
The Alpha's Replacement Bride

Marchioness Harriet Goldlane, a talented noblewoman, made a deal with Old Duke Almandine. To save her younger brother, she was willing to become a substitute for Liam's 'mate', the grandson of the Old Duke. Liam was an Alpha whose 'mate' died long ago. He was severely injured and had been living without a heart for a long time. He could only wake up from his sleep when there was a full moon. The Old Duke and Liam himself guessed that the man would die soon due to his worsening condition. Because of that, Old Duke wanted Harriet to give birth to an heir to the Almandine Family from Liam's seed so that their family would have a new leader. The Alpha's replacement bride would soon find that she was in love with the dying man and now they both wished for a miracle to save Liam's life. Could she fulfill her duty to bear the next Alpha for the Almandines? Would Liam survive to protect his bride and family?

Rossita Saga · Fantaisie
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612 Chs

Arai And Zaha

In a wide valley in the middle of the icy mountains, there was a garden with transparent crystal trees. The sun's light penetrated and reflected on the crystal trunks, making the place so sparkly and beautiful.

A slender old man with a hunchbacked body was extending his hand at one of the fruits of the crystal trees. The fruit was as big as an apple with a shape that looked like a goose egg but was golden in colour.


The sound of strong wind was clear, causing the old man to turn his head towards the south. "Hmm, someone is coming…"

Above the valley, the sky looked blue, clear without clouds. But all around him, a spiralling mist surrounded the valley, creating a violent blizzard wall, blocking people from passing through to enter the garden.