
The Angel of Death - Chapter 3 - Hannibal x OC

She had been having sessions with Dr Lecter for the last three weeks. She was in awe of him, but still reluctant to talk. Everything that had happened was still groggy to her, coming back in bits and pieces through their sessions.

She enjoyed being in his presence, sometimes they talked about what happened, other times they talked about their interests and her history. He was reluctant to open up to her, though she believed that to be part of the psychiatrist role.

The voice in her head was louder than ever, screaming almost when she was alone in her cell, the only time she had away from it was when she was in session. When she was talking to Dr Lecter. It was the only time she felt human.

Will Graham was still visiting. Though she refused to see him. He came with Dr Lecter each time, standing outside the door. Dr Lecter asked her, each time if he could attend their sessions, she refused each time. There was something about him that made her uneasy, the sympathetic look on his face each time she saw him through the door, it angered her. She was not a victim. But she was?

She had no control over what she had done. Killing her parents. She had come to terms with it. She had no control but was responsible. One of her inner conflicts. Was she a victim? Was she a murderer? She had loved her parents, she hadn't had a bad upbringing, her parents loved her. She went on family holidays, enjoyed family parties with her cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents. Her diagnosis had come from nowhere. One of her cousins had apparently tried to make contact but wasn't allowed visitation rights until it was approved by Dr Lecter. He didn't believe she was ready for the encounter.

She sat there; her wrists shackled to her chair, but ankles unbound. Dr Lecter had agreed with them to allow her that freedom.

'Hello Luna.' Dr Lecter walked through the door, again, Will Graham behind him. 'I ask again, as I do each session. Detective Graham would like to join in on this session, will you oblige?'

She took in Hannibal's appearance, his pristine suit, his stoic appearance. And Graham's, messy brown hair, his glasses skewed on his face and a suit laced with dog hairs and even dirt in some places.

'Sure.' She could see the surprised expression gracing Hannibal's features. Only for a second before his stoic mask once again became present. Will's face was dawned with an appreciative smile before sitting in the seat opposite her. Dr Lecter sitting to her left. The anger boiled in her once again, Dr Lecter should be the one to sit opposite her. Her guardian angel should have the main seat.

Her thoughts had become twisted these days, living in an almost fantasy world. She had almost forgotten what it was to think in a sensible manner.

Will Graham looked intently at her, ready to start his line of questioning. She glanced at Dr Lecter, her comfort before gazing at Detective Graham, fear growing in her chest. If Hannibal was her angel, was Will the devil?