
+The Alpha's Mate+

Asher Has Moved on from his past. And Now Ever Since He Moved to Sitka In America, A small town with little drama. The Perfect place to forget about his past and move on with his life and finally find his mate and focus on school. Although When it comes to the first day of Year 10 Shit goes south. Dante Meets Asher and Asher Meets Dante. Both of their wolves already Know. A Spark of electricity, A familiar scent both Soon to Find out that Their Mates. Although Asher Keeps his past locked up in a vault not Telling Dante About his Past, not telling Dante That Asher himself is an Alpha. Soon To know When everything uncovers and Asher's Past Catches up to him. 2 packs are endangered. 2 Alpha's are Pressured to make a decision. What Will it be?

0Life · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 2.

Asher POV

I slammed the locker shut as I met a pair of Pinkish eyes. "Well Well...Now who Do we have here?" Said The girl in front of me. She held out her hand politely "The names Cherrie.. And yours?" Cherrie said. I took out my hand and shook it with Cherries. "Asher.." I replied with a returning warm smile. "Nice.. Anyway my friends over there wanted to know if ya want to Hang out with us?" Cherrie Asked in a Polite manner. "Oh Yea Sure!" I say taking my hand back looking over Cherries Shoulder to see A group of People. I saw That Cherrie Had nodded a signal for them to come over and introduce themselves.

As the group came over I started to notice their features more clearly. They Were a mixed group. One had Deep blue eyes While his hair was Ash Blond. There was a girl by his side shorter then myself. Her hair was short more of a tomboyish hairstyle with dark brown hair and Silver metallic eyes. Then on the other side were two males. They both looked like twin but with different coloured eyes. One Had Green eyes kind of like mine but a darker shade of Green. The other male/twin had eyes that were a pale light green. I noticed each person had the same mark on their wrist. Was a three lined tattoo with Wave lines cutting through each one.

I stood there slightly zoning out on which pack they might've been from. "Hello??? Anybody there?" Cherrie asked me while waving a hand in front of my eyes . Shaking my head coming back to reality from thought "Oh- Sorry just zoned into thought" I replied noticing we were all circled around. "All Good!" Cherrie said with a smile. "Anyyyy way~.. These are my friends who are now your friends" She said her smile growing bigger. "Hello I'm Jax" The Girl with the Silver eyes said. "Nice to meet you I'm Asher" I say, "Pleasure to meet you Asher.. The names Josh" The guy with Ash blonde hair stood before me grabbing my hand and pressing a small kiss on it. My cheeks felt heated as a pink blush crept on to them. "Wow Princey.. Such a gentlemen" Said Jax pushing him away from me. "Give him a little space Princey." Jax said. The twin rushed to my each side of me. "And Were The Twins!" They both said synchronising. I giggled at them while Cherrie and Jax gave me a look of adoreness. "He's So precious!" Squealed Cherrie while Jax Agreed. "What are you're names?" I asked the Twins. "Well I'm Jonathan!." The one with pale green eyes. "And I'm Joel!" The one with the darker green eyes said. I gave everyone a warm smile and nodded.

"Whatcha got for first period?" Asked Jax, I looked at my period table then back at her. "I have Atar Chemistry, Then for second period I have Atar English" I say looking at them. "Wow Attar Chemistry and English?.. Man you must be smart!" Replied Jonathan. "Hm?.. Chemistry isn't that hard" I replied to him. "Well Looks like we have chemistry together" Cherrie Said. "And we have English together!" Said Josh with a wink. The Siren rung over our heads. "Come on little one lets get to chemistry!" Cherrie said dragging me along.



As we walked into the classroom the teacher was already writing the topic up and some revision questions up onto the white board. "Everyone to their seats!" He yelled still facing the White Board. Cherrie had led me to our seats. Me and Cherrie started to talk about each others lives and what packs we were in or from.

"QUIET!.. Now is everyone here?" The Teacher Asked. In return he got silence and blank stares. "Right looks were missing a few others but oh well they can catch up later.." He spoke sternly. Still In return Silence was the only answer. "Right Welcome Back To a new year... As Yo may know We have some new students in the class the year.. Mind introducing you're self?" He asked. I looked at Cherrie and she nodded. I held my hand in the air to speak. "Ah! Our first New Student. Yes you may introduce your self" He said looking at me with an approved face.

I looked around the room then sighed and stood up. "Hi.. I'm Asher.. uh My favourite colour is green and I'm from Northern Forest.. That in England if you weren't sure" I say nervously rubbing the back of my neck. People whispered then raised there hands to ask a few questions I think. "Uh yes?" I replied to one of the hands. "Are you single? & What was England like???" One of my peers asked. The class let out a small laugh. The teacher had amused look on his face. "Uh Yes I am Single, England Was Great." I replied with. "Then Why'd you leave?" I turned my head to who ever said that. As I faced them, It was the guy I bumped into earlier in the morning. I could feel a warmth connection for when we made eye contact. I felt my heart race. I forced the words out to answer his question. "Its Personal.. I'd Rather not say". The class went silent as our eye connection stayed. I felt my fists curl up into a ball as if I was ready to swing at his face and knock him out.

I took my gaze away from him sitting down. My hands relaxed as I took a few small breathes. Cherri noticed this and glared at the male. "Leave him alone Dante" She spoked. So Dante? Was his name. I spoke in my head looking at the table while zoning out again. My ears picked up the growling that rose up. I lifted my head to see Cherrie and Dante growling at each other. I put my hands over my ears trying to cancel out the level of noise. The teacher didn't bother to get himself involved in the situation.

May as well finish it myself.

I thought as I let go of my ears and let out a low deep thundering growl. The tables slightly shook and then other growls stopped and stared in shock at me. Dante looked at me like he wanted a challenge. Cherrie on the other hand bowed in response and took her seat. I rose up from my seat and walked over to him growling Louder.... and louder.... until he submitted and bowed to me. Others gasped in shock. Cherrie sat there in shock. I let the growl become a quiet growl then stopped. "Dante? is it?" I asked at him glaring. He nodded in response. "Well then Dante.. Take your seat." I said then continuing on. "And Don't try to challenge me again." I said while my eyes glowed as he lifted himself up and looked straight into my eyes with fear?. "yes Please accept my apology." He said. "I'm sorry.. I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted your first day to start like this" He apologised. "Not exactly how I planed it to go." I did admit while turning my back to him and walked back to my seat.

Dante POV

'WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED THERE' My inner Wolf Yelled his head off at me. I blocked him out focusing on the situation. "Well Not exactly how I planed it to go" My little angel had said. He turned his back to me and walked to his seat. As I moved to my seat with Laurence behind me, I couldn't help but notice the others in the class were whispering and gossiping about what had happened.

Honestly I couldn't wrap my head around it either.

How the Fuck Did The Little Angel of mine.

Make An Alpha Submit?

Yet alone Myself?