

After being bitten by a radioactive Spider, and the death of his parents, a young man goes around the world, trains his mind, body, and spirit to become a hero his city needs.

Larry_Moore_9883 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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On Earth, Ms. Wonder and the rest of the heroes still try to hold off Thanoseid while fighting off the ParaChitauri but nothing seems to even slow him or them down.

"Seems like loosing an eye didn't even faze him, what do we do now?" Hal asks.

Before he can get an answer, Thanoseid rushes him, knocking him into a building with people in it, knocking it off balance and causing it to fall.

"No." Hal says.

Hal tries to hold it up, using his ring and suit but struggles to. While he tries to hold it up, Thanoseid charges at him again.

"Hal, watch out!" Mercury yells.

"You worms dare challenge me?! I am Thanoseid!"

Before he reaches Hal, Captain Krypton comes out of nowhere and knocks Thanoseid to the ground.

"I don't care." Clark replies.

At that moment, Peter swings into the building and grab the people inside and safely take them out of the building before it fully collapses.

"See you got big blue back. Anymore miracles you want to preform for us?" Hal asks Peter.

Peter doesn't say anything and points to the sky as multiple portals open up and start sucking up all of the ParaChitauri.

"Wow. That's some miracle." Mercury says.

A portal then appears behind Thanoseid, but he resist being pulled into it.

"Let's kick his ass." Hal says.

Clark throws his shield into Thanoseids chest, then catches it and punches him in the face and stomach. He then knees the Titan in the face, then grabs him by the head and uses his heat vision on both of his eyes. Thanoseid knocks him away but both Ms. Wonder and Hal start blasting him back towards the portal. Peter web swings in and kicks Thanoseid in the chest, and Mercury uses fast punches to his gut. Ms. Wonder and Captain Krypton then both fly in and punches the villain in the face getting him even closer into the portal.

They land multiple punches into his chest together, causing the Titan to slowly loose his footing. Thanoseid gets angry and knocks both Clark and Diana away, taking a few steps forward. Peter quickly steps, punching Thanoseid in the face. Thanoseid gets annoyed and throws a punch, but Peter flips over it, onto his back, webbing his utility belt onto his chest and causing it to explode, sending him stumbling back. Thanoseid punches Peter out of the way and as Clark flies towards him, Thanoseid grabs him, squeezing tightly.

"Kryptonian, you are coming with me." Thanoseid demands.

Clark glares at Thanoseid.

"Like hell I am."

He then lands a headbutt, breaking Thanoseids grip on him.

"All together now!" Peter yells.

Mercury creates mini tornados by using just the speed of his arms, while Black Raven gets back to her feet and use her sonic scream. Ms. Wonder and Iron Lantern use their energy blasts, Spider-Bat throws exploding Batarangs, and Captain Krypton uses his heat vision that blasts Thanoseid through the portal, sending him back to where he came from.

Everyone at that moment takes a breath of relief as Hal drops to a knee.

"Thank God that's over." Hal says.

Peter then walks over and offers him a hand. Hal takes it, the two sharing a smile of mutual respect and understanding.

"What about the victims taken by Thanoseid?" Black Raven asks.

"Already taken care of." Peter says pointing to an area nearby of multiple people coming out of a portal. Black Raven smiles.

"Fury was right. You are good." She says.

"Hate to ruin the happy ending." Hal says.

"No you don't." Peter replies.

"But how do we keep Thanoseid from coming back." Hal asks.

"The technology he used to get here are fried. He won't be able to get back here anytime soon." Clark replies.

"It's not a permanent solution. But it's a start." Peter replies.

At that moment, the crowd of civilians start to approach the heroes.

"Oh boy, I think they might want us to pay for damages." Mercury replies.

"You got this covered, right Bats?" Hal asks.

"Last time I checked, I wasn't the only billionaire here." Peter replies.

They are then surprised when they are met by cheers. And people taking pictures of them.

"I could get used to this." Mercury says.

Hal then steps infront of the cameras.

"I'm already am." Hal says.

Clark then smirks.

"You're already gone. Aren't you?" He asks.

He turns around and sees that Peter has disappeared into the shadows.

The next day, Fury meets with the council again.

"Where are the Avengers?" The council asks.

"I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts. I'd say they've earned a leave of absence."

"I don't think you understand what you've started. Letting the Avengers loose on this world. They're dangerous."

Fury smirks.

"They surly are. And the whole world knows it. Every world knows it."

"Was that the point of all this? A statement?"

Fury stays silent for a moment.

"A promise."

"And what if something like this happens again?"

"They'll comeback. Because we'll need them to." Fury replies, ending the call.

Months later on a giant space station, Peter Parker stands near a window, looking at earth. At that moment, Clark Kent joins him.

"Incredible. Do your stockholders know about this, Peter?" Clark asks.

Peter smirks.

"A line item, hidden in the aerospace R&D budget. This watchtower will act as an early warning system for detecting other threats of invasion from space."

At that moment, Pietro Allen, Hal Stark, Diana Danvers, and Dinah Romanoff all walk into the room.

"And the minibar isn't half bad either." Pietro says.

"Alright Parker, what's this about? What's this space station have to do with us?" Hal asks.

Peter and Clark smile at the group.

"The Avengers Initiative." Dinah says, figuring ot out.

"What's that?" Pietro asks.

"I too would like to know as well."

Peter steps forward.

"There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people, to see if we can become something more. So when people needed us, we can fight the battles that they never could." Peter says.

"I don't know, I mean I kinda prefer to work alone." Hal says.

"So do I. I thought I could protect the world by myself. But I was wrong. Working together, we saved the planet. And I believe that if we stay together, as a team, we would be a force that could truly work for the ideals of peace and justice." Clark says.

Pietro steps forward.

"Count me in. It felt good being apart of a team for a change." Pietro says.

"My mother may not approve. But I find man's world to be intriguing. I'll gladly join." Diana says.

"I still have my responsibilities at shield. But I can make it work." Dinah says.

As she steps forward, both her and Pietro share a smile. Everyone then looks at Hal for a moment, causing him to sigh.

"What the hell, I'm in too."

The group of heroes come together and talk about what's next for The Avengers.