
Dino's Proposal

In the end, all of them left Kuala Lumpur and headed for Jakarta. Bara and Dila have reconciled and resolved their problems. Dino, Lala, and Hanin accompany them to the airport. Rere, Tia, Leon, and Daniel also come back with them. Dino's heart feels empty from parting with Leon. They had only been together a few days but they have to part now.

              "Leon, don't forget about Grandma, okay? If Grandma goes to Jakarta, we would go for a walk, okay, baby?" Lala rubbed her grandson's head.

              "Okay, gramma," Leon said with his unclear pronunciation. The child can't talk properly, yet.

              "I will often call you to ask Leon's condition," Dino said while handing his cell phone to Rere. It seems that his playboy instinct starts to take action that makes him acts coquettishly and flirtatiously to his future wife.