
Chapter Fifty – Allegiance to the werewolves.

Lu found himself running for his dear life again in a forest.

Why did the universe always bring him to such situations? And his friends had been beheaded already.

Curse those werewolves. He thought they'd be strong enough to defeat the soldiers and attack the palace but they fought limply.

Was that all their anger was worth? Or did the starvation take a toll on them?

'Go west, I'd take here" Lu heard a soldier bellow. He buried himself inside a small tunnel, pulling out his knife.

This would be his first kill, that he wouldn't be regretting. For the sake of the enslaved and dead dwarfs the last few months.

'Lu, come out boy now so we'd take this quick and painless" the soldier snickered. Lu murmured indistinctively. He was no boy.

The soldier lost his guard, returning his sword back to it's sheath. And plucked a fruit from a tree, 'Don't waste my time…".