
The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. =================================== This is a Harry/multi story that includes Lily and his twin OC sisters. Don't read if it ain't your cup of tea. Harry will be with various women but his eventual relationship will include his family and two or three other witches, I haven't fully decided yet but definitely happy to take suggestions. Lots of lemons and smut with some plot throughout. (No smut in the first few chapters). First chapter is short but they get longer as we go along. ********************************************************* I'm posting this story as the original creator of this work apparently deleted all of their work from his website and I found the approach to this story pretty good and I've seen many others on the internet looking for this story as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ So just ENJOY THE STORY!!!

NoName2021 · Livres et littérature
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42 Chs

Chapter 40

They spoke at length the next day with the other women about their plans. And they all readily agreed. Tracy had shown up the previous night and was staying away from her mother. She was extremely upset about being left at home while her mother and future husband risked their lives to fight a megalomaniac.

"Any and I have been working on trying to get things changed from inside the ministry. With you I think we can actually make those changes," said Bellatrix, "if this starts another war then so be it, we have Aurors who can be trusted and will be on your side."

Amelia was slightly hesitant at first, they were talking treason at the moment. It was one thing getting policies changed and building up a proper law enforcement force, it was another using those resources against the ministry.

"We have worked very hard for changes, but you're right if other races like the high elves and Veela are forced to either hide or give up their way of life for us humans then things really do need to change. Our focus on "humans first" is and always has been a prejudiced practice." Said Amelia.

She sighed, "I will help you."

Harry smiled as the others all agreed to do what they could to help.

"Harry, you mentioned that you could feel the dark marks of all of them, I suppose they're your death eaters now," said Laura.

Harry nodded, "yeah I can, it takes a bit to ignore the connection but I do see them."

"If you had someone with a dark mark you could summon another couldn't you?" Asked the Elf Queen.

"I suppose so, why?"

"Why don't we have your potions professor give us a quick visit and we can use his mark to summon Theodore Nott senior and Damien Greengrass. You can have the betrothal contract between his son and Daphne transferred under your ownership. That requires both parties to agree and well, I doubt they would defy their master."

"About that, I'm definitely going to do it but why is Lord Greengrass a death eater? I thought his family helped yours against the dark elves?"

"I wish to find that out myself, Damien changed after he became friends with Nott. Anastasia has kept her distance from him since he took the mark, as much as she could anyway. She wanted to leave him after finding a way to free her daughter from Nott. So far no luck."

Harry smiled another MILF for me then. The Greengrass women will be mine by the end of the day.

It was agreed that Lily would send a not.to Snape to meet at the Potter Cottage. Harry would be with her while Laura, Bellatrix, and Amelia were all invisible and would reveal themselves after the other death eaters were called.

Snape arrived promptly as they all knew he would for Lily. He was let in by their house-elf and brought to the two Potters.

"Lily, my-" Snapes eyes went wide, he was about to call Potter my lord. "what happened?" He asked his face full of fear.

"Well Snivelus, I'm your master now. You are bound to me by the oath you made to my mother as well as the oath you made to Voldemort, I have fully integrated the remaining bits of his soul into mine."

"Then… then you are the dark lord now?" He asked.

"Essentially yes and surprisingly I still have some use for you. I'm going to use your mark to summon a couple of your friends. None of this gets back to Dumbledore, by the way, that's an order. The old man means well most of the time but he wouldn't be very cooperative with what I am hoping to accomplish."

"What would that be? Taking the place of the former dark lord?" Asked Snape.

"I don't think you should be speaking to your master that way," said Lily speaking for the first time during the conversation.

"Show me your arm Snivelous."

Snape walked over to Harry and bowed his head while pulling up the sleeve on his left hand to reveal the dark mark.

Harry pointed his wand to the mark and hissed causing Snape to hell out in agony.

Less than 30 seconds later both Notts had apparated directly into the living room.

"Interesting this went straight through our wards. Will need to study up on that," said Harry.

"What? My lord?" Asked the elder Nott confused to see the people in front of him.

Nott junior was also confused and afraid wondering why his father was referring to Harry Potter as his lord.

"We are waiting for a few more guests Nott. I instructed Greengrass to bring his entire family. That may take a moment."

It didn't take as long as they expected, Damien Greengrass was now in the room along with his wife and two daughters.

"Harry?!!" Yelled the confused Greengrass sisters. Anastasia looked at the young man she had been lusting after in her dreams after meeting him at King's cross and wondered why her husband had brought them here.

Laura revealed herself at that point, "it's alright Annie, the nightmare is going to be over today."

Nott and Damien were both alarmed and brought out their wands when Amelia and Bellatrix appeared next to both of them with wands pointed at their heads.

"Drop the wands boys," said Bellatrix.

Harry's eyes flashed red and the three death eaters painfully got on their knees and bowed to their new master.

