
All in this together

The meeting didn't last too long last night. Finn had doubled our patrols on the outskirts of the lands, even sending a few scouts into the city and small town on the other side. I've never seen a more determined look than the one he had while he orchestrated everyone. It was almost like something clicked in him, and today was the day most of the other Alphas would be arriving. I hoped he was ready for this meeting. Who knows what the others will say.

Most of our pack warriors were taking double patrols and the others were still newly trained. It made our position look compromised. Fallon growled at my thoughts causing me to stop getting ready.

"We are not weak. Our mate is not weak." she growled again at me.

"I know that but its what they will say." I hissed back at her. "I'm just trying to see if there is anything were missing." I sighed and finished my make up.

When I finished getting dressed I headed towards the kitchen for some breakfast. As I was heading there my phone started buzzing in my back pocket. Pulling it out I answered with out bothering to look at the ID.

"Hello?" the familiar voice said on the other line.

"Oh hey Mel, how have you been?" I asked happy to hear from her.

"Well tomorrow is Friday are we still going out?" she asked, I could hear her excitement bubbling up in her voice. I had completely forgot about the plans we had made.

"Oh I almost forgot I'm so sorry Mel." I mentally face palmed, with all the planning for the festival and preparing for the alphas I had totally forgot.

"Are you cancelling?" he voice grew small at the notion. I quickly linked to Val to see if her moms place was still open. Of course she was down to go still and that her mom was not going to loose out on business. Since the wolves have been staying back more humans have been coming which is perfect.

"No of course not! Just forgot is all, I finally get to wear that gorgeous out fit you picked out for me." I squeaked into the phone.

"Perfect... Uh Dali.. Will your friend Ash be there?" she said kind of trailing off at the end.

"Do you want him to be?" I said laying the mischief into my tone. When she didn't answer I spoke up. "Yes, he always comes with us when we go. He protects us from creeps." I joked but hoped she wasn't scared of him since he acted so weird last time.

"Oh okay perfect.. I'll tell Sara we're still on." she finished and we said a quick good bye.

Smirking at her shyness I continued on to the kitchen. Everyone was seated at the long table already eating. Sadly there wasn't a sign of Finn there so I went about getting my granola bar. I ate fast and headed out to make sure the rooms have been fully furnished for the guests. Luckily they were all finished, the house staff here were super efficient after all.

"Where are you?" I linked him

"Some finishing touches on the festival area. You okay?" he asked sounding a little worried.

"I'm okay just, wanted to tell you I'm going to Et Lupum tomorrow night after the festival activities..." I waited for him to reply but he didn't. Continuing down the hall I stopped at the Luna's office. Serena had not come out of her room since the Henrys passing. I couldn't imagine loosing your mate especially having to watch continuous attacks from the same people after. I sighed and continued down the hall in no specific direction lost in my thoughts.

"You really think going to a club is a good idea." his deep voice said in my ear as his arms snaked around my waist from behind.

"Well its more so me being an awesome friend." I giggled looking over my shoulder at him. "Ash found his mate, you know? But the thing is she's human so I'm doing what I can to help." I sighed leaning my head back on his chest.

"Well then obviously I'm coming." he said resting his atop mine.

"I was hoping you'd say that, but we're going tomorrow night. Will you even have the time?" I asked hopefully.

"Hmm.. I'll figure it out. Maybe one or two of them might want to come with. The Western pack's leader is not to much older than us." he laughed at the idea.

It felt amazing just to be able to stand with him, my perfect mate. Fallon purred in my head agreeing with me. He slowly backed up and took my hand leading to the living room. When we got there his friends Dustin and Sam were sitting on the couch looking like they were exhausted. Both of them sprawled out on the couch breathing heavily.

"Oh come on guys its not that bad." he laughed at them as we sat on one of the free couches across from them.

"Not that bad? Dude I'm beat. Those shifts through the woods are ridiculous." Dustin sighed taking his arm off to peek over at us.

"Yeah man, even six of my dad's pizzas would be enough to end this hunger." Sam said, almost as a sign of agreeance his stomach growled loudly. We all laughed as he threw his hands down to his side.

"Oh I could definitely go for one of your dads pizzas!" I chimed in rubbing my stomach. Remembering all the times my family had eaten there for dinner made me a little sad. I missed how things were before the attacks, but I was still thankful to be a stronger version of myself than I was back then.

"So you guys down to go to Et Lupum tomorrow night?" Finn asked them and Sam's head popped up in surprise.

"I was already going, Val has been on about it all afternoon. She's out shopping right now." Dustin sighed taking out his phone.

"Is that a good idea?" Sam said looking back and forth between us and Dustin.

"Well I kind of made a promise.. To my friend Mel and she is actually Ash's mate so I'm trying to help them out.." I said in a small voice looking at my shoes.

"Who? Mel the one who has the purple hair?" he asked the confusion on his face was laughable.

"She's a human she met when she left for a little a while back." Finn said making my face grow red from the thought of running from him.

"She's great, and my other friend Sara should be there as well." I said trying to steer the conversation in a lighter direction.

"Sara? Sounds cute." Sam sighed, "Fine I'll come its been a while since I had a chance I've been patrolling since we finished training." his stomach growled loudly again.

"Let's go get some food, the kitchen is gearing up for lunch any way." I laughed realizing I had only ate a little bit today.

