
Chapter 4

Looking out of my bedroom window, I'm sipping my favorite chocolate drink. I was admiring the scenery were the night was about to fall. The sunset color blended perfectly. I have to stay in my room until they call me to come down. I'm not alone in room because my Dog Bruno is also here fooling around in my bed. He's currently chasing his own tail like a madman.

Suddenly, someones knocked at the door.

"Come in."

I thought it was Dad.

"Seventh. The event was about to start in a minute." He said. Coble was my long time servant since when hes fourteen years old until now that hes Twenty-four years old already. He knows me well than my Dad. He's like my human Diary.

I nodded and turned to face him. "Don't call me Seventh." I rolled my eyes.

"But My lady, when someone heard me not calling you with that name, they will kill me."

If I don't know this jerk I might be fooled by his drama. "Stop the bullshit Coble. Its better than being killed by me." I stared at him then he burst into laughed.

Crazy punk he is.

"Your serious face looks so funny! Hahaha! I wonder why others get cold chills by your face!" He said between his laughs. He's eyes was nearly disappearing.

I made a poker face as always. I am finding some goddam shortcomings on his appearance but to no avail. Oh, except to his habit when he laughs. He always made a windshield sound in his laugh.

He only stopped when my dog jumped out of my bed and run towards him to lick his hand.

"Oh shit! You startled me." He exclaimed and quickly went behind me.

"Really Coble? Untill now you're scared to Bruno?" I said while patting Brunos head. The dog wiggled his tail.

"He's scarier than Mr. Agnus." He's voice got chills.

"Over reacting."

"I'm not!" He argued.

"Whatever Coble."

We both looked at the door when someone called me.


"Mr. Agnus." We both mouthed when we looked each other.

Coble opened the door. As expected, its Mr. Agnus.

He bowed at me first before facing Coble. "What took you so long to come down?"

Coble was about to hold onto my arm when he stopped halfway because of the death glare throwns by Mr. Agnus.

"I told him to stay." I said, saving Cobles Ass.

He faced me and bowed his head, showing his respect. "Seventh. 45 seconds and be ready."

"Noted Mr. Agnus." He left after.

I patted Cobles shoulder who's now turning into statue. He never blinked.

"You can now breathe. Youre turning into Eggplant."

He exhaled heavily while holding his chest. "He became scarier than before after his 55th birthday.

I smirked. "I thought Brunos scarier than Mr. Agnus?"

"Well, your Dog can be compared to a Dinosaur." He said nonsensically while looking disgusted at my dog.

Ahh..Really this guy! Who's person in the sane mind will get scared to a Shitzu? Right, Coble will be the candidate. He's a crazy weird punk.

Twenty Seconds. I faced my mirror. I look...umm...I better ask Coble.

I faced him. He's now doing a staring contest with my Dog.

"What do you think?" I said calling his attention

I turned around.

I'm wearing a color Violet Saint Laurent haute couture gown with touch of faded black color on its lower layer. It was above the knee. My hair was sophisticatedly tied up in a bun. I'm only wearing light make up.

He poses like thinking deeply. His right hand under his chin while staring at me. "Uhmm..remember those good-looking girls in every fashion week event?"

"I don't even remember what I ate in my lunch and do you expect me to remember those girls in that even I never fucking watch?" I said sternly, and squinting my eyes to what he just said.

He made face. "Boring."

"Wow, coming from you huh?! So what can you say about my look?" I said, not minding his comment. I turned around for the second time.

"Remember those good-looking girls in--"

"Kill yourself or I'll kill you?" I said impatiently.

"You'd never let me finish my introduction… Psh."

"What now?" I crossed my arms.

"You're just..." He looked at me from bottom to top.

"looking." He continued boringly then turned to his gaze to his watch.

That's it. I had enough. I reached for the nearest sharp object I've seen. Unfortunate for him, there's a dagger beside my table.

I quickly throw it from where he's standing but he effortlessly avoided it.

"Not on my wide open eyes Ellaine." He said while acting proud to what hed did.

"All thanks to me Coble." Since I was Ten, I've already been taught combat and other stuffs about martial arts, I was also teaching it to Coble, though, before he became my Butler he had already some knowledge about it.

Five seconds, youll become the Empress. I know. Darn that title.

Let's go. He opened the door for me.

I took a deep breath before I'd step my feet.

"After the initiation Ceremony, expect many hard things will happen. I clenched my fist. "You know the saying, with great powers comes great responsibility." I looked at him. He and his obsession in Hollywood dialogs.

"Why you're silent?"

"Nobody plans murder out loud." He raised his both hands as a signed of surrender.