"Nott and Greengrass I don't have very much use for either of you. Greengrass your family doesn't want you as part of their lives anymore so there are a couple of things we are going to get done. You will transfer ownership of the betrothal between Daphne and Nott jr to me. Greengrass, you will transfer guardianship of both of your daughters to my mother, she will share custody of them with Anastasia. Finally, you will release Anastasia from the house of Greengrass and gift her to me as a concubine."

He turned to Anastasia, "I am sorry I have to do this in this way but it seems pureblood marriages are very particular in the way they can be ended. Unfortunately, since you were not part of the ancient noble families this is the best I can do."

"Har..master nothing would make me happier at this moment."

"Call me Harry, you'll be calling me master shortly though in another setting."

She blushed but his her grin.

"Harry… how are you doing this?" Asked Daphne. Her eyes were wide with hope.

"Voldemort is gone for good, and I've inherited his power as well as his followers," he said to her with a smile.

Daphne looked at him in shock, tears starting to form in her eyes. "Harry… thank you so much."

Laura then addressed Damien Greengrass, "tell me, Damien, after everything that you have done to help the high elves why did you defile mother magic and give yourself to the upstart dark lord?"

Greengrass refused to look at the high elf and kept his mouth shut.

"I believe you were asked a question, Greengrass, I am waiting for your answer," said Harry.

"I knew the dark lord wasn't gone, I was going to help give him access to the dark elves. My goal was to keep the high elves close and learn more about where the imprisoned dark elves are so my lord could free them and recruit them into his army. I would gain his favor and been let into his inner circle, the name Greengrass would be brought to a higher status among the purebloods."

Laura's eyes flashed with anger, "you deceived us for your own gain, you treat your family like slaves and pawns in your game to gain power."

"Harry… Laura," said Astoria with a soft voice, "I know he's done some horrible things, but please don't kill him, put him in Azkaban or something but, whatever bad things he's done he's still my father."

"He admitted to being a death eater we can toss him in Azkaban for that," said Amelia.

Laura looked at the pathetic man in front of her, "you are lucky your daughter still believes in familial ties. You are even luckier I see her as my own."

"My lord, I can help you with capturing the other death eaters," said Nott attempting to save his skin.

"You realize I can summon any of them the way I summoned you?"

"My lord some of them will put up a fight I can help…"

"You mean some of them aren't a pathetic coward like you Nott?"

"Potter please my father has not done anything," said Nott Jr.

Harry looked at the younger Nott, as much as he felt the urge to get rid of them he knew that even with two of his slaves being the co-heads of magical law enforcement there wouldn't be much keeping him from Azkaban.

"Nott you're going to keep an eye on the death eaters who have the courage to move against me. You will report to Snape here with anything that I should know, he will relay that information to me."

Damien Greengrass took his chance to move and fired a curse at the Queen Elf with a spare wand. She easily moved out of the way but it was enough of a distraction for him to grab his other wand and he began firing curses all around him.

Bellatrix and Amelia however easily took care of him and had him bound right away.

"Attacking us was a very bad idea Greengrass, yet another thing to add to your time at Azkaban," said Amelia with a growl.

"Now I believe you have a couple of things to do before we take you away," added the fearsome redhead.

Damien gritted his teeth and was about to shout back until Nott Sr interrupted, "it's over Damien, I offer to relinquish the contract given to my son and transfer it to the dark lord."

"He is not the dark lord!" Yelled Damien.

His dark mark began to burn, "the tattoo on your arm seems to disagree, Greengrass," said Harry with a smirk.

He was enjoying this, he understood why Voldemort loved this power, the rush of having ownership over every human in his vicinity was incredible.

Bellatrix eyed Harry with the same hunger she felt for the dark lord years ago. She knew that this time she wouldn't resist, he already owned her no matter what.

Amelia was wary, this was getting to a point that was making her uncomfortable, and begin second-guessing if this was all a good idea.

Lily pushed away from the reminders of Voldemort in her head, this was her son and lover and he was doing this for the greater good. Lily ignored the irony of that thought, her son would be nothing like Voldemort, Dumbledore, or Grindelwald. He would succeed where they failed.

"I… I accept the return of my daughter's betrothal and choose to give it to Lord Potter," said Damien. A flash of light rang through the room signifying magics' acceptance.

Harry felt the instant connection to Daphne and combined with the potential they shared he grew an incredible longing for her. Will have to wrap this up quickly.

Bellatrix conjured up several prices of parchment.

"These are the documents you need to sign to make everything official, this will also give shared custody of your daughters to your soon-to-be ex-wife and Lily Potter. The documents to remove your wife from house Greengrass and offer her as a concubine to house Potter is also included. Since Lord Potter does not require your daughter to continue his line she will keep the name Greengrass and their first son will inherit the Greengrass estate."

Damien Greengrass sat and signed everything including a confession of being a death eater and confession to attacking two law enforcement officials and several civilians.

Astoria looked at her father, a tear threatening to come down, "you could have been different, you could have cared for everyone the way you cared about me."

Damien refused to look her in the eye and said nothing.

