

Peter couldn't be happier in his relationship with Morgan. With her, he feels like the peasant boy who won the princess's heart.

She still doesn't know he used to be Spider-Man. With luck, she'll never have to find out.

The latest issue of the Daily Bugle lies on Ms. Potts's coffee table. The headline says Spider-Man's back. Peter knows it's not him. He still hasn't met who it is...but ever since confessing his feelings to Morgan, he hasn't really cared.

Peter and Morgan lie on her bed. There's space between them. And the bed is made. They stare at each other. He stares at more than just her eyes. She caresses his arms...as if she didn't know Flash Thompson has bigger arms than his.

She has to go to the bathroom. She leaves. Peter waits. The weather outside her open window sure feels good.

Peter still remembers when he used to have sex fantasies of climbing a ladder up to that window. Now, it's SUCH a relief he can get better than that from her.

Ms. Potts eases her way in. She's underdressed, in white. Peter scrambles to cover his groin up with something. He isn't ready for Ms. Potts to see his hardened cock.

"You really are a miracle worker, Peter," she says, inadvertently with her hands on her hips. "Her obsession with you is like nothing I've seen."

Peter sneaks glances between her legs. He still remembers when he was like a bug, swinging between them...

"I assure you, Ms. Potts," Peter stammers to insist, "I'm just trying to be a good friend to her."

"You're more than that; believe me." She flaps her straight blonde hair. "Before you called on her, I couldn't get her to care about anything other than one thing: the fact that her father didn't appoint her to become Iron Man in his will. Now all she cares about is you."

"Wow. It's," Peter's having a hard time keeping his hardened cock concealed, "flattering to hear that."

Ms. Potts smiles. "Just don't stop coming over. She needs you. And uh," she lowers her voice, "if I were you, I wouldn't talk about Iron Man around her, OR her father...ever."

"Didn't she love him?"

"She did, but... She knows her father was Iron Man. And he's dead. The less she sees or thinks of Iron Man, the better."

"Of course. No need to dwell on a memory," Peter swallows hard, "longer than it's worth, right?"

"I wouldn't know about that. But Tony wouldn't want anyone to be sad. And I get sad whenever my daughter wants to become Iron Man. So, if you please?"

"Of course. Mr. Stark and Iron Man are both as dead as your daughter's misery."

She smiles. "I'm happy to hear that." She flaps her hair. "I'm glad he found you. You're so sweet." With that, she leaves him.

Peter pants. If only Ms. Potts knew what Peter's done... If only Morgan knew... There's SO much Peter's going to have to tell both of them, that they won't want to hear, if Peter's attachment to Morgan becomes marital...