
Chapter 38: Macon Forrester

Macon Forrester

It took me a while to find Serena’s grandmother. She was who I had dealt with in the past, and I didn’t think she was anywhere near as temperamental as Elton was. She also wasn’t Imogen, who I knew would tell Serena immediately. I took a few missed turns. At one point, I ended up in a room that was filled with nothing but cauldrons. Another, I ended up in one that was filled with every kind of weapon that you could have imagined and had to duck to avoid a magical axe getting rid of my head.

Then there was a third room that seemed to be completely filled with unicorn horns, which I found questionable, but I found it best not to ask questions. Eventually, I found a room I remembered that was Gigi’s study.

She was brewing a potion of some kind that glowed green on a desk. “Macon Forrester. The werewolf that stole my granddaughter's heart. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

I frowned. “I didn’t steal anything.”