Amelia and Bellatrix prepared to apparated him away before Amelia stopped and looked over to Harry.

"I am with you if our goal is what we discussed. Please keep that in your sight, don't let the dark magic take over you," she said.

"I'm not like him, Amy, I'll use his power and knowledge but I am not him."

She nodded and turned to leave with Bellatrix and Damien Greengrass.

"Notts, Snape, get out of my sight," ordered Harry.

They bowed and left and Harry let some of the built-up dark magic roll off of him.

Daphne suddenly ran towards him and wrapped him in a hug, "thank you," she whispered. The other women began to leave and go back to the castle until it was just the Greengrass women and Harry.

"Thank you, my lord, I will never be able to repay you for what you have done for our family," said Anastasia.

Harry nodded and looked over at Astoria, "I'm sorry Tori," he said.

She shook her head, "it's ok Harry, I knew that this would be the only way for us to be free of him. I care for him still but I love you all, you're my family not him."

They spoke and Harry got to know Anastasia a little more, they spent the day at the old cottage and were served meals by the elves.

"It is getting late we should head back to the castle," said Harry a few hours later. It was decided that Anastasia and Astoria would be shown to their rooms and Daphne would spend the night with Harry.

When they finally stepped into his room Daphne once again wrapped him in a hug.

"Thank you, my lord," she said to him huskily. She looked up at him and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

He went in to kiss her more deeply, the potential flaring wildly. It was always incredibly strong with Astoria and Tracy but with Daphne, it was on another level. In another world, they might have only been for each other.

They held each other's bodies close and pressed into each other as the kiss got deeper. His tongue was softly tracing the top of her lips until they opened and it found the tip of her tongue.

He vanished her robes and picked up the lingerie-clad blond and carried her over to his bed. He trailed kisses down her neck and to her stomach. She moaned as he sent shivers down her spine.

He kissed the outside of her panties as she grabbed his hair and pulled on it.

He vanished her panties and began licking around her outer lips.

"Please Harry…"

He traced his tongue around her entrance ignoring the pulling of his hair.

"Harry… please eat me."

He kissed her outer lips again and pulled himself up and vanished her bra. He began licking and nibbling on her nipples.

She groaned and undid his trousers unable to vanish his clothes the way he did hers. It was difficult as he continued stimulating her nipples as she attempted this.

With a combination of her hands and feet, she was able to get them and his boxers off and soon has his cock in her hand. She began to stroke it as he kept focusing on her breasts.

"Harry I'm going to need you inside me soon this is driving me crazy," she said.

In response, he began kissing down her stomach and she lost her grip on his cock. He was once again back in between her legs and was now licking up the sweet nectar from her vagina.

She moaned in pleasure as he began using Parsletounge to enhance the experience.

"Oh my God, I fucking love your tongue," she yelled as she rode the highs of the pleasure he was bringing her. He heightened the pace of his snake speech and enhanced it with his incubus magic.

"Oh fuck oh fuck Harry," she yelled as she began to cum.

He drank up the delicious juices of the older Greengrass sister, looking forward to having her younger sister and her mother joining in with them another time.

Once Harry was satisfied with his meal he kissed her back up her stomach until he was looking into her beautiful blue eyes. She licked up her residue off of his lips and face enjoying her own taste off of him.

She pushed him back and flipped him over onto the bed so she could be on top of him. Just as he did she began to trail kisses down his neck and stomach, spending some time on his belly button and licking inside of it before traveling her tongue down his body until the tip of her tongue was gently sliding across his throbbing cock.

She began kissing and stroking it as her blue eyes looked up into his emerald green ones. She massages his balls as she begins to lightly suck on the tip of his cock.

She then slowly takes his length into her mouth, edging it slowly into her throat and down as far as she can while still looking up into his eyes. Tears start bringing streaks down with her mascara but she is intent on swallowing as much of his cock as possible and holding it down for as long as possible.

"Fucking love magic," he yelled as he felt her warm mouth and throat enveloping his cock. No way a muggle woman would be able to do this.

Slowly she takes it out leaving it covered with her gag as she strokes him and begins sucking on his balls. Her wonderful grip starts to let some of his pre-cum begin to flow, as soon as she felt it she releases his balls and licks up the pre-cum, and once again slowly swallowed his cock.

This repeats alternating between deep throating and hand jobs until finally, Harry blows his first load into her mouth which she hungrily eats up, not letting a single drop go to waste.

Once satisfied she gets up her hands still stroking him and feeling him already coming back to life. He brings her close as they kiss and she mounts him and his cock sinks into her vagina.

She rides him slowly as they make love, neither wanting it to end anytime soon. However, neither of them could hold themselves from the intense pleasure they felt being enhanced by the high elf and incubus magic mingled together inside of Harry.

Harry came into her and came back to life inside of her repeatedly as they kept slowly grinding and making love throughout the night. It wasn't until hours later that they finally went to sleep, neither could tell that Astoria came into the room and cuddled up behind Harry as the three drifted off into peaceful sleep.

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