We all headed to the kitchen and sat at the long table and chatted for a while before grabbing our plates to eat. I watched as the three of them reminisced about different things. It felt almost surreal, the three of them not to long ago use to scare me but knowing them now was different. Dustin reduced to a puddle in front of his mate when ever she pouted, and Sam goofy and and smiling. Even Finn, I use to be so scared of him and now I never want to leave his side.

"Hey Dali, you got a minute?" Ash said coming into the kitchen and walking over to the group. I could feel Finn tense next to me. He still didn't trust Ash after what Emma had said but I just though it was because he was my closest guy friend.

"Yeah what's up?" I said turning towards him. Finn let out a low protective growl next to me.

"Well about this Friday, I.. I um.." he stammered looking back and forth from the three guys. I let out a sigh, realizing that even with his wolf he could barely stand next to these guys. It didn't help with the waves of anger rolling off Finn directed at Ash.

"I don't know why you ask me these things.. Val is definitely more useful in these situations." I heard a small protective growl come from Dustin at the mention of his mate to another wolf. "Oh stop it. Actually I think you guys would be best for this."

"Best for what?" Finn said confused but not taking his eyes off of him.

"He wants to know how to win over his mate." I smiled at the three of them, their faces all dumbfounded.

"Oh! Well you should have just said that!" Sam jumped up throwing his arm around Ash's shoulders. "I can tell you how to win over the ladies." he finished by giving all of us the cheesiest smirk possible.

"You've never even had a girlfriend." Dustin said throwing a piece of broccoli from his plate at Sam.

"Hey, I've had my fair share. Its always been easy being in Finn's wake." he laughed taking Ash and steering him out of the kitchen. I stiffened at the thought of the other she-wolves especially that blonde b*tch Jess.

"Don't take what he said to heart, he doesn't know when to shut up." Dustin said throwing me a sincere glance. Finn just sat quietly eating his meal.

"Its fine, I knew who my mate was..." I got up and started to walk away only for him to stop me by grabbing my hand.

"Was is a key word.." he stared at me intently, almost fiercely determined to hold true to his word. I gave him a small smile before continuing on, I still had to do one last check on the rooms before the guest show.

I walked to the wing casually, I still had the remainder of the day to go over the preparations. Walking into the first room I checked to make sure it was clean and the furniture was up to par. The head of staff really out did herself with the decorations. The walls had been painted a light cream color, and the wooden floors looked freshly stained. The furniture was elegant but still had a sense of functionality to them, almost like they could be changed to fit what ever was needed of it.

Once I was satisfied with the room I continued through out the rest. All of them kept the same tone as the last, fancy yet functional. I really would have to thank the house staff for an amazing job. When I finished I started wondering the halls as I tend to do but this time I was on the Alpha's level, Finn had made it a point to house them on this floor since it would seem disrespectful even though he sleeps on the second floor same as me. I stopped peaking into a window that sat centered on a door.

Inside James played with his toys, the innocence just wafting off of him. I couldn't hold back my giggles as he ran around the room making air plane noises. Slowly I turned the knob and opened the door. He stopped turning around to face me.

"Sissy!!" he ran and jumped into my arms.

"Hey there cutie, you up here all alone?" I asked as I nestled him onto my hip.

"Yeah, mommy is sleeping and Finn said he's too busy to play." he pouted, putting his head on my shoulder and looked up at me with huge puppy dog eyes. "Will you play with me?" his bottom lip jutted out and began to quiver.

"Hey, is it okay if I take James to the park?" I linked Finn, not wanting to upset any one when they realize he's no longer in the play room.

"Of course baby, just be careful he goes wild at the park." he said quickly before closing the link.

"Alright its all set lets go to the park!" I said play tickling him, his face lit up at the thought.

Shaking my head laughing I walked us to the park that was near the house. When we got there James jumped out of my arms and ran towards the jungle gym. Finn wasn't joking, James ran right up the slide at fast speeds almost falling at the top but regaining his balance from the momentum. He ran straight to the monkey bars and easily cleared each bar after the next. Having alpha blood and being young, I can only imagine the handful he could be even just witnessing this small bout.

"Be careful!" I call as he jumps down and takes off towards the swings. I laughed at how much energy he had and joined in the fun. We played tag and hide and seek until the sun started to set.

Half way through the walk home he fell asleep in my arms. His small sleeping face resembled Finn's but his featured were softer, I wondered if this is how Finn looked when he was younger. It didn't take long to get back to the house but I walked slowly as to not wake him up. As I walked up the steps Finn opened the door, the look on his face was unrecognizable.

"Is something wrong?" I asked quietly but the panic starting to bubble up inside me was evident in my voice.

"Oh... Its nothing. Just was excited that you were home." he said in a whisper looking down at the sleeping James.

"Oh okay good. He fell asleep on the way back, he really does have so much energy." I chuckled remembering our little games. Finn lead us inside and upstairs to James's room.

I quickly and quietly tucked him into his bed, only removing his shoes before covering him up. Dinner would be soon, no doubt Serena would be in here in a little to wake him up to eat. When I was done I slowly closed the door making sure not to make a sound.

"Your so good with him, he's always giving his nanny the run around." he laughed shaking his head.

"He's just so stinking cute." I smiled at him taking his hand.

"Hmmph.." he made a pouting face causing me to roll my eyes.

"Oh stop I'm sure you were just as cute when you were his age." that earned a small chuckle from him. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked knowing he has been non stop working since the passing of alpha Henry.

"About as ready as I'll ever be. This needs to end before any one else gets hurt." he said making the same determined face as the day before.

"Then lets do this." I said squeezing his hand with the same intensity.