
Chapter 35

Eli didn’t say anything. He simply just stared at the ground with his eyebrows drawn together.

"What exactly is the plan?" Jet asked eventually. "Are we just going to walk out in the open and wear signs that read ‘shoot me’?"

"You’re such a damn pessimist," Jade hissed while Eli smack the back of his head.

"Excuse me for being scared," Jet snapped back.

We were all in the heat of the moment. It was definitely a first time to see everyone bicker or snap at each other. I guess you couldn’t blame them if there was an eighty percent chance of dying.

"We all are," I said, looking at everyone straight in the eyes. "But we were chosen as representatives for a reason. We will stand by the sides of our Alphas and Betas no matter what and we will have the strength to support our Alphas and Betas."

Everyone stayed quiet after that. I sighed, before saying, "I’m pretty sure there is a plan."