

Well, multiple reasons broke Dongyoung's heart after receiving that certain information from his brother's mouth. Knowing that his lover was being touched the way he used to broke his heart.

Knowing that he wouldn't be Taeil's last broke his heart. But none of them were more heartbreaking than the fact that his brother was broken and crying. His duty as a big brother was his priority after all.

He hugged the latter and ruffled his hair. "Just this? Oh Woo-ah… It's not a big deal and you're not forcing him in any way. Maybe he just needs some time? It's normal for some people. Don't worry about it."

"Really Hyung? He doesn't hate me?" Jungwoo asked, pouting and showing his puppy eyes.

The elder pinched his cheek softly and said, "No. He doesn't and he never will. He's just as in love with you as you're in with him. Just give it sometime and things will be better for both of you. Trust your Big Bro."
