
The Alpha In Her Dreams.

Whenever she closes her eyes, she can feel him. His amber eyes glaring back at her brown chocolate eyes, his fingers crawling on her skin making her shiver. She loved how he made her feel, she yearned for more and more but whenever she opened her eyes, she panted like she has been running a marathon, sweating profusely. Her silky nightie soaked not only with sweat but her wetness, her pantie more damper than ever. One unexpected day, she saw 'his amber eyes glaring back at her brown chocolate eyes' but not in her dreams, in broad daylight. Not only his eyes were visible but the whole of him. Time stopped. But... she saw something else in his amber eyes, an evil glint and the powerful scent that engulfed him made her skin crawl with fear making her remember the bitter past she had.

Felicia_Raice · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Her Past.

She woke up panting again, like she always does every morning when the sun peeps through her window. Her body filled with sweat, not only that but she was soaking wet. She saw them again like every other night, his amber eyes. It was weird how her body reacted to his invisible touches. She awkwardly loved how his amber orbs glared down on her brown ones, making her shiver.

Her nipples stood fully erected in her silky nightie. She moaned softly, biting her lower lip when her finger found its way on her sensitive nub.

"No Accalia," she whispered to herself, slipping out of bed. Her knee hit the bedside table and she groaned in pain, her attention was caught by the shattering of glasses on the floor.

"No!" She yelled, sagging down, ignoring the pain on her knee. Her parents' picture frame fell and the glass shielding it broke. A tear slipped out her eye, how could she be so irresponsible? It was the last souvenir she had of her late parents and now it broke.

Her parents died mysteriously in a car accident, no one knew what happened before and after that. Her uncle Davis took over everything that her parents owned because she was still a minor. Davis was the only family she had been left with, he used to love her a lot when her parents were alive but everything changed when they died.

Davis changed to a monster in human skin.

She still remembers that night...

* * Twelve years ago * *

She heard her bedroom door opening. A male silhouette stood behind the threshold of her door. Her heart skipped a bit, a twelve years old Accalia held the bed shit tightly to her chest.

"Who's there?" she asked, her small voice quivering with fear.

"Calia." A male deep voice said she knew the voice very well, it belonged to her uncle Davis. He was the only one who called her Calia.

She swallowed a lump on her throat, he wasn't the uncle she knew before her parents died anymore, he was different, aggressive and cruel to her. She held the sheet tighter, her body shaking with fear.

"U-uncle... I-i did a-as you said. I-i washed the dishes and cleaned the whole house without Nalia's help," she stammered.

Davis walked in, and shut the door behind him making Accalia flinch slightly.

"My little Calia. My little Calia." Davis sang taking slow steady steps towards her bed and her body started shaking with fear.

"U-uncle please—" she snapped her mouth shut knowing that she said the word he hated the most.

"I told you to never plead with me Calia!" He growled at the little girl and she sobbed.

"I'm so-sorry—"

"Another mistake Calia." He sat on her bed and glared at her with anger in his eyes. She suddenly saw an evil smirk on his face, he then stood up and sat on a chair.

"Come here Calia," he said calmly.

Accalia didn't move a muscle.

"I said come here Accalia!" This time he thundered and Accalia sobbed loudly running towards him.

"Sit on my thigh." He smiled.

"I won't hurt you. Sit now, you don't want to make me angry do you?" His eyes turned cold and she shook her head vigorously and sat on his thigh.

Davis smiled, "Good girl." His hand circled her tiny waist.

"Your mother was the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen but she chose to marry your father instead of me. I wanted her, and he knew that but he still went on and married her. She chose him because he had money, and I didn't have anything of my own. I was always in your father's shadow." He stopped and took a deep breath.

"But that's the past, now I have you. My beautiful little Calia." His hand snaked under her nightie to the smooth skin of her thigh and caressed it. Accalia felt uncomfortable, he grasped her waist tightly and she winced.

"P-please don't hurt me," she pleaded.

"I told you never to plead Accalia, why don't you ever listen to me!"

She sobbed.

He sighed. "Don't cry my little Calia." He tucked her loose strands of hair behind her ear.

"Beautiful girls don't cry." He cooed.

He smelt her black shiny long hair. "Smells like roses."

His other hand groped her developing breast and she squirmed.

"Sit still."

Her breath hitched, she wanted to be away as soon as possible.

"Stand up and strip Accalia."

"N-no..." She trailed off.

"What?" Davis barked.

Her legs involuntarily moved backwards away from him.

"Accalia." It was more like a warning.

She knew that she had nowhere to run to but she had to try. She was suddenly yanked by her hair and her scalp burned, she screamed in pain. In a swift moment, her back was on the soft fabric of her bed and then she knew that she wouldn't stop him anymore.

"No!" She screamed when he tore her nightie and he took her innocence away.

It was just the beginning of her worst nightmare. Davis pleasured himself every night. As years went by, Accalia drank sleeping pills so she wouldn't be awake when he used her. Her body served as evidence when she woke up in the morning.

One day she couldn't take it anymore, she ran away from the place she called home to nowhere but it lurked beneath her that he was surely going to find her wherever she went. One thing she knew about her family is that they were hunters and she knew that Davis was going to do anything to find her.

* * The Future * *

"Lia!" She heard Mrs McCain call and she snapped out of her daze.

"Breathe darling, take a deep breath. I'm here for you, nothing will ever happen to you." She engulfed her in her arms.

Accalia choked with tears. She promised herself not to be weak, not to remember her past but it was part of her.

"Calm down Lia," Mrs McCain cooed, patting her back. Accalia sobbed on her shoulder until her tears dried away.

She then remembered her parents' picture and quickly gathered the shattered glasses together.

"Stop it! You're going to get hurt." Mrs McCain scolded.

"I'm going to fix it, I promise. Give it to me." Mrs McCain extended her hand. Accalia hesitantly gave it to her.

"I've prepared something for you to eat, freshen up and come downstairs." Accalia nodded slightly.

"Shoot! What happened to your knee? You're so clumsy Lia." Mrs McCain stood in a kimbo.

Accalia said nothing. "I will help you apply something to it after you take a bath."

Accalia nodded and went to the bathroom. The poor woman didn't even know what happened to her in the past but he still took her in after seeing her drenched and dishevelled in the rain. She had been mute for weeks before she started talking. She took her to multiple therapists but nothing worked, but it seemed like she was getting better and that it made her happy.

Accalia went downstairs after freshening up.

"I have good new news for you," Jane said to Accalia.

"What news Mrs McCain?" Accalia furrowed her brows.

"You're starting a new job tomorrow, you have been hired as a secretary. Do you remember that we applied for the post from the Dr Cooperation Groups?"

Accalia remembered it very well, but she was not sure if she wanted to work there.

The name gave her shivers and she couldn't understand why.