school when a bright circle appeared below him. Next thing he knew, he was surrounded by a bunch of unkown people with a weird screen in front of him. "Everyone hurry up! The Gate is about to close!" "Come one rookie! You need to pull your weight!" 'Gate? Rookie? What the hell is going on?!' Luckily for Noah, this story isn't one of survival and death, but the bright story of the worlds strongest "Mercenary". --------------------------------------------- As mentioned before, the world is a crossover of many anime and the general set-up is that of "Solo Leveling", "I Am The Sorcerer King" or "The Tutorial Tower of the Advanced Player". That means the world was suddenly turned upside down by the appearance of "Gates" from which monsters invade Earth. No characters from the previously mentioned will appear. Also: This isn't a Harem.

LazyPenWriter · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

How Many Times Has He Shocked Everyone?

I grabbed Yuno and dodged a strike from the Nargacuga by dashing to the side, leaving Yuno a bit away from the scene but within the 50 meters of Lover's Share. I didn't want her missing the valuable EXP, right? I quickly wielded Lament with both hands and blocked another attack from the creature's claws. Once it took a step back, I sent an attack of my own, trying to slash its wings. Surprisingly, my attack was a lot more useful than I had thought.

It missed it's wing by a little and it wasn't a deadly wound, but it did draw blood. At least it would annoy the Nargacuga. But damn was it fast and damn it had good reflexes. I guessed that living in such an environment -one in which you either win or die- does that to you.

"Phew... you're a damn good workout" I taunted the beast while holding Lament with its rear end forwards, instead of the blade. "Come on now, get a piece of me you fucker"

Apparently my taunt worked, because the Nargacuga jumped in the air and dived towards me. I was struggling because I hadn't used my powers at all through the entire fight. I was fighting solely on stats and, being honest, S-Rankers are stronger than anyone because of their unique skills, not their stats.

As it dived, I focused on my Observation Haki and, predicting it's movement, pierced its eye with Laments small spike. Taking advantage of the fact that it was a bladed spike, I pushed down on the back, slashing through it's head and freeing Lament. That gave me enough space to get away from its path and while having left a very nasty wound on it.

"Oh no, you aren't going anywhere!" I screamed as it tried to fly away. I immediately jumped, piercing its wing with Lament. Felix took the oportunity to use me as a step and tore its other wing with his own claws.

The Nargacuga fell from about 5 meters in the air, crashing hard against the ground. With its already pitiful flying capabilities crippled, he had no way to escape. What I didn't expect was for it to suddenly shoot a volley of spikes. I quickly dashed towards Yuno to cover her, while Felix hid behind a tree. The spikes weren't able to pierce through the Garments of the Guide, but I still felt the pain. It was like receiving a the tip of a staff right on the ribs.

"Ok, now I am mad" I said as I spun Lament and ran towards it. The Nargacuga tried to move towards the trees, but it couldn't hide from my Observation Haki. With relative ease, I slashed one of it's rear legs, reducing his capability to move. In the same movement, I spun Lament over my head and thrust forwards, piercing the creature's belly.

Before it could try to escape again, Felix arrived and bit its neck, effectively finishing the Nargacuga.

{Congratulation on killing Nargacuga.

Rewards processed based on performance:

-Nargacuga's Shard x5

-Nargacuga's Blackfur x5

-Nargacuga's Hardfang x5

-Nargacuga's Tailspear

-Deepest Night}

[Name: Noah Hasegawa Level: 60->70

Job: Soul Weaver Fatigue: 15

Title: Psychopomp

HP: 1200/1250

MP: 0->500

Strength: 125 Vitality: 125

Agility: 200 Intelligence: 50->100

Sense: 155

Status Points: 50->0

Skills: Kenbunshoku Haki (lvl. MAX)

Soul Seeing Eye (lvl. 1)

Soul Cleansing (lvl. 1)]

The reason why I had decided to increase my Intelligence was simple. Since I had acquired my powers from Scáthach, I felt as if something held them back. I assumed the only possible reason was my lack of MP, more commonly known as Mana. I also inferred that my lack of Mana came from my lack of Intelligence. Statswise, or course -I woud never call myself stupid.

Mana also seemed to be different from HP, as it wasn't directly proportionate to my Intelligence value. I supposed that every hundred points in INT I would get 500 MP, but that remained to be seen later. Right now I had other things in mind. For example, how much had Yuno grown. Since she was getting a lot more levels from this Gate, even if all she got was 50% from the each monster I killed, I had killed well over a hundred little pests and a Boss.

