
The Alpha's Promise

How can two young lovers ends up together if the other one has another? Confusing? it happens like this. ~~ Cailly and Calix are seating near the pond where they used to come to play. but now is different. Since Calix shift for the first time, Cailly needs to go back to her pack. her parents say it's for her safety and Calix's parents agreed. Now, Its time for her departure. "Promise me you'll wait for me, Lexy." Cailly said softly. "I will. I promise Cai. I will wait for you." Calix pull her to a bear hug and kissed her cheeks causing her to blush. They bid their goodbyes and parted ways. After 10 years. Cailly is invited to an engagement party and a wedding. There she got the chance to meet her Mate. unfortunately, her mate turns out to be the Groom, Calix. the young boy who promised to wait for her. What will she do? Let's all find out!

Grey_ · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 : She's Back!

I stepped off of the plane. The fresh air filling my lungs. I took a few more steps as another gust of wind blew. As the wind blew I smelled an amazing minty scent. I looked around, searching for the owner of the scent. I saw no one and the scent slowly faded away. I shrugged my shoulders and entered the airport just to be greeted by the employees, I can recognize them by their scents. Mixture of human and werewolf. The werewolves give me welcoming smiles while the humans smile just for the show. I smirked at them. "Humans."

After collecting my luggage, I made my way out from the building, I saw an old man, a wolf, waving at me. I easily recognized him. He was my driver when I still lived here, taking me to school. He would be the one to drop and pick Sam and I from school.

"Mr. Ronalds!" I greeted the man, smiling.

"Ms. Cailly. Welcome back." He said politely. He took my luggage from me and placed it at the bunker of the car. Once he was done, he opened the back door. I shook my head and opened the passenger seat and hopped in. I winked at him and he smiled playfully.

"Old habits die hard." I muttered making him chuckle. "Indeed." He said as he hopped into the driver's seat and started the engine. "You've grown up, Ms. Cailly." I snorted.

"Cut the Ms., Just call me Cailly."

"Cailly, you have grown beautifully and still, the innocence of your childhood is still there." He stated.

"And you are still the same, raining me with praises, ugh." I spat playfully, he just chuckled. "Just telling the truth."

"Yeah, Yeah!" I rolled my eyes at him while chuckling.

"You should take a nap, it's a long drive. I'll wake you up when we reach the pack house." I nodded. Plugging my earphones and clicking the music play on my phone and close my eyes.


"Cai!' I groaned. 'Cailly wake up" Someone said while shaking my shoulder. I yanked at whoever disturbed my peaceful sleep.

"Come on, Cai. Wake up." A Frustrated voice of a man said, the voice sounded familiar. I groaned again then shifted in my position and back to sleep. The man pulled me up and shook me roughly, I closed my fist tightly and hit him hard wherever I can hit him then I opened my eyes lazily just to see Sam lying on the floor, I gasp.

"Hey, Sam. What'cha doin? Catching fish? That's nice." I said innocently as I smiled sweetly at him. He groaned and was about to stand when I came to realize where I am and who's the man in front of me. I jump on top of him and we rolled down the driveway.

"SAM MIKAEL STRYDER! BIG BROTHER! IT'S YOU! OH MY GOSH! I'M BACK!" I beamed excitedly as we stopped rolling, we ended up on one of the plants, hugging him tight and he let out a chuckle which turned to a whimper.

"Cai. Are you planning on killing me?" He said breathlessly. I laughed at him before I got up. I extended my hand to him to help him get up too but before he can fully stand on his feet, someone tackled me and caged me in a tight hug. We stumbled and lost balance. We hit Sam once again and we fell back on the ground. Chuckling as Sam groaned in pain. "Oh please, someone help me." He pleaded. And again, I laugh at his miserable state. I turned to see Rose, my best friend smiling widely at me.

Matching her smile, we both got up and patted our pants from dirt. When we were done, she pulled me in a tight hug. "You're back! You are totally back! I missed you babe!" I rolled my eyes. "Since when did you called me babe, Sese?" I teased, she frowned.

"Come on, we're both full grown up ladies now. Have some change lily!" She protested. "Yeah! Sese!" And we both laughed.

We didn't notice Sam's presence as he pulled me to him and hugged me tight, sniffing on my scent. "Baby girl." He muttered and I rolled my eyes. "Big brother" I hugged him back and patted his back softly.

