
Day 1

Location:- School

Mission:- Escape from jail


It has been a long time. I cannot remember when but i can still remember all those happy memories. That time when i consumed delicious homemade foods, that time when i played football with my friends, that time when i watched my favourite cartoons in television, that time when i.... All those happy memories but i am still locked inside this jail.


         Food here is very bad. Like very very bad.

Junk food are not allowed here. But still some other prisoners smuggles junk food here and sell to others in quite high price.

The rules here are harsh and security is also tight. All prisoners must be neat and clean and follow the rules. Being alone here is really painful. Thus, everyone has or follows a gang. The gang shares foods, money, pens, copy and whatever they could.

I also have a gang. My two friends A and B are in my gang. They are very friendly and helpful to me. They always follow by my side in every part of jail. We talk, joke and laugh together. They are reason i am still sane in this jail.

I don't like this jail. Even though my friends companies me, i still don't like this place. The whole repeating days of reading, eating, reading is torture to me. Hence, i made a plan.

I also told my masterplan to my friends. Both of them listened. After listening my plan, both of them fell in thoughts.

" The plan of your is surely feasible but if all three of us were to intiate this plan, the plan may backfire to us. "

" Only one person can follow this plan. Other two has to backout from this plan. "

The discussion went by. At last, both A and B choose me. They felt that the planner should intiate the plan himself for better results.

" Me ? "

" Yes, you are the chosen one. "

I felt undescribable emotion. They really are good friends. I am such a lucky person.

" Ok, now we start."

A said and he ran to the teacher office. I sat on bench lay down my head on desk and acted like a sick person. B sat on the bench behind me.

After 3 minutes, a teacher come to the room. I still didn't react and steadly holded my position like before.

" Teacher, C is quite sick today. He also vomitted in the toilet. He told me that his head was hurting and his stomach pained."

" Is it really true ? He was quite normal in the morning classes. "

B also stood up from behind me.

" Yes teacher, it is really true. C is really sick today."

The teacher came near me and checked my head.

" C, how are you feeling? "

" Maam, i feel a headache and my stomach also hurts. "

" C, what did you eat today ? "

" Nothing ma'am. Only milk and bread in the morning. "

" It looks like you are sick today. Follow me to the health room. "

The teacher took me to the health room and talked with the nurse.

" C, rest here for some minutes. I will call your parents to pick you up. "

The nurse came by side and took me inside the health room. She gave me some medicines and told me to rest in the bed.

After 25 minutes, i saw my mother. She hugged me and checked my forehead and began to ask some questions. I answered them all (un)truthfully. She went to the teacher office.

She returned to me and carried my bag. We went to the her car. She put my bag in the backseat. I sat in the front seat and put on my seatbelt. She started the car engine.

As she started the car, i looked behind to the school. My two good friends stood behind the gates. When our eyes clashed, they saluted to me. I also saluted back.

  [ Mission complete :- Escape from the jail. ]

Ease Eye Fatigue with These 6 Exercises

APRIL 1, 2019

It's probably safe to say that you spend at least several hours a day looking at a screen of some sort. Whether its time spent on the computer at work, on your phone at home, or a combination of both, more and more people are developing 'Computer Vision Syndrome.' It's a serious name for the strain placed on our eyes from staring at bright screens all day. Over time, people tend to notice dry eyes, vision problems, and sometimes even headaches and anxiety.

While we can't really pass on screen time, especially in this day and age, you can ease the strain with the equivalent of a gymnastics workout for your eyes… in a good way, of course. So here are some eye exercises for computer users. And the best part is that you can do the eye strain exercises at work!

The Eye Roll Exercise

This is an exercise for eye strain relief: Sit up straight and, while keeping your head still, look to your right. Then slowly roll your eyes up to the ceiling and down to your left. Finish by rolling your eyes down to the floor. Do this in a clockwise motion for 10 repetitions, and then anti-clockwise for 10.

The Zooming Exercise

Sit in a comfortable position and stretch your arm out in front of you. Either holding a pen upwards or with your thumb extended, bring your focus to the tip. Then, bend your arm and slowly bring your hand towards your face while keeping your focus on one point. Once your hand is 3 inches from your face, slowly start to extend your arm back to the starting point. Repeat three more times.

Blinking Quickly

Studies show that we tend to blink less, and not as efficiently, when we're looking at screens all day. One of the best ways to ease fatigue is to make an effort to blink often and well, which helps clean and moisturize your eyes. Start by blinking quickly 20 times, and then close your eyes for three deep breaths. Do this every 20 minutes (or as often as you remember) for less tired eyes at work.

The Figure 8 Exercise

This exercise is similar to the Eye Rolls, but instead of making circles, you'll be making figure 8s. This makes it a suitable exercise for tired eyes. Keeping your head still, start by looking to the right. Slowly bring your gaze up, then down to the far left. Then look up to the left and slowly across to the lower right. Continue for a few more repetitions going one way, then reverse your 8s the other way.

The Palming Exercise

This tired eyes exercise is great for quickly relieving tension. Sit comfortably, and quickly rub your palms together until they feel warm. Close your eyes and place your palms over your eyelids. Keep your fingers closed so light doesn't enter and take a few deep breaths. Repeat as often as necessary.

The Rest Exercise

Not all of our exercises should be done in front of a computer at work: At the end of the day, while lying down, close your eyes for about 480 minutes (or as many as necessary). Repeat daily. Ok, so this one isn't technically an exercise, but rest is vital to healthy eyes and easing strain!

It's important to keep your eyes functioning well and these eye exercises for eye strain can certainly contribute to your eye health. If you notice your eyes feeling overworked or dry, stop in at your local Optical Express for an in-depth eye examination.

:-take care of your eye ( author)

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