
The Alpha king Obsession

[WARNING: CONTAINS MATURE CONTENTS!!!] (PS: Read fifteen chapters at least before tossing it aside.) . Penelope Neville is a werewolf turned into an orphan by her first love and ex-husband, Damian Cedar who killed every member of her family and took her father's pack. She finds out he was plotting to kill her too, and tries to escape but is caught by her furious ex-husband who promised to make her beg for her death. She is imprisoned and sentenced to death for treason. On her execution, after all the tortures she was subjected to, her fated mate finds her after a long search and he turns out to be the Alpha king who was obsessed with her and wanted revenge for every hurt she had been subjected to. . # Except 1 "Proceed." This was finally it. My death. I felt all the air squeeze out of my lungs until I heard it - the deep, hoarse voice that sent chills down my spine. "Stop the execution," the king said with a warning edge that even a fool couldn't miss. Damian's face twisted with surprise that barely concealed his fury at the King's words. "Your Highness," he repeated, masking his irritation with a shallow bow, "This is the execution we spoke about a while ago that involved the treason." From his facial expression, I could tell he felt the need to state that. The king's gaze turned steely, cutting through Damian's attempt at justification. "Why aren't your guards backing down?" he asked, his voice dripping with authority that left murmurs in the crowd. "Or have you forgotten who commands this realm, Alpha Damian?" "Penelope Neville will be taken into my custody..." He declared. "Any attempt to go against my order or interfere will be met with swift and severe punishment worse than death." [ IN CUPIDS QUILL COMPETITION. Support book by adding to your library, voting with power stones, gifting with golden tickets, and normal gifting.]

Grace_Kylie_6044 · Fantaisie
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36 Chs


Damian's eyes flashed with anger, but he held his tongue. It was evident that the only thing holding his hostility was the respect he had for the crown, and what his careless words may do to his life.

He was talking to the king after all, and not just any king, but Alexander Fenris.

Tales of Alexander's ruthlessness were legendary, and they were whispered in every corner of the realm. The king who fought the notorious rogue packs alone without shifting, and brought them to their knees. His very name was enough to send shivers down the spine of the bravest warriors.

"Your highness, I would never question your justice. But this woman, my former Luna, conspired against me, against our pack. It is only right if she faces the consequence of her action."

Alexander's lips curled into a cold smile. "Consequences," he muttered sarcastically, but loud enough for everyone to hear, "You speak of consequences, Damian, as if you understand the true meaning of the word."

The crowd murmured louder, and uneasiness washed over them as they wondered what the King's words meant.

Alexander's golden eyes returned to Damian's face. "Consequences are indeed necessary," he continued, his tone deceptively calm, "Which is why Penelope Neville will be taken into my custody..." He declared. "Any attempt to go against my order or interfere will be met with swift and severe punishment worst than death."

Damian's face went pale, his eyes narrowing. "You can't just-"

"I can and I will," Alexander cut him off with a sharp tone as he released his aura. The pressure was immediate and crushing, forcing everyone in the courtyard, including Damian, to his knees.

Picking Damian by his throat, he lifted him like he was a doll. "Is that arrogance I smell, Damian? What right do you have to question my law? You. Forget. That. This. Is. My. Kingdom. Not yours, or anybody else's. MINE!"

I winced in pain at the pressure that weighed down at me. This was nothing like I've ever felt before. Is this what the Alpha king's aura felt like?

Damian struggled to catch his breath, his veins burged in his neck from the effort. "Your highness," he gasped, "I meant no disrespect. I only seek justice for my pack."

"You keep speaking of justice. Are you implying that your King plays little role in upholding Justice?" Alexander's words were low and dangerous.

"N no. Not at all, your highness. I I just simply wish to protect my people."

Even with my bent head from the king's aura, I could hear how Damian's pride was hurt, and I knew he stuttered speechlessly at how his words were turned against him so easily.

"Let it be known that I will not permit any tyranny going against my word. Penelope will be taken into my protection and her case reviewed under my authority."

His gaze turned to Ethan and the guards that stood behind me, before he surpressed his aura. Without uttering any word to them, I felt Ethan back away immediately, while the guards untied me.

I felt their grips loosened just enough for me to slump to the ground.

Too overwhelmed by everything that just happened, I closed my eyes and let myself fall into the darkness that consumed me.