
The Alpha king Obsession

[WARNING: CONTAINS MATURE CONTENTS!!!] (PS: Read fifteen chapters at least before tossing it aside.) . Penelope Neville is a werewolf turned into an orphan by her first love and ex-husband, Damian Cedar who killed every member of her family and took her father's pack. She finds out he was plotting to kill her too, and tries to escape but is caught by her furious ex-husband who promised to make her beg for her death. She is imprisoned and sentenced to death for treason. On her execution, after all the tortures she was subjected to, her fated mate finds her after a long search and he turns out to be the Alpha king who was obsessed with her and wanted revenge for every hurt she had been subjected to. . # Except 1 "Proceed." This was finally it. My death. I felt all the air squeeze out of my lungs until I heard it - the deep, hoarse voice that sent chills down my spine. "Stop the execution," the king said with a warning edge that even a fool couldn't miss. Damian's face twisted with surprise that barely concealed his fury at the King's words. "Your Highness," he repeated, masking his irritation with a shallow bow, "This is the execution we spoke about a while ago that involved the treason." From his facial expression, I could tell he felt the need to state that. The king's gaze turned steely, cutting through Damian's attempt at justification. "Why aren't your guards backing down?" he asked, his voice dripping with authority that left murmurs in the crowd. "Or have you forgotten who commands this realm, Alpha Damian?" "Penelope Neville will be taken into my custody..." He declared. "Any attempt to go against my order or interfere will be met with swift and severe punishment worse than death." [ IN CUPIDS QUILL COMPETITION. Support book by adding to your library, voting with power stones, gifting with golden tickets, and normal gifting.]

Grace_Kylie_6044 · Fantaisie
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36 Chs


A ringing in my ears and widened eyes, I gasped, my hands flying to my mouth in shock.

I couldn't follow Alexander's movements before he ripped out the boy's heart.

The boy's body fell to the floor with a sickening thud, tears still in his eyes.

No one made a sound, not even his father, who had been sobbing moments ago. Sebastian straightened himself and stood to his feet, still trembling. His facial expression was worse than mine, like he had lost his reason for existence.

I watched the monster who called himself my mate as he took the boy's heart to his father. Picking up his hand that was folded to his front, Alexander placed his son's heart on his palm, wiping the blood on his hand on the man's white shirt.

"As forgiving as I am, I'll only say this once," Alexander's voice was cold and unyielding, "I will not tolerate mistakes that endangers the lives of the people under my protection. You can chose to do whatever you wish with my warnings but I have thin patience for nuisances."

The room remained deathly silent, like everyone was placed on a guillotine, and the lever will be pulled if a sound was made.

The other chefs stood paralyzed with fear, their faces ashen, each one silently praying they wouldn't be the next to fall under Alexander's wrath.

"Leave," he commanded and they all scurried out of the room, dragging the boy's lifeless body.

Alexander turned to me, a side of his lip pulling up. The blood on his hands and the cruelty in his actions made it hard to see him as anything other than what he was - a monster.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Penelope," he said gently, as if his actions were forgotten, "I promise you, no harm will ever come to you again. I will ensure this at all cost."

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the gruesome scene. Everything played over and over again in my head, terrifying me even more. Yet, I was too shocked to react to anything.

Alexander reached out to me, his now clean hands caressed my cheek, wiping away the tears I hadn't realized had fallen from my eyes. "Pike said you needed rest," he whispered with a tender voice that was almost soothing, "Let me take you to your room."

I was lifted in a bridal style as he carried me to my room. I could barely blink, too afraid of the man that held me in his arms to even breathe properly.

How could he murder someone in cold blood like their life was meaningless?

Removing the mattress slightly from the part of the bed he was going to place me, Alexander tugged me in, covering me with the mattress.

I stared at him blankly as he roughly dug his fingers into his hair, scattering his perfectly styled hair.

"You're scared of me," he said weakly, taking a step away from me.

A minute passed, yet, I couldn't bring myself to utter a word to him, or even make a sound.

Regret flashed in his eyes for barely a second before he said, "I'll see you in the morning, Penelope."

As he walked out of the room, the only thing I thought about was how to escape from my mate who was even worse than my ex-husband.