
The Alpha's Replacement Bride

Marchioness Harriet Goldlane, a talented noblewoman, made a deal with Old Duke Almandine. To save her younger brother, she was willing to become a substitute for Liam's 'mate', the grandson of the Old Duke. Liam was an Alpha whose 'mate' died long ago. He was severely injured and had been living without a heart for a long time. He could only wake up from his sleep when there was a full moon. The Old Duke and Liam himself guessed that the man would die soon due to his worsening condition. Because of that, Old Duke wanted Harriet to give birth to an heir to the Almandine Family from Liam's seed so that their family would have a new leader. The Alpha's replacement bride would soon find that she was in love with the dying man and now they both wished for a miracle to save Liam's life. Could she fulfill her duty to bear the next Alpha for the Almandines? Would Liam survive to protect his bride and family?

Rossita Saga · Fantaisie
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612 Chs

The Loops: A Different First Date

Almandine City was bright with lantern lights. The Winter's End Festival was always the biggest in the North. Harriet heard that it was essential for a woman in the North to participate, whether to sell something, to have fun, or to learn from it.

When Liam left the castle, he was so excited to meet her that he didn't realize the lights on the street. He just jumped into the sky and landed outside the city.

Harriet's headquarters was not far, so they arrived in just around 30 minutes back to Almandine... but when he came alongside her, everyone gazed at them...

Because Liam was once again carrying her bridal style.

Liam only had a couple of waking hours on the night of a full moon, so he didn't want to waste time.

He ran all the way here carrying a frightened Harriet, who was clutching his neck with everything she had.

"We're here. You can get down now," Liam whispered to her.