

Samuel Anderson has a dream in which he sees the resurrection of a terrifying witch. He initially wakes up believing it to be an ordinary Nightmare but when the other young members of his family begin to have similar dreams, he believes an evil plot is afoot...

Edwin_Bozie · Fantaisie
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44 Chs


"I missed her. I promised to be there but I didn't keep my promise" Sam squeezed his fists tighter. "She must think I'm a monster" Sam said.

"Don't worry Sam, I'm sure she thinks you're as bad as Dark Gryphon" George said.

"And which part of this is supposed to make me feel better?!" Sam roared breathing a jet of fire from his mouth.

George had to jump out of the way.

"Why do I always almost become barbecue whenever you're in a rage?!" George asked.

"It's because you have ridiculous ideas" Sam said.

"Suddenly, I'm feeling scared. What if I never see Jane again?" Sam asked.

"Ha! I could help you find her" John said.

"How?!" Sam asked.

John looked intently at Sam.

"I'm not going to tell you" John said plainly.

"What?!" the others exclaimed.

"WHY NOT?!" Sam questioned in anger.

"Sam, if we're going to do this, we'll need to use our powers" John said.

"I can wear my armour and make myself invisible" Sam suggested. "It's a foolproof plan".

"Actually…it's not" John said.

"You're beginning to sound a lot like Sam when he's all high and mighty" George said.

"Wha..?! I act high and mighty?" Sam tried to argue. "Okay, you got me there, what's wrong with the 'armour plan'?" Sam asked.

"So you think the armour plan is foolproof. Let me ask you, where are the armour, the sword and the shield?" John asked.

"The Armour turned into my Golden Dragon Suit and the sword and shield sort of became accessories. Actually, the shield disappeared. It must have become part of the suit" Sam said thoughtfully.

"Uh huh…and where is your suit exactly?" John asked.

Then Sam realized what John was getting at. Their costumes had vanished after they returned from Dinogon.

"I see" Sam said plainly.

George looked at Sam. Sam looked dispirited.

"Hey Sam, I know you think my ideas are ridiculous but what about the book?" George asked.

"Which one? Bedtime stories or the Big Bad Red Book Of Light and Shadow?" Sam said glumly.

"I mean the Big Bad…hey, how come you get to name it" George said.

"Anyways, what I'm saying is that if the book can tell us of Supernatural Disasters before they happen, maybe it can tell us about our powers and with more info, something might help us find her" George said.

"That's actually a very good idea, the best you've come up with for ages" Sam said.

"Hey! It's not my fault you're such a clueless guy when it comes to your girlfriend" George said and punched Sam in the chest.

He quickly withdrew his fist and yelled

"Ow! How come your pendant is the only thing that didn't vanish? Besides, I've began to realize that my powers are slowly diminishing" George said.

"You too? My light wasn't as strong as it was supposed to be when I zapped you" Lucy said.

"What?! Were you trying to kill us?!" George yelled at Lucy.

"I know for sure that Skittles didn't bite George nearly as hard as I ordered and when I tried to hypnotize the Spiders into lying on Lucy's bed while she slept, they didn't respond" John said.

"YOU WHAT?!" George and Lucy exclaimed at once.

"Hey guys, GUYS! Can we stick with the programme?! School Library, Big Bad Red Book Of Light and Shadow?" Sam reminded.

It was a Sunday so the school was closed therefore Sam and the others tried to sneak in. Finally, they reached the Library. Shockingly enough, it was open.

"Lucky huh?" John whispered.

Lucy nodded.

"Okay, let's go in" Sam said as he began to walk towards the open door but Nancy pulled him back.

"I sense someone in there. What would anyone be doing at the School Library on a Sunday?" Nancy wondered.

"Sheesh guys, it's a Library" John said and walked inside.

"John wait! You don't know who's in there!" Lucy called.

Sam ran after John and the others followed. When they entered the Library, what they saw nearly made them faint. The Book Of Light and Shadow was in the hands of the Librarian, Miss Emily Jones. When she saw them, she quickly put the book down.

"Uh…hi. What are you guys doing here today?" she asked.

"We were about to ask you the same thing" Lucy said with a pretend smile.

She had never really liked Miss Jones though her dislike was for no particular reason.

"You came to have a look at this book huh? You guys have read it twice but when I flip it, the pages are blank" she said showing the blank pages to the Andersons.

As the Andersons watched, words and pictures slowly began to materialize. Sam gulped. Suddenly, Miss Jones smiled. Sam gulped again.

"Did she see the words?" he wondered.

"Finally, I have been waiting for you for so long. I know of your power and destinies and I know that you will stop the creeping shadows for good" she said.

"Say what?" George asked.

"Did I just hear right? Say again?" John said.

"Is she possessed or what?" Lucy asked.

Miss Jones laughed at that.

"Don't worry, I'm not a demon or devil or monster" she said. "This book was given to me by a man who named himself…" she paused.

"What? Named himself what?" Sam asked eagerly.

"The Golden Dragon!" Miss Jones said.

"WHAT?! THE ORIGINAL GOLDEN DRAGON WAS HERE?!" all the Andersons exclaimed together.

"'Two years from now, a great terror will come forth, one that can only be stopped by the united powers of the new Guardians and the Neutral Brothers'. That was exactly what he said two years ago, then he asked me to hand the book to the people that could read it. Then a day later, you guys came and read it. I was shocked because anytime I opened it, the pages were blank" Miss Jones said handing the book over to them. "So here, take it, use its insight to save the world" Miss Jones said and handed the book over to them. "I'll help as much as I can but it's your destiny" Miss Jones said.

The teens nodded and headed back home.

"So who wants to have a peek into the Big Bad Red Book Of Light and Shadow first" George asked.

