
The Angel Spoils Me On My Way To The Top

Haruto Watanabe a person who failed to achive his dream in being a pro volleyball player gets another shot in the world of Haikyuu. Will the spark that he lost be re-ignited and reach the top or fail once again. Maybe an angel will be the one that will help him reach the top to be the best. [I don't own anything except OC} [Cover art was found on google] (This is my first time writing so I may not have the best grammer but I will try my best to improve)

_Kirirei_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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127 Chs

Tokyo Practice Match

Near someplace on the outskirts of Tokyo, a bus filled with people stopped it's tracks near a gymnasium. The people inside the bus started to become excited getting to see a new view compared to what they're used to.

"Is.. that the Tokyo Skytree!?"

"No, that's a normal transmission tower."

Tanaka and Nishinoya excitedly yelled out as they looked at their surroundings. Nekoma's vice captain corrected the two, earning the giggles of the people around him.

"Finally made it here playboy~"

"Shut up you damn rooster."

Haruto and Kuroo gave each other a quick fist bump while smiling as it had been a while since they last saw each other.

"Where's Bokuto and the other guys, are we early?"

"Nope, coach just sent us two to greet you guys. The rest of them are inside already warming up. They're pretty excited to meet you and the others."

"Yeah I could tell by the amount of messages Bokuto and Daiki sent in the group chat."

Haruto laughed as he remembered yesterday that he had to mute his phone since it kept on giving him notifications from the two excited guys.

They started to walk to the entrance of the gym to where everyone else was until Kuroo noticed that some people were missing. Especially the energetic shrimpy and their eternal scowl face setter.

"Umm aren't you missing some people?"

"...I will just say that they will come later since they have to finish up their supplementary classes…"

Haruto covered his face remembering how on the english exam, Hinata forgot to space out his answers and put them all in the wrong positions. With Kageyama he forgot to put a symbol at the start of some of his math equations and got the wrong answers for the majority of it.

"So will someone be dropp-"


Kuroo was about to ask Haruto how they were going to come to practice matches but he was interrupted by a loud shout that caught the attention of everyone near them.

"They multiplied… now there's a pretty one, a cute one and a beautiful one…"

A guy with a yellow mohawk fell to his knees after seeing Karasuno's three managers walking with the group who were just about to go inside. Kiyoko and Mahiru stood in front of Yachi to protect her and stared sternly at the guy who was on his knees.

"Look closely Tora… This is the true power of Karasuno!!"

"True power…"

Tanaka laughed at the stunned Yamamoto while everyone just walked past them going inside the gym.

As they entered the sounds of shoes hitting the clean floor and balls bouncing became more prominent with each person looking at the doors to see who came in. Haruto looked around and saw a few people approach him and Kuroo.

"Hey, hey, hey!! Haruto you finally arrived, it took you forever!"

"Tsk, now I can see why Kuroo calls you a playboy.."

"Once again ignore this guy's nonsense. It's nice to meet you in person, Haruto."

Haruto gave each one of them a fist bump as it was nice to meet the faces of the guys who he was chatting to for the past few weeks in person. Just like how they sent their messages, they gave off the same energy in real life.

"You guys can start your warm ups and then we can start with the practice matches. Oh yeah just to let you know, you will have to do some penalties if your team loses."

Kuroo began to explain how the system works to the people of Karasuno and they went to an empty court near the left side to start warm ups. As they were warming up, a tall person with silver hair was staring at their team.

Haruto grabbed a ball and peppered with Sugawara who he asked to be his partner as Kageyama, who was usually the one to do it with him, wasn't there. Getting his body slightly warmed up with the constant movement, Ukai called them and explained the lineup.

"I will have Sugawara as the setter and Yamaguchi as the middle, since Kageyama and Hinata are currently not here. The first team we will be facing will be Ubugawa High School."

Ukai said as he stared at the piece of paper he was holding that contained the rotations for each of the games that they will play today.

