
The Apocalyptic Survival

(*BRIEF WARNING* THERE IS DESCRIPTION OF GORES AND INJURIES IN THIS BOOK, VIEWERS BE ADVISED) What has happened to the town of Armull?... How did the zombie apocalypse spread so fast?... How did this virus come to be?... Is it too late?... Can it be stopped?... It all began with the treatment... Extract from the book: "I remember telling myself that it was all going to be okay, that this was going to be like every other mission, except that in Armull, there was a zombie outbreak, that happened 5 years ago. I work 'National Civil Armed Forces' or 'NCAF' for short, this is also that is one of the reasons why I got contacted to go to Ireland, and of course I agreed, they said that people needed help, and it is my job to help people that need it, but anyway, I got on my flight a few days later to Dublin, not knowing that I was about to get myself into literally a living nightmare. It is the only thing that I can compare it to" Frank said as he sat back with his legs wide apart and his hands intertwined, covering his crotch. He bits his lip and looks around the room. "Can you tell us more Frank? Are you hiding something?" said an unknown voice that was directly opposite to Frank. "Even if I was hiding something, even if I didn't want to tell you what that was, you would still know what it is that I am hiding, you have access to all of the fucking documents, you know what happened, don't you?" Frank answered as he grew angrier. "We just want to hear your side of the story, Frank, we believe that every story has two or more sides, but we will not let you go until you tell us EXACTLY what happened in Armull, so you can choose to begin now and finish earlier, or begin later and finish later, we are in absolutely no rush" said the voice, almost provoking Frank. Frank clenched his teeth and gripped his fists, as he sat up, placing his both fists on the table. He closed his eyes as he tilted his head towards the ceiling lights, taking in one deep breath before opening his mouth and beginning to speak. "it's all began...".

Strale · Romance
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28 Chs

Chapter 16

Gillian slowly opens her eyes, her vision is still blurry, but her vision slowly begins to become clearer.

She can feel jitters and slight jolts and when her vision became clearer, she looked around her.

She realized that she is in a car.

She first gets onto her elbows, before attempting to lean onto the palm of her hands but her whole body feels numb.

Instantly, she falls back down, letting out a gasp as she felt a sharp pain in her right palm.

"Gillian? Are you alright?" Frank asked her, driving down a wrecked road. He sees a few potholes, Frank tries to dodge them, but he drives over a few, causing the car to jitter abruptly.

"Ouch..." Gillian mutters, as her body begins to hurt.

"We are almost there," Frank says to Gillian as he drives up to a roundabout and takes the second exit.

"Ahh..." Gillian yelped as she felt pain in her left abdominal. She places her hand onto the spot, but she could feel something moist.

She looks down at her stomach and she could see that she is bleeding, the area on the seats where her stomach is, is wet, wet with blood.

"I... I..." Gillian begins, but she could not speak, she feels like she is suffocating, as she is fighting for air.

"We are almost there..." says Frank.

Gillian could sense fear in his voice, vulnerability.

"F- Frank?..." She calls his name out.

"Hush... hush..." he tells her as he quickly glimpses back at her, "Oh... god" he mutters.

Suddenly, Gillian opens her eyes wide, "T-t-..." she begins speaking.

"What?" Frank asks her.

"Truck!" she shouts, but it is too late.

*loud inhale*

"Gillian?" Frank says, walking over to Gillian.

"Are you okay?" he adds.

She nods, as she looks around her. "A-are we..." Gillian begins speaking but it interrupted by Frank, completing her sentence.

"We are safe, in your house," he says softly as he sits on the bed, beside her.

You look at him and you feel so many emotions, you could see him frown as he looks at you.

"Are you okay?" He asks her again.

But all Gillian does is nods, again.

"Okay," he answers as he stands up and that is when you notice that he is shirtless, all you can see is his grey tanked top covering his body.

Gillian watches him as he walks away from her, towards the window.

She begins to bite her lower lip, before looking up at the ceiling.

"Did you find anything?" Gillian asks him as she looks at his back.

There was a brief moment of silence before Frank turned around, facing you, "nope..." he says bleakly.

You continue to look at him, you can see that he is disappointed, but you can also see that he is giving you a suspicious look. Gillian knows that something is not right.

"I... Is everything okay?" Gillian asks him.

Gillian continues to look at him, as he looks at her. Gillian could feel as if there is a hole in her chest. His look makes her feel guilty as if she did something wrong.

Gillian tries to talk, but she could not speak out a single word.

You watch him as he continuously watches you, finally, he looked away from you as he cleared his throat before beginning to speak.

"I... I don't know how you thought that I would not find out about this..." Frank begins speaking.

There is a brief moment of silence, Gillian gives Frank a confused look as she swallows.

"What... what are you talking about?" she asks him, as her lips begin to slightly quiver.

"I thought we were on the same team..." he says as he looks at me with his grey eyes, dead into my eyes. His look looks like the look that people give you when you betray them.

"I... I..." Gillian begins speaking, but she can't get any words out of her mouth.

Suddenly, you see Frank reach into his pocket and moments later pulling out a folded up sheet.

He unfolds it and shows Gillian the content on the page.

"Here it says that you, Gillian McGillon, helped you father, Brett McGillon, with the development of the treatment.

"What!?" Gillian thinks to herself as she takes the page from Frank and sits up.

"I... This... this can't be true!" Gillian says as she looks through the page.

"How come?" Frank asks bleakly, in a cold voice.

"Because I didn't help him!" Gillian answers him.

Gillian looks at Frank, who looks at her for a second before looking away from her.

"You... you don't believe me... do you?" Gillian asks him.

"At this point, I don't know what to believe," Frank answers Gillian.

"But please, you have got to believe me, I didn't help my dad with this... I didn't betray you" Gillian tells Frank as she looks up at him.

"You don't know what a person can be capable of doing, even if they don't mean any harm," Frank answeres Gillian back as he gives her a cold look before taking the page off her.

"Oh yeah, does this address sound familiar to you?" Frank asks her, showing her the underlined address on the sheet.

"Yes..." Gillian answers, "it is one of the biggest mansions in Armull," she adds as she gives back the page to Frank.

"Well, I guess I know where my next stop is..." Frank says as he folds up the page as he begins to walk towards the door.

"What do you mean by "my"" Gillian asks him, "what about me?" she adds.

"You can't go anywhere," Frank answers her.

"Why?" she asks him, becoming angrier.

"Because..." he answers her.

"Because why?" she asks him.

"Because I can't trust you!?" He roars at her.

Gillian is shocked as she slightly moves back, tears roll down her face as she looks at him.

He turns around, and as he is about to head towards the stairs, but suddenly stops.

"So you are saying that after everything I did for you, after saving you, that you can't trust me, I... I was there for you yesterday..." she shouts at him as she cries. She hopes that Frank will turn around.

But all Frank does is look down at the floor before walking off, not making a sound.

Gillian could hear Frank opening the front door before closing it shut.

Gillian lowers her head before breaking down into tears. She could hear the car starting up and driving off, causing her to cry harder.

Gillian embraces her chest as she cries.