
Chapter 29

I went straight for the cupboard, reaching up on my tiptoes. In times like this, I cursed my short height. I smiled in victory when the glass cup was safely in my hands.

"Hey," a female greeted out of nowhere. I jumped a foot in the air, startled. I turned around, clutching the glass to my chest.

"Oh, hey," I said awkwardly when I saw Hayley sitting at the kitchen table on her cell phone.

"Sorry I scared you," Hayley apologized, putting her phone down.

"Oh, no," I waved off. "I just didn’t see you there. I was focused on getting myself a drink. My throat is as dry as the Sahara desert. Would you like something to drink?"

"No, thank you," Hayley said politely. "I’m just waiting for Galam to come down."

I sit down on the seat across from her. Although it was extremely awkward, it was rude for me to leave Hayley here by herself. I took a sip of my water, feeling the cool liquid slide down my dry throat.