"Okay! You can do the drama later! I just came here to see why Alpha Sam's taking to long to get you." She said "The party is ready at the backyard."

"Sorry about that, I just had to wake her up, and when she doesn't want to open her eyes, I pulled her out of the car and was about to carry her when she hit me on my face, and maybe when she came to her senses she tackled me, we rolled down and the rest, you belong with it." Sam stated while glaring at me while I on the other hand, gave him an innocent smile, he smirked.

I tug my hand to his shoulder while following Rose, leading us at the backyard.

"Sounds like Cailly, Alpha." She laughed and we joined her.

As we reached the back door, I can hear loud music, chattering people and children playing. When Rose opened the back door, everyone turned dead silent. The music was the only thing left playing. Once I stepped out of the door, they all yelled in unison.


I smiled at them wholeheartedly. "Thank you guys!" I shouted and they boomed into their own welcoming words and greetings.

After a meet and greet session of welcome backs, they all went back to their own chats. Rose lead me in a table with a group of people, I instantly recognized them.

Jake, Sam's beta and Rose's older brother. Martin, Sam's third. Three girls, as I can see, it's Jake and Martin's mate, since they were beside them.

On the other side of the table, Earl, Charles, Bob and Chris. Earl is Rose twin brother.

"Hi guys!" I greeted and they all bowed their head. "Ugh! Enough with the formalities guys." I looked around. "Where's Sam?" I asked.

"Here." Sam's voice came from my back, I turned around to see him standing in front of me with a petite beautiful girl at his side. I looked at him and grinned.

"Is that her?" I asked giddily, he nodded.

"Cai, this is Alicia Green, my mate, my luna."

I pulled her away from Sam and hugged her tight. "Hi! I'm Cailly Zeyl Stryder, Sam's sister. You can call me Cai, Zeyl, Eyl or anything you like. Oh! I'm glad to meet you!" I said excitedly, her face turned red and I exclaimed. "Oh! You're so cute when you blush!" Then her face lit up, red as tomato. Sam pulls her to him.

"Cai! Your embarrassing her!" He scolded me while I huffed. "No. I didn't. She really looked cute when she blushed. Right?" I turned to the people on the table and they curtly nodded. "Hey don't be scared of your Alpha!" I frowned. Sam chuckled while I glared at him.

"She's beautiful, not just cute, Cai." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah!"

"You can still reject him if you want." I whispered jokingly. They both gasped and looked at me wide-eyed. I burst into fits of laughter, clutching my stomach.

"Cailly!" Sam yelled. I made a peace sign as I laughed harder. He sighed in defeat and said to his mate;

"Please forgive my sister, she's a little crazy sometimes, but she's just kidding. Please don't think of rejecting me."

Alicia smiled at him as she caressed his face. "I won't reject you." And they were about to kiss.

"Ew! Ew! Not here! Oh my gosh! My innocent eyes!" I covered my eyes with my hands and everyone on the table burst into laughter while Alicia hid her face to Sam's chest, while Sam just chuckled.

When the laughter died down, Sam and Alicia excused their selves. Who knows what their going to do. I smirked at the thought.

Rose suggested to play a game.

Standing in the middle of the woods, she began to explain.

"Okay, the first who will reach the border and come back here is the winner. Remember, whoever will lose will become a slave for a week. Clear?" We all nodded.

"You really don't want to join?" I asked Jake who didn't join the game and offered to be the announcer of the winner. He nodded. "Okay."




And we all sped up in a blink, running inside of the woods, hiding in the shadows of trees, and running faster. Having the Alpha blood in me, I have the advantage but something caught my senses. I stopped to a halt and sniffed the air. I ran towards the scent, coming from the east side boarder. "Rogues" Aleck said in my head. I nodded.

I saw Rose catch up with me. "What's wrong?" She asked through mind-link.

"We got visitors, sniff the air." That's all I said and fastened my speed.

We reached the east boarder just to be greeted by five rogues, three males and two females. One of the rogues is being straddled by the patrol guards.

"What's happening here?" I used my Alpha voice as I straightened my back and held my head up.

"They are trespassing, Alpha and this one attacked me." The patrol guard said.

"Let him go." I ordered, he bowed his head, releasing the guy.

I faced them complete. "You know so well that you are trespassers or maybe Sam know's your coming, which one?" I asked in a stern voice.

The older man step forward "Good evening, we would like to speak with the Alpha." he politely said, cocking my eye brow. "Why?" I feel myself radiating with power and seems like the man in front of me feels it too when he lowered his head.

