
The Alpha king Obsession

[WARNING: CONTAINS MATURE CONTENTS!!!] (PS: Read fifteen chapters at least before tossing it aside.) . Penelope Neville is a werewolf turned into an orphan by her first love and ex-husband, Damian Cedar who killed every member of her family and took her father's pack. She finds out he was plotting to kill her too, and tries to escape but is caught by her furious ex-husband who promised to make her beg for her death. She is imprisoned and sentenced to death for treason. On her execution, after all the tortures she was subjected to, her fated mate finds her after a long search and he turns out to be the Alpha king who was obsessed with her and wanted revenge for every hurt she had been subjected to. . # Except 1 "Proceed." This was finally it. My death. I felt all the air squeeze out of my lungs until I heard it - the deep, hoarse voice that sent chills down my spine. "Stop the execution," the king said with a warning edge that even a fool couldn't miss. Damian's face twisted with surprise that barely concealed his fury at the King's words. "Your Highness," he repeated, masking his irritation with a shallow bow, "This is the execution we spoke about a while ago that involved the treason." From his facial expression, I could tell he felt the need to state that. The king's gaze turned steely, cutting through Damian's attempt at justification. "Why aren't your guards backing down?" he asked, his voice dripping with authority that left murmurs in the crowd. "Or have you forgotten who commands this realm, Alpha Damian?" "Penelope Neville will be taken into my custody..." He declared. "Any attempt to go against my order or interfere will be met with swift and severe punishment worse than death." [ IN CUPIDS QUILL COMPETITION. Support book by adding to your library, voting with power stones, gifting with golden tickets, and normal gifting.]

Grace_Kylie_6044 · Fantaisie
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36 Chs


A pair of deep blue eyes captured my attention as I opened my wet hazel eyes to the crowd in front of me, who seemed to now be on their best behaviors, stunning me.

I couldn't tell if it was because of the unfamiliar man that held my gaze, or because of the voice that thundered in the courtyard, defiling Alpha Damian's order with a raw, undeniable authority, which was a very foolish thing to do.

My sixth sense told me they were connected.

Either way, the energy in the place had shifted dramatically. The hostile crowd that was ready to see my blood spill, were now silent with confusion on their faces.

I blinked weakly, breaking the eye contact with the most intimidating eyes I'd ever met. I didn't know how I was able to hold his gaze, but somehow I did, and I felt stupid for it.

I couldn't sense his aura, or wolf because of my present condition, but I could tell from his appearance that he wasn't an ordinary person. He was clearly in the high class rank, and high class ranked people weren't supposed to be messed with.

Realization hit me, and I laughed hysterically within me at my thoughts. I was thinking of the future when my life was going to end today.

"Is there a problem, your highness?" Damian's question directed at the stranger broke me out of my daze.

Your highness?

The serious look on Damian's face was supposed to clear any doubt about me mishearing his question, but my stubborn brain refused to acknowledge it.

What would the most feared person in the realm be doing here?

I strained to see the man through my blurred vision. I could barely see his face cause of the sunlight that glowed on him, but those cold blue eyes that now turned into the legendary golden ones gave me the answer I seeked.

My breath hitched as the truth settled in. This man wasn't just another noble. He was the king, the legendary Alexander Fenris.

"Stop the execution," the king repeated with a warning edge that even a fool couldn't miss.

Damian's face twisted with surprise that barely concealed his fury at the King's words. "Your highness," he repeated, masking his irritation with a shallow bow, "This is the execution we spoke about a while ago that involved the treason." From his facial expression, I could tell he felt the need to state that.

The king's gaze turned steely, cutting through Damian's attempt at justification. "Why aren't your guards backing down?" he asked, his voice dripping with authority that left murmurs in the crowd. "Or have you forgotten who commands this realm, Alpha Damian?"

"It'll be treacherous to ever forget this, your highness. But if I may," the fury in Damian's voice became less concealed, "this is a matter of internal pack discipline. This traitor's punishment is long overdue. Our pack deserve justice for her treason."

The king's eyes, like twin glaciers, lingered on his face. "Justice?" His voice echoed throughout the courtyard with a purr, "You dare to question your king on Justice?"