
Caught of guard

The next morning the pack house was somber as the staff worked to assist the new additions. If they took in more people the huge house would be at maximum capacity. I helped my mom and the kitchen staff get the to go meals ready for the older wolfs who could not make the trip to the kitchen often. One by one we dropped them off and worked to get the next couple rounds set up. There was no way we could sustain this for long.

I only had one afternoon class to go to, even though there was another attack they hadn't decided to cancel classes. As I drove my shabby car to the campus I couldn't help but worry about Finn and his family. I hoped the alpha could stay strong even if it meant he became human. It would break Finn and the pack to lose him, but he was a fighter I was sure he would survive. I put the thoughts to rest as I pulled into the campus's parking lot.

It didn't hold the same energy as the pack house here, some of the students happily walking the halls in their blissful ignorance to what had happened. The pack lands were to large for every one to have heard what happened just yet and some would never know anything more than it was just a run of the mill rouge breach. I sort of envied them but at the same time did not. I'd much rather know when an enemy is near than be blind sided. Fallon stirred at that thought annoyed with it.

I went to class just hoping for a moment of peace but when I walked in everyone stopped talking and stared at me. Embarrassed I took a seat in the back hiding behind my hair. I sat down and looked around at everyone who was still staring at me. It was starting to get to me when the professor walked in and called to have their attention.

"What the hell was that?" I asked Fallon but she was just as confused as me.

There was a a group of guys whispering still throwing glances my way as the teacher went on. With a little help with Fallon I listened in to their conversation.

"Didn't you hear, she took down Finn.." one of them said excitedly.

"Not only that but she took down every one of the leads. She's dangerous." the other said throwing a look in my direction. It took everything in me to not look over and meet his eyes.

"I heard he let her win since she's his newest toy." the last said the disgust in his voice made me slightly cringe. "Dude I think she heard us." they all looked at me.

This time I looked at them and smiled sweetly, giving them a small wave. They all seemed confused but it was enough to get them to stop talking and pay attention to the class. They thought I was just another one of his flings just like the doctor, it was really starting to get annoying. How could I even bring this up with everything that is going on with him right now. Shaking my head I put the thoughts to the back of my head and focused on the rest of the class.

When it was over I quickly got up and left moving a little to fast, I just wanted to get out of there. Coming through the doors I nearly collided with someone but side stepped just in time. I let out a sigh just happy that the day here was done. I could focus on what I had to do later tonight. I was heading toward my car when someone tapped me on my shoulder causing me to stop and spin around.

"Ash! You scared me, what are you doing here today?" I asked trying to calm my racing heart.

"Well I had a make up test to hand in but I figured we could grab a bite to eat really quick... I need some advice." he looked down at his shoes avoiding my eyes.

"You want girl advice huh?" I asked poking his chest, letting out a little laugh I continued, "Mel she's a really sweet girl you were truly blessed by the goddess." I lead us towards my car in the lot.

"Yeah, she is something but I also wanted to talk to you about reconnecting with Fallon.. Did yours ever yell at you?" he asked looking concerned.

"Ha! Fallon has the biggest attitude she's always yelling at me." I laughed at the many scolding's I have received from her. He looked relieved at that which made me smile.

"What's his name?" I asked egger to meet the wolf of my other best friend just as I had Val.

"He hasn't told me yet, he just calls me stupid." he shook his head as if trying to shake the wolf inside out.

I patted him on the back before climbing into the car. He followed suit and got in the passenger side. He just sat there quietly as I drove towards some of the food shops on the main road of the pack lands. I sneaked a peek at him, his aura was cloudy and blue, but had clear streaks of red. That must be the mating pull or its essence. I wondered what would be making him so sad when the joys of the pull are so strong.

"Hey were here." I said as we pulled up to the little sushi bar we loved to visit. Quickly I opened a link to Val.

"911, Ash's wolf has shown up... and he asked me of all people for girl help." I said to her.

"Where are you guys?" she asked curiously.

"The sushi bar, you coming?" I asked hopeful, she was much better at this than I was. Her parents had allowed her to date unlike mine.

"I'm already on the way." she said before closing the link.

I looked at Ash as we entered the restaurant, he seemed lost in thought or maybe he was trying to talk with his wolf. It took me a while to not look so spaced out when I talked with Fallon. I hoped I didn't make such sad faces then.

"Val is coming to she will be here soon." I said trying to pull him out of the daze.

"Oh that is good." he said slightly coming out of it.

We took our usual seat and I ordered all of our favorite rolls. Val got here just as they were serving the meals. Luckily I had won a few bets for myself after Finn's little tactic so dinner was on me.

"So what did I miss?" she asked sitting on the other side of Ash and patting him on the back.

"My wolf is an a*s hole. He won't even tell me his name." He shook his head sliding the plate away.

"Oh man Isa is a princess but she at least told me her name." she said as she broke apart her chop sticks and started digging in.

"You said before but he is.. rude" he placed his head on the counter where the plate had been and sighed.

"He'll come around. Maybe he is made about being, um I don't know what to call it but Fallon said it felt like being asleep." I said reassuringly before following Val's lead. "Hey what about your mate, has he talked about her?" I asked as I finished my bite.

"He wants to see her but also I don't know if I'm ready to leave the territory with everything going on. It may be safer for her you know." he sat back up and pulled his plate back and joining in on the deliciousness.