"I am going to ask for permission if we can join your pack, Alpha." He said in a submissive tone and I was taken aback by him recognizing me as an Alpha. I composed my posture and straightened my back and turn to look at the patrol guard.

"Get Sam and Jake." I ordered but it came out more like a command.

"Yes, Alpha." That's all he said and turned around, disappearing from my sight.

Jake showed up in a matter of seconds. "Where's Sam?"

'He wants you to handle this." He said in a nonchalant tone. I frowned. "Why?" He kept his gaze to rogues.

"Because he know you can handle it. So, what do they want?" My frown grew deeper as he turned to look at me. "What?"

"You're hiding something" I smirked then I turned my focus to the rogues. "We'll talk, together with Sam after I'm done with them." I said in a dismissive tone and he nodded.

"Why should I let you go in? What makes you all go rogue?" I asked blankly.

"Our Alpha is --" He was cut in his word when the man being straddle by the guard spoke up.

"Our Alpha is a dickhead and a mess. He became unreasonable and unpredictable, he became like that after his mate died. We suffered and were not fed for almost three years, he made the pack members work hard but he didn't feed them right. He kills pack members who disobey him--" I cut him mid-sentence.

"-Ah-huh! Now that I just noticed. What are you doing here being rogue if you will be the next Alpha? You are the alpha's son am I right?"

He looked taken aback, and gasps were heard behind me and the female from the rogues, the other boys gulped nervously while the man in front of me stayed calm.

"He doesn't want to step down to his alpha position and I can't do anything about it. I decided to leave when I met my mate" He turn to look at the young lady behind him, one of the rogues before he continued. "I don't want her and her family to suffer like I did, I can handle myself from the suffering because he's my father, I know I still need to stay with him for his the only family I have, but when I met her, a month ago, I made the decision for myself and for her. I want a simple life with her, we came here because I know that your pack can keep us safe and we can live normally, I promise my loyalty to you and to this pack." He ended.

I checked his face if he is telling the truth or if he is lying. I listened to his heartbeat. Nothing. I sighed heavily.

"Take them on one of the rooms or cells, bring them food and let them rest." I told Jake and he nodded in response. "I'll talk to you again, tomorrow morning." I informed them.

"Thank you" The man said. "Don't thank me." I muttered flatly and walked away.

Rose walked with me back to the pack house. The party music died down and I saw some of the members cleaning the area. I bid good night at them and they responded with a good night in their own way.

"Are you gonna take them in?" Asked Rose once we entered the kitchen. I grabbed a box of juice from the fridge while she took two tall glasses and place them on top of the kitchen table.

"Sam will do the decision, he's the alpha not me." I frowned.

"You make the decision of what to do with them." Sam said. We both snapped our head to his direction, he was leaning at the kitchen door, munching on his apple.


"I'm passing the Alpha title to you. And I know you can be a perfect female alpha." He said proudly.


'No but's, No what if's, I know you can, and you prove yourself that you can and I trust you, Cai." He said confidently.

"Why the sudden decision?" I asked him.

"Alicia is the only daughter of their Alpha in her pack, I am going to take the Alpha position there and think of the possible way to how can I possibly merge our pack to her pack." He said as if thinking deeply hard, I pouted. 

"You should have told me or given me an idea, not that you put me right on the spot."

He chuckled "You did great don't you think? You didn't kill them. But if I were on that spot, I would've killed them on the spot without asking why, what, how they become rogue, that's our pack's image. A "killer" but you change that in a matter of minutes by letting them explain themselves, you even noticed that one of them is an alpha's son. If I were there, I would've killed him. But you didn't, you kept yourself calm. That's amazing you know."

I huffed, "Killing is not always the last choice you can have when you meet a rogue."

"That's why you can be an amazing alpha." He said proudly.

"He's right!" Rose beamed, grinning.

"Alright! I think this is enough to process for one day. I am an Alpha?! I am an Alpha!" I exclaimed. "I think I need to take a rest, sleep for awhile. Anyway, I still have something to do tomorrow." I frowned.

"Okay. Take a rest baby girl." He teased and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, big brother." I mocked.

I stood up from my chair and walked towards my room.

"Alpha Cailly " Aleck, my wolf teased.

"Alpha Aleck?" I spat at her and she let out a small giggle in my head making me laugh.

