
The Alpha's Redemption

As she ran through the gloomy, tangled woodland, leaves crunching beneath her feet, Hazel's pulse raced in her breast. Fear overcame her as she turned around and saw Alex, her former mate, close behind her. The person she had once loved turned into her most significant threat, and she couldn't believe how things had turned out. "Hazel, you can't run forever!" Alex's voice, rife with rage and desperation, resounded through the trees. "You can mate with me, or you can die!" As Hazel pushed herself harder and became more determined to escape, her breath came in frantic gasps. The idea of being forced into a relationship with someone who had been so ruthless and oppressive was too much for her to handle. The person who was meant to love and care for her, her mate, had turned into a monster. "You can't hurt me or anyone else; ill save my people, I promise!" Hazel responded with a cry that was tinged with defiance. "I'd much rather die than be with you!" As Alex's footsteps approached, he grabbed her arm to stop her. Hazel broke free, her face covered in tears as she was driven by fear and adrenaline. She knew she had to keep fighting and running for the sake of her survival, for the entire supernatural beings, and for her mate,  whom she vowed to protect. Hazel kept running with a resolute purpose, desperate to reach safety and freedom from the cruel fate Alex had placed upon her. No matter how severe the situation, she would do whatever it necessary to survive, to save both her life and the life of her mate and the entire supernatural beings.

Midnight_Shadow_5813 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs


Alex's point of view.

"Congratulation, Alex"

My upcoming beta(Aiden) congratulated me.

"Thanks, man," I replied with a curt nod as the upcoming beta of my pack congratulated me on my victory. I couldn't help but feel indifferent toward his praise, knowing that this was just a small victory and not something worth celebrating.

"You know, Alex, you should be more excited about this," Aiden said, his voice tinged with excitement. "You just defeated that punk in front of everyone. You should be proud of yourself."

I shook my head, not bothering to look at him. "It's not enough," I replied, my voice firm. "I have bigger goals in mind."

"Bigger goals?" he asked, looking confused. "What could be bigger than becoming an alpha? You already have a great pack behind you. In four to five years, you will be our Alpha."

"That's not enough," I replied, feeling the frustration starting to build within me. "I want to become a Celestial Highness."

He looked at me with disbelief; his mouth was slightly agape. "Are you serious?" he asked. "You want to become the ruler of all supernatural beings?"

"Yes," I said with conviction. "It's my ultimate goal. I want to lead our entire community towards a better future, and the only way to do that is by becoming the Celestial Highness."

He shook his head, still looking skeptical. "That's a lofty goal, Alex," he said.

"But I will make it happen."

I said.

As my pack members came over to congratulate me on my victory, I couldn't help but feel indifferent toward their praises. This was just a tiny victory, and I couldn't be bothered to get excited. My only goal was to become a Celestial Highness, the top rank in the supernatural world.

Some may think that I'm being greedy, but who wouldn't want to be the one to hold such a prestigious position? The Celestial Highness is revered by all supernatural beings, and their word is the law. Every ten years, officials vote for a new Celestial Highness, and it's time for someone from our community to hold that title.

For the past 60 years, the Vampire King Marius Nightshade has held the position of Celestial King, and it's time for someone else to take their place. Werewolves have never held this position, and I find it insulting that our species has never been given a chance to prove ourselves.

Some may think that becoming an Alpha of my pack would be enough, but my aspirations go beyond just leading my pack. I want to lead our entire supernatural community toward a brighter future, and the only way to do that is by becoming the Celestial Highness.

So yes, I am greedy, but it's not just for myself. It's for the betterment of our entire community, and I'm willing to work hard and do whatever it takes to make that happen. For that, I can do anything, kill anyone and go to any length to get that position.


After the intense match, I felt exhilarated and proud of my victory. As I walked off the field, I was greeted by congratulatory remarks from my teammates and fans alike. Knowing that all my hard work and training had paid off was a great feeling.

However, the dirt and blood marks on my body reminded me of the physical toll the match had taken on me. So, I decided to head towards the nearby lake to take a refreshing dip and clean up. The water was calm and calming as I submerged myself, feeling the weight of the stress and exhaustion slowly lifting off me.

I took my time, enjoying the peaceful scenery around the lake, letting my thoughts wander as I basked in the moment.

As I was enjoying my peaceful moment by the lake, suddenly, Lizzy came out of nowhere and approached me. I wasn't expecting anyone to disturb my alone time, so I was annoyed by her presence; she entered the lake naked near me.

To my surprise, she put her head on my shoulder. I was frustrated and disappointed that my solitude had been interrupted; she is always disturbing and a pain in the ass; I don't like how she is clingy to me.

She started kissing my shoulders, and that's it. I lost my patience.

"Lizzy, before I kill you, leave from here."