We sat there in silence as we finished our food, none of us quite sure what to say. Ash never behaved like this, he was always the level headed quiet one of our group. Normally we asked him for advice, it was odd for him to reach out like this. I just hoped I could help him. Before we could leave I ordered us a round of drinks.

"Hey, things will be okay. The change is always difficult at first but soon you'll figure it out. When you do the three of us will go on a run." I smiled at them raising my glass in a toast.

"Here, here!" Val chimed in deepening her voice to mimic a cheer of the olden times.

He laughed and finally raised his glass nodding with us. Val gave him advice on how to win over Mel's affections, she was definitely more suited for these questions than I was. I was still figuring out my mate at the moment I don't think I could figure out the both of ours. When we left he seemed a lot more sure of himself even his aura looked brighter. I drove him home making sure to give him a hug, I knew he was going to be alright and he did to.

I decided to head back to the pack house it was only around 6 in the evening I still had some time before I needed to head over to the cell house. When I arrived it was busy with people spread out over the communal rooms. We definitely could not take in any more people. I couldn't help but think about all of the abandoned houses that sat on our territory's edge. Something about that just didn't feel right.

My parents weren't in the room when I arrived so I hopped in the shower. When I finished I got dressed in a black shirt and dark black jeans. It felt like the right way to go for what I was about to do. Fallon was antsy to get this started, she wanted to know who was threatening our home. She wasn't there when I ran the first time but she knew how it felt when I did and she was not going to let that happen again.

When I finished it was time to head over, I decided to run instead of taking my beat up car. I could arrive more quietly, the car would give it away that I wasn't still in the pack house. The cell house was an under ground bunker that held those who broke the law or worse the rouges when we catch them alive. This was my first time here but nothing in my imagination could prepare me for the pure smell of death it had. As I walked up to the door it opened to reveal Will and a few others.

They nodded as I walked through the door with respect. Fallon was already on red alert but the display made her raise her head up even more proudly. Will lead us through the halls which were surprisingly clean despite the smell. The walls were concrete only changing to metal where the doors were. Little windows the only way to see into the dimly lit rooms, I decided not to peak at what ever sorry wolf was behind them.

We stopped at one of the metal doors, Will unlocked it slowly while peering through the window. The metal locks gave way and the heavy door opened slowly with a creak.

"Have you come back for more?" the voice didn't even sound human, it was frantic and seemed with venom.

"Back against the wall." Will said letting the electric cane he carried zap once.

The voice was quiet with that and the only noise coming from the room were the chains scraping against the floor. Will walked in slowly almost in a fighting stance, he was ready for any thing. I let out one last breath letting Fallon come close to taking over but stopped before our claws grew. When I entered the room smelt like someone had already died in it, and something told me that in more ways than one they had.

"Oh little she wolf what brings you here?" the manic laugher he bust into after that unnerved me just slightly but I stood my ground. The aura coming off of him the same that had came from the pouches.

"Why did you come here?" I asked letting Fallon's power seep into my voice. He cocked his head to the side when I did this. He was quiet for a moment before bursting into that same eerie laugh.

"Isn't it obvious, oh it is obvious." he laughed but stopped abruptly staring straight at me, his eyes flashing back and forth from him and his wolf.

"Who sent you?" I asked in a similar voice I had heard Finn use once before. This just made his wolf take over completely. He had begun to change, his screams were deafening as he doubled over and his bones began to shift.

Will shoved the cane in the rouges direction shocking him once. This caused him to stop the shift, slowly coming back to human form. He crouched in the corner and began laughing hysterically.

"The hunters will come... Oh will they come.." he repeated over and over again in between his laughter. "Then Stria will kill you all." he laughed one last time before rushing towards me.

Before I could even think there was a big back blocking my view of the rouge. A loud crack ended with a crash of the chains hitting the concrete and stopped the rouges laughing. In a blur I was wrapped up in his arms and being rushed out the building. The fireworks all over my skin gave me the information my eyes couldn't since he had buried my head in his chest. When we got outside he set me down, the anger rolling off of him.

"What the f*ck do you think your doing here?" he boomed throwing his hands up.

"I wanted to see something, I wanted to see if his aura was the same as the bags." I said looking down at my shoes not really wanting to meet his intense stare.

"Wanted to see what?" he said sighing, when I looked up he was raking his hand through his hair. He looked like he hadn't slept in days which I had no doubt was probably true.

"When I went to the field I fou.." he looked furious when I said that but I continued. "I found some sort of carving like we saw at the restaurant. There's pictures waiting for you when you have time.." I looked at him, he looked torn. Eventually he just sighed and let his head droop.

"If I hadn't gotten here in time who knows what could have happened. Sparing isn't the same as a surprise attack. I couldn't... I can't loose you too." he dropped to his knees and started crying. The initial shock wore off and I wrapped him up in a hug, trying my best to avoid the still healing wounds.

I couldn't believe what he had just said. Alpha Henry was gone, he hadn't made it through the silver after all. I started to sob with him knowing how badly he must be hurting. My heart went out to Serena, losing your mate was the hardest thing any wolf had to go through. We sat there for a while I just let him let it out, never letting go. When he finally stopped I gave him a kiss on his fore head and stood us up.

"Lets go home okay, you need some rest." I said drying the tears still on his cheeks. He just nodded and took my hand as we walked back to the pack house.