
A test of loyalty

"I would have been a terrible ruler."

 Oberon sighed, "You have said so, and I believe so."

 He arched his shoulders, "It was supposed to be mine. That throne belongs to me!" 

 "Then why did you not prove yourself trustworthy to your father?"

 Aegis heaved, "Well.. I.."

"He killed someone. That is it," Faunana chipped in unfazed.

 "Faunana!" The rest shouted at him.

 He shrugged, "What? It is not as if he was going to say it," he looked away.

 Oberon arched his brow, "Why would you do that?"

He looked away, and sighed, "I.. do not have to explain this to you," he tried to keep a cold expression, but his tears threatening to fall failed him.

 "Should I say it?" Faunana grinned slightly.

The rest of the guards threw him an annoyed look.

 He shrugged.

 Oberon looked at him, "Yes, tell me. I am curious."