We're already near at the entrance from where I'm going step out once they'd call me. Someone's already giving the introduction remarks. Everybody is silent except for those clinking sounds on nowhere.

"This evening, we come together to witness the crowning of our new MAKER."

I rolled my eyes after I've heard the speech. Seventh, Mistress, Empressand now, Maker? How many names they have to call me?

"The organization, waited for 20 years for the rise of the Seventh Empress that will lead us toward our goal. But before anything else, in commemoration for the late Empress J. we decided to make the crowning on her 20th Death anniversary. Let us kneel down and give respect to the late Empress J."

Coble kneeled down without hesitation.

His eyebrow rose when he noticed that I'm not obeying the speaker.

"What are you waiting? Kneel down." He whispered to me.

"Why should I?" I asked while standing still. I don't get it. Why do I have to kneel down for a person I haven't even seen?

"Stonehead. You must obey what they are saying." He said, annoyed.

"I'm horribly bad at doing something I'm told about to do."

"Why did I bother to talk to you." he then facepalm out of frustration.

Whatever, Im supposed to make the command, not the other way around. After a while, they continue the Initiation speech.

"Bow your head as we welcome the HIGHER. Mr. William Valorem." Everyone applaud after the speaker mentioned the Higher's name. No one can give me chills like this except for this person. My godfather. The boss of all bosses of the Mafia.

No one dared to make any noise. Only his footsteps could be heard in the hall.

"Are you okay?" He worriedly asked when he saw me hold the handle in the stairs for support to my trembling knees.

"I'm fine." I quickly respond, gathering all my strength.

"Associates, Soldiers, Caporegimes, Consigliere, primes and Emperor, Good evening." His cold deep voice echoed all over the hall. We are like listening to a dead man, even the sound of his finger tapping to the podium created fear and nervous to all people present in the event.

"We hold the title of being the most ferocious, powerful and the Mafia of all mafias since the reign of the late first Empress of our organization. You are all aware of how much power and dignity possessed by the women in our family. They are incomparable even in precious jewels and diamonds."

I've already read this story in one of the Valorems Mafia Book in our library before. Back in the late 18th century, our late ancestor named Regina Valorem established the organization. It was all because to his husband why'd she gathered people who rebels and tottaly opposing to the Italian government. Yeah, our bloodline originally came from Italy. His husband was wrongly accused for the crime he didn't do. She asked any help for the government but she got nothing but prejudice. So she made up her mind, the government was totally sucks and rotten. She wants to make her own law, not to obey someone's ruling. her perseverance, determination, and anger added fuels to made all of her dream come to life and make her own people, law, and government. And later she called 'The Valorems Cosa Nostra' meaning..."Our thing" with the pledge Taking sides are not our thing. We make them."

"We are thirsty for an Empire ruled by an Empress for almost 20 long years. But now that the Seventh is all ready to be the MAKER, we will no longer be in mishaps. At this very moment, like how the moon outshined the sun. We will bounce back higher after our painful downfall."

I clenched my fist and shook my head to remove the dizziness I've felt.

"Hey, you okay?" He stood rushly and hold me at my back.

"I nodded." If I would talk, I might throw up. I don't know whats wrong with me. I suddenly felt a nerve wracking headache to the extent that I might faint any minute. IMueyes became blurry. What the fuck.

I gathered my strength to remain mighty. Why I haven't heard any news about the downfall thingy of the organization? Oh right, there's no entry about the happenings in our Mafia in the time of the late Empress J. AND WHO THE HECK SHE IS ANYWAY? I haven't seen any trace of her in Map of the Mafia. Its so freaking mysterious.

"As the moon rise, I now command the Seventh Empress, Ms. Vivian Ellaine Valorem to take over the entire empire. Your highness, it is your time to make a shine."

This is the cue for me to step out. I took a deep breath. This is my fate. To be tied up in a thrown I never even dared to dream about. Since I was a kid, as far as I can remember, I'm already aware of what kind of family I have. I have already learned on how the family works. Its too complicated to explain and to deadly to know.

I was taught to grow my thorns so when I'm finally sitting at the thrown, no one would dare to come before me and steal my power. I was taught to make my angel sleep inside me so no one would dare to use me for their own benefit. I build walls up so high around me so no one could dare to reach me. I was taught to be stronger so that even hell would doesn't deserve me.

"Congratulations, Empress." Coble said before kneeling down, bending only his right knee infront of me.

I smiled a little and muttered thank you to him.

I closed my eyes before finally stepping out. Applaud from the crowds was enough to burst my ears.

I know from the beginning, I was born to be a MAKER.

--To be continued.