I warned her.

"Alex baby, I want to be your girlfriend, please; why don't we enjoy some alone time in your cabin."

Lizzy said while trying to turn Alex's head to her side, but Alex caught her hand. "Lizzy, I appreciate your feelings but don't feel the same way. I value our friendship and don't want to lead you on."

I tried my best to maintain his calmness.

But Lizzy didn't take it well and started to plead with me, "Alex, please give me a chance. I promise I'll make you happy, and we can have a great time together. I will give everything; I will do whatever you order me? Please, Alex, I love you."

She said and started hugging me from the side tightly and kissing my shoulder.

I was starting to feel frustrated and annoyed by her behavior, and I replied, "Lizzy, I'm sorry, but my answer is no. I don't want to lead you on or give you false hope. I just don't see you that way, and I think it's best if we remain friends. You know that I have a mate."

But Lizzy kept bugging me and trying to change my mind, saying, "Please, Alex, I can't imagine my life without you. I'll do anything to make you happy. Just give me a chance, please."

I started to lose my patience and raised my voice, saying, "Just fucking shut your mouth bitch, leave me before I kill you. I will never love a slut like you who will always follow me like a dog, have some self-respect, and get lost from here., You know I have a mate already. I will only love her, or I will never love anyone."

I shouted. By now, my wolf ('Nova') is trying to leash out at Lizzy; I'm keeping my best to control him and myself.

Lizzy was taken aback by my sudden outburst and started crying. I felt terrible for making her cry, but I knew I had to be firm and stick to my decision.

"That Zeta rank bitch will never be Luna. The entire pack will be against it if you tell them the low-life will be our Luna."

Lizzy said with a hint of hurt as well as jealousy.

Ultimately, I walked away from her, feeling frustrated and irritated by the situation.

It was a shame that our friendship had to end like this, but I couldn't help how I felt, and I didn't want to lead her



As I stormed out of the lake, my mind was still reeling from the argument we had just had. I couldn't believe she was telling me to leave Rose for her. How could she think that? I will never leave Rose, no matter what.

I reached the house where my mate(Rose) and I lived; my dad never liked her and forbade her from entering the pack house.

So I have no choice but to live with Rose alone in my house; when there is something essential, or sometimes during weekends, I go to the pack house at that time; also, Rose is not allowed.

I needed to clear my head, so I headed straight home. When I got there, I noticed that Rose's door was open. I walked in and saw that she was already fast asleep. I couldn't help but smile at how peaceful she looked.

I walked over to her bed and sat down next to her. I gently stroked her hair and pulled the covers up to her chin. I didn't want her to catch a cold. As I sat there, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having Rose in my life. She was always there for me, no matter what.

After a few minutes, I got up and headed to my room. I was exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of the day. I knew I needed to get some rest if I was going to be ready for school tomorrow and the upcoming match with the Blue Moon Pack.

I climbed into bed and let out a deep sigh. As I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but think about how lucky I was to have Rose. She was my pillar of strength and a dependable confidante. She would be there for me no matter what happened; I was confident as I dozed off.


I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a dark room. The only light source was from the window, casting an ethereal glow around the space. Suddenly, I felt the urge to explore this place, and I slowly opened the door to the room.

To my surprise, I entered a magnificent garden filled with vibrant and colorful flowers. The sky was painted with purple, pink, and orange hues, creating a magical backdrop for the stunning blooms that filled the garden. As I walked through the garden, I was greeted by the flowers' sweet fragrance filling the air. It was a place of pure enchantment, and I felt at peace.

"Alex baby, come to me."

But suddenly, I heard a voice calling out to me, and I felt drawn to it. I rushed towards the source of the sound, trying to find the person who was calling out to me. As I listened to the voice, I felt a sense of calm washing over me. Her words were like music to my ears, and I felt myself falling deeper under her spell.

"Baby, come to me."

Finally, I reached where the voice was coming from and saw a beautiful girl standing with her back to me. She had long hair and was wearing a red dress. As she turned around, I was stunned by her beauty. I felt a spark ignite within me as I gazed into her eyes. It was as if our souls had intertwined, and I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. I have never seen that beautiful woman like her in my life; she looks like an angel from heaven.

I heard a voice from the other side and turned towards that side and was shocked to see Rose crying like a mad woman; I turned towards the other women and saw that she was gone; she was nowhere to be found.

"So you are cheating me, Alex; from how many days have you been cheating me."

She said and started crying.

I couldn't believe my eyes and felt my heart breaking as she accused me of cheating on her. I approached her as she abruptly used a knife to stab her stomach."Rose.."I shouted, but I soon found myself back in the shadows.

I was startled out of sleep when I realized it had all been a dream; these nightmares had been stalking me since last year.