
The Angel War

In the wake of the Angel War that ravaged the world centuries ago, the Holy Angels emerged triumphant, wresting control from their longstanding adversaries. The majority of the defeated fallen angels perished in the cataclysmic conflict, their presence vanquished from the realm. However, ancient legends whispered of a mystical force capable of harnessing the essence of the fairies, a force that could potentially aid in the resurgence of the fallen angels. Now, in the present day, the Holy Angels set their sights on purifying the vast and forsaken land that is Lost Continent. Within this lawless expanse, where the concept of a rule of law has been supplanted by the dominion of wealth, three mighty corporations have risen to prominence: Jackson Enterprises, Taira Trading Company, and Miguel Trading Company. Each corporation exerts its influence and vies for power, weaving intricate webs of manipulation and intrigue. Enter Ethan, a young man whose life is shrouded in mystery. Gifted with unparalleled swordsmanship skills from a tender age, Ethan's past is mired in darkness. At the age of eighteen, burdened by the weight of an alleged patricidal act committed under unknown circumstances, he abandons his village and embarks on a perilous journey that leads him to the sprawling city. There, his reputation as a skilled and merciless assassin begins to take root, attracting the attention of the city's influential enterprises. As Ethan's journey unfolds, his path intertwines with a diverse cast of allies and comrades. United by fate, they find themselves thrust into the center of a grand narrative that will shape the destiny of the world. Together, they will face the resurgence of both the Holy Angels and the Fallen Angels, forces that threaten to plunge the realm into chaos once more.

KageOng · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

The Meeting with President Taira

After days of travel, the group finally arrived at the city of Taira, home to the renowned Taira Trading Company. The city appeared more organized and structured, with its citizens displaying a high level of fashion and a focus on their appearance. However, they quickly noticed the apparent animosity between the people of Taira and those from Jackson City. The citizens of Taira held a negative perception of the people from Jackson, considering them dirty and violent. On the other hand, they idolized the powerful woman who built the Taira Trading Company from scratch—President Taira herself.

Curious about the city and its inhabitants, the group engaged in conversations with the citizens, learning about their admiration for President Taira and her empire. They marveled at her accomplishments and the way she had transformed the city.

Motivated by their mission, the group made their way to the grand headquarters of the Taira Trading Company—a massive building located in the heart of the city. Approaching the reception counter, they expressed their desire to meet with President Taira.

Jessica: "Is President Taira in her office?"

Receptionist: "And who may you be?"

Ethan: "We are from Jackson City, and we would like to speak with President Taira."

Receptionist: "Jackson City... Have you made any appointment?"

Ethan: "No, we haven't."

Receptionist: "I'm sorry, but I cannot arrange a meeting with our president without an appointment."

Ethan, growing annoyed: "Please inform your president that I have the DNA sample from the ZGene project. If she is not interested, then I will leave now."

Receptionist: "Please wait for a moment."

The receptionist picked up the phone and relayed the news to someone on the other end. After a brief exchange, the receptionist looked back at the group.

Receptionist: "President Taira would like to meet with you. Please follow me."

With a mix of anticipation and curiosity, the group followed the receptionist, who led them to the elevator. The elevator ascended, carrying them to President Taira's office on the top floor of the building.

As the doors opened, they found themselves in an elegant and spacious office. President Taira, an imposing figure with a commanding presence, sat behind a large desk. Taira had blonde hair and appeared to be around 30 years old. She exuded an aura of authority and confidence. Her secretary, Michelle, stood beside her in a blue dress.

Taira: "I believe you are Ethan Hawke? The famous assassin from Jackson City? You mentioned the ZGene DNA sample is in your hands? What about Seifer?"

Ethan: "You can make a guess."

Taira: "You killed him?"

Ethan: "It's business. Nothing personal."

Taira: "And why have you come here today?"

Ethan: "I come to fulfill a wish from Seifer just before he died. He wanted me to hand over this ZGene DNA sample to you."

Taira: "And?"

Ethan: "500k."

Michelle, Taira's secretary, voices her objection: "You killed our people and dare to come here to demand payment?"

Ethan: "This is my job. I do things for people who hire me. Now the DNA sample is in my hands. If you're not interested, I believe there are more people outside who would like to get their hands on this."

Taira: "Very well. The fact that you were able to kill Seifer proves that your abilities are above his. I will pay for the DNA sample. But do you know the conspiracy behind the ZGene project?"

Ethan: "That is not really my business."

Taira: "I believe you guys know that Jackson Enterprise has secretly captured people to conduct human experiments for the ZGene project?"

Jessica: "Yes... My husband is one of the victims of the human experiments."

Taira: "Most of those who were captured will not survive. The hot-selling DNA plug-in project is also a tool they use to modify the human genetic code in order to be able to control humans in the end."

Jane: "Did they really manage to do that?"

Taira: "Yes. And the worst part is, recently there have been quite a few monsters appearing everywhere around the world. There are rumors that these monsters started appearing after some experiment went wrong in Jackson Enterprise's lab."

Jane: "You mean the appearance of these monsters is related to Jackson Enterprise?"

Taira: "It's highly possible. That's why I am closely monitoring anything related to the ZGene DNA project from Jackson Enterprise."

Taira continues: "Ethan, besides paying you for the DNA sample, I want to hire you for another 100k. I want you to protect and accompany my secretary, Michelle, to Miguel Trading Company."

Ethan: "Miguel Trading? Why?"

Taira: "There's no time to delay now. Out of the three top organizations on this continent, Jackson Enterprise is at the top, followed by me, and then Miguel Trading in third place. As my power alone is still too weak to fight against Jackson Enterprise, I want to send my secretary to establish an alliance with Miguel Trading."

Ethan ponders deeply.

Jane: "Ethan, let us agree to this. This matter is important for all humans in this world. It's more meaningful than the assassination work you did before."

Ethan: "Very well. I accept this mission."

Taira: "Thank you, Ethan."

Taira turns to Michelle: "Michelle, I will rely on you to establish an alliance with Miguel. You know what to do."

Michelle: "Yes, President!"

Taira continues: "There's one more matter. I received news that the town of Saila was attacked by monsters this morning. I want you to investigate the situation and report back to me. The town is on your way to Miguel Trading, so it should be a convenient stop."

Michelle: "Understood."