"I can't believe it's actually ours now" Lucy said.

Sam quickly snatched the Book from George and opened the first page. Suddenly, the book began to glow and as the Anderson teens watched, five spirits zoomed out of the book and moved towards each of the Anderson teens. Suddenly the book began to speak;

"By opening the pages of this Book Of Fate

A dreadful task you must undertake

Receive the gifts of these Spirits Of Light

And lead the world in this Divine Fight

Stop the Darkness, end the Sorrow

Or no more will there be tomorrow"

With this, the spirits entered the teens and there was a brilliant flash. When the flash ended the teens were wearing their costumes.

"Wow! And we're not in some sort of parallel universe too!" John exclaimed in excitement.

"Now John, how do we find Jane?" Sam asked.

"Well, in the book there's this page that talks specifically of my powers. As you all know, I can talk to animals" John was saying.

"Will you get to the point already?" Sam said impatiently.

"You can't find Jane without me so shut it, you're not the boss of me" John said.

Sam was about to argue but he kept silent and just glared at John.

"My powers have been divided into three categories that have been named; THE AQUA CALL, THE GAEIAN CALL and THE TERRA CALL, which is what we'll use, oh, and I forgot to add my power to heal" John bragged.

"Sheesh, one look in the book and he thinks he's above everyone else" George thought.

Suddenly, a flash filled the whole room.

"Luce! Stop trying to blind us!" Sam yelled.

"Seems like my powers are back to full blast" Lucy said happily.

At that statement, John looked at her and grinned.

"Luce, be expecting eight legged freaks on your bed this evening" John threatened.

Lucy's smile turned into a frown.

"Don't you dare!" Lucy threatened.

"Lucy, before you zap me with Light, take a look at your hands" John said.

Everyone turned to look at Lucy's hands.

"AAH! YUCK! GET THEM OFF ME!" Lucy screamed for on Lucy's hands sat ten big Tarantula.

"In the time you have to charge up your light and zap me, I can order these things to bite you eight times each" John threatened.

"I give up" Lucy pleaded and the Tarantula jumped off and made for the ceiling.

"So what's the Terra Call and how can it help us?" Sam asked.

"It's a special kind of Sonic Wave that can be used to summon flying creatures" John exclaimed.

Sam's jaw dropped.

"That's it? You call a bunch of birds? That's your brilliant plan a-and you were bragging as though you knew exactly where to find Jane" Sam said.

"That's because I already know that I'll know where to find Jane" John said.

"Geez, when will a guy get a thank you for trying to find the girl I love but dumped? Is that too much to ask?!" John yelled putting a lot of emphasis on the fact that it was Sam that dumped Jane.

"B-But a bunch of birds?" Sam asked unable to grasp the sense in such a senseless plan.

"Sam, the only things that could have possibly seen the Powers' new residence is birds and I can talk to them so if you don't mind, please give me some credit" John said impatiently.

"Fine, but can you call birds from Troit as well?" Sam asked.

"Sam, Sam, Sammy, I can call birds from Africa, Asia and even Australia" John said.

"Fine, but which way is Troit?" Sam asked.

"Who cares? I'll just call all of 'em!" John said.

Moments later.

"Sheesh, call all of 'em huh? Did I really say that? I definitely have to commend the guy who invented the saying 'easier said than done'. I never thought this would be so hard" John complained after trying the Terra call for the fifth time.

Sam slapped his forehead.

"And you were boasting as though you'd already mastered the calls" George complained.

"This would be so much easier if I were doing it for a really cute girl" John sighed.

At that statement Lucy, Sam and George descended a rain of heavy blows on his head.

"You can think of girls at a time like this?" Lucy growled.

"Hey, it's not my fault that someone HERE dumped his GIRLFRIEND" John once again rubbed it in.

At that statement Sam had an idea, a cruel but rather effective idea.

"John, you really don't have to do this" he said.

"Huh?" everyone turned to look at him as though he'd lost his mind.

"Really, it's not like I'm dying to see Jane again" Sam continued.

"Huh?!" everyone repeated.

"Jane's old news! I've got this new girl, much more pretty" Sam continued.


Suddenly Sam scowled at John, a very angry scowl.

"What? What have I done?" John asked in confusion.

"Sam? Why are you glaring at John?" Nancy asked.

Sam sighed.

"Well, it's just that she's really interested in John. She ignores me and the only time she ever spoke to me was when she found out that John and I were really close and she asked me to help her get his attention" Sam said with a frown while waiting for John's reaction.

"Really? Wow, this is unbelievable!" John exclaimed in excitement.

"She saw you at the beach and apparently, she's been watching you. G-eorge even met her" Sam said stressing George's name to get his attention.

"Sam which girl…" George was saying when he caught drift of what Sam was up to. "OOOH! THAT GIRL HUH?! Yeah, we forgot to tell you John. She looks divine but…" George paused.

"BIG BUT…"Sam emphasized.

"What?! Tell me!" John asked eagerly.

"She was Jane's cousin that came on a visit and I caught a glimpse of her as they left together" Sam said and then he faced John and saw a serious look in John's eye, the look John had right before he healed Saurian.

Sam smiled in satisfaction.


"I see" John said as he clenched a fist.

John raised his other hand to his mouth in the shape of an 'O' by joining the tip of his thumb to the tip of his forefinger and then he opened his mouth and a loud shriek escaped his lips. The cry of an eagle or falcon. Everyone covered their ears as tightly as they could as a loud voice called.

"Creatures of the Sky and Wind! COME TO ME!"

Suddenly, a flight of falcons swooped down from the Sky and landed in front of John. One perched on John's shoulder.

"We know where she is" the falcon whispered.