The team nodded and got onto the court where Ubugawa will be playing. Haruto who was at the front since they had first serve, saw Masaki right in front of him.

"It looks like I will be playing against you first."

"I hope we have a fun game."

Haruto smiled at Misaki who also gave a smile back to him. They waited in their positions until they saw the ref blow his whistle to start their first practice match for the day.


Asahi served the ball as he usually did and the opposite side gave a pass to their setter. With some of their tall members who were by the net, ran backwards so they could get an approach in.

The setter got the ball and gave a quick set towards the middle trying to squeeze through their blocks. Haruto joined Tsukishima as both of them jumped to try and kill the ball since the ball was well in their range.

The middle saw the arms that quickly covered the net and saw the chance to do a cross since his left side was open with no blockers in the way.

"I got it!" Nishinoya quickly shuffled his feet as he saw the direction the middle was going to hit. He passed the ball towards Sugawara who paused for a bit and looked at his side of the court.

'Haruto likes a quicker set towards the antenna..'

Sugawara gave a fast set towards the outside of the court where Haruto was ready to hit.

Haruto ran his approach and swung his relaxed arms up to get that momentum he could use to transfer into his swinging arm. With the ball approaching he saw that the blockers were pretty quick to block.

'Solid blockers…here should be a good place to hit.'

Haruto intently watched the arms that reached over the net and swung his arm going towards the deep corner of the right side. The ball quickly dove towards the area Haruto aimed at and bounced past the receiver who was late to react.

"Wheew he still packs that same heavy firepower as before."

Kuroo gave out an exaggerated whistle as he saw the first point Haruto got for his team during their first play.

"That was a good set Sugawara."

"Thanks, I always saw how Kageyama always gives you a fast set near the antenna so I tried to give you a similar one."

Sugawara gave a high five to Haruto and smiled knowing that he was able to give a set that his hitter wanted. The game continued and Asahi did another serve where just as last time their opponents got it up.

"Misaki, get one here!"

Their setter called out and Misaki ran quickly towards the area between the middle and outside getting in place to hit the ball. He swung and hit off the block of Tsukishima and Sugawara which went out.

Karasuno gathered around and said not to mind and got ready to receive the ball that was going to come to them.

Misaki who rotated to the back row bounced the ball behind the attack line and threw the ball in the air and did his serve.

He slammed the ball and it quickly dipped as it got past the net. It went in the direction of Haruto who got down low and stretched his arms to get under the ball.

"Geez he sure has an intense serve."

Haruto smiled as he passed the fast serve towards Sugawara. This made Misaki's lips twitch as he thought in his head that he would need to practice his serves even more.

Sugawara jumped up and gave a quick set towards the middle and Tsukishima got past the blocker but the receivers on the other end got the ball up. They set towards their outside and Sugawara got a touch on the ball.

The ball flew out and Asahi quickly tried to pass the ball but only managed to get the ball up so Sugawara could have time to reach the ball.

"Outside! They're out of system!"

The guys on the other side called out as Sugawara pushed the ball towards the outside to get Haruto the last ball.

'The ball is too far from the net, I can't make a full approach.'

Haruto thought as he analayed the toss that was given to him and just jumped up to do a roll shot in an awkward position on the court for them to get.

As they saw that Haruto was going to do a roll shot, they peeled off the net and received the ball, to which they used it to attack and got a point off it.

'I should find a way to hit those kinds of out of system balls..'

Haruto thought back to his previous play and took a note of it in his head, he returned to his position and got ready to receive the upcoming serve.

Misaki once again bounced the ball and did another strong serve but this time it curved towards the right side. Nishinoya got the ball up and the rest of the players on their side, got ready to hit.

'This is fun.. I can't wait to play against the other teams.'

Haruto's smile grew as he got into position to approach the ball and got excited by the teams he would get the chance to play with today.


Yaya Tokyo practice games, I hope you enjoyed it. Peacu