"Yuno, let's check your Status to see how much you leveled up!" I excitedly told her, totally oblivious to the worship in her eyes as she looked at me. Yup, I was oblivious to it, I wasn't ignoring it on purpose. "Ok, Noah-sama! Status"

<Oh boy, now she began calling me Noah-sama... fucking Lover's Contract>

After telling Yuno how to spend her Status points more effectively, her overall stats looked like this:

[Name: Yuno Gasai Level: 0->25

Job: None Fatigue: 50

Title: None

HP: 95/100

MP: 0

Strength: 5->30 Vitality: 10->35

Agility: 9->34 Intelligence: 15->40

Sense: 15->40

Status Points: 125->0

Lover's Contract: Noah Hasegawa

Skills: Lover's Contract (lvl. MAX)]

Even if it wasn't particularly much, it was still an amazing growth for her first time in a Gate. Thanks to my presence, she was able to skip around a year or two of grinding and paperwork. "Noah-sama... thank you very much. I had never felt this strong before. I feel like I can protect myself now"

"Don't worry about it. I was extremely angry when I heard they kidnapped you, so I'm glad it won't happen anymore" I felt like being honest would only make my "Yuno situation" even worse, but I couldn't bring myself to lie to her. I decided to avoid telling her I would've destroyed these guys if something happened to her. Lying was a big nono, but not giving unnecessary information was posible. "Let's get out of here now, Yuno"

"Yes, Noah-sama"

With those words said I picked Yuno up in a princess carry, enjoying how she yipped in embarrassment before hiding her face on my chest in embarrassment. When Felix jumped on my shoulder, I began walking. Since I had already located the Gate's exit, it woldn't take long for us to reach it. Before that though, I had to pick up two pieces of garbage.


Very similar to my first time leaving a Gate, a news station crew was waiting outside. This time I wasn't bathed in blood, thanks to... I don't know, it magically didn't fall on me. I guess it had something to do with the Garments of the Guide. When I saw the reporter walking towards us I put the two idiots down. Yuno, finally stopped pouting when she saw that. She had been doing that since I put her on the ground to carry them. I chuckled a bit before heading towards the crew, Yuno on tow and Felix on my shoulder, as relaxed as ever.

"Hasegawa-san, from what we can see, we can conclude that your incursion into the Gate to rescue Gasai-san was a total success?" asked the woman before pointing her mic towards me. "That is indeed the case, but we also reaped some unexpected benefits. You can expect to hear more from both me and Yuno in the future"

My answer left a lot of things for the people to guess, and that is what I wanted. The more they wonder about what was going on between us or why an S-Rank had bothered with such a thing, the more attention they would place on me. That made it easier for me to carry on with my plans. As such, I needed to get even more attention. <Sheesh... I feel like such an attention whore...>

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to clean this place" I informed them while watching the camera. Under the confused gaze of everyone present, I headed towards the place where the Gate had been just a moment ago, all the while focusing on the presence of the many souls. My eyes began shining while a bright teal-ish almost white aura enveloped my body.

From the entire area, hundreds if not thousands of souls gathered, all looking like wisps of different sizes. Once they were all in front of me, I could feel my instincts take over. It was my powers showing me how to properly use them. I could also feel my Mana being drained, though only slightly.

I could hear gasps and I feel the people's admiration. I was releasing the most soothing aura I could, after all. Then, my aura grew, enveloping not only the lost souls, but also those present. "Soul Cleansing"

When those words left my mouth, all of the souls vanished slowly. I checked the area with my Soul Seeing Eye, but there were no more souls in the place. An extra boon was the fact that the souls of everyone present had been "purified", so they were now pure white, without the weight of any sin they would've once comited, minor as it might've been.

"H-Hasegawa-san c-could you p-please tell us what you did right now?" asked the reporter while gradually overcoming her shock. I was going to answer, but then decided to ask something of my own. "I assume the other S-Rankers made their powers public, right?"

The reason why I asked that was because, as stupid as it sounded, I still hadn't researched about them. I honestly hadn't really had the time, since I was focusing more on my own plans than those around me. Her answer came immediately. "Only, Ogami-san, Gunnhildr-san, President-san and Mikazuchi-san. Orihara-san hasn't, but he has showed his powers in public before, so it's just a matter of formalities"

"Then I don't see why I wouldn't. S-Rankers are known to have unique Jobs, mine is... Soul Weaver" she looked at me in shock and confusion, but then asked me something that I didn't expect. It seriously made me think that the people in this world might be dumber than in my previous one. "What... does that exactly mean?"

"Well, as the Soul Weaver, my powers revolve around souls. I can see, manipulate and purify souls. Besides that, I can send someone's soul to the afterlife. I can also use the energy provided by the souls I purified" I explained patiently. It was a lot of information, and some might think that revealing it to the public was stupid. And partially, they are right. But this kind of thing always gets revealed sooner or later. I preferred to make it public myself, painting my powers in a good light, before someone did it for me and tagged them as dark or evil -which they weren't.

Once that was taken care of, I simply began walking towards my bike, signaling Yuno to come with me. She quickly followed, eager to reach her new home. My thoughts were on an entirely different place, though.

<How shoul I name my Guild?>


The last question is directed at you, the few readers who comment. I can't seem to think of a proper name, so I need one in the next 24 hs. Give me your ideas, dear readers. I will use whichever I like best. Even if it is one I came up with myself.

Also, I ask of you to please leave a review if you have something to say about the story in general, negative or positive. I don't care as long as it is objective and constructive. If it is offensive I WILL delete it, I don't care what people say.

And I will shamelessly ask you to give me your Power Stones if you think it is worth it. I want to go up the rankings.