
Chapter fourteen: At all costs

Cynthia slid off Conrad's lap but held his hand and kept her body close to his. Simon asked, "What now Alpha?"

Conrad looked at his father who had closed his eyes and all of a sudden looked twice his age. This was not easy on his Father and he knew it. IF he was correct that rogue from 2 years ago who killed his mother was back and wanting to toople their pack. The Blood Moon pack was one of the largest and most powerful packs in the world,not just the country. Maybe he thought his Father had gone insane and Conrad was weak but it felt as if there was something more going on this time.

Conrad voiced his thoughts,"I don't think it is like 2 years ago.I think there is more here."

Tom slowly opened his eyes and sat up looking at his son. "What? What more? He wants what we spent decades upon decades building. He killed my mate and damn near drove me over the edge. What more does he want? Who is he even? 2 years ago I chanced his scent for months only to lose him. How does a damn rogue that stinks just disappear? and the just come back? Are you sure it is him?" Tom was livid...no, outraged...disbelieving...tortured.

"Father, I am sure. I did smell him. I never saw him but I smelled him! It was him. The attack was the same only from a different quadrant. It IS him."

Cynthia sat quietly pondering what the two Alphas were saying. Simon spoke, "Whoever he is, we have no intention of allowing him to slip as far into our territory as he did last time. We stopped him this time not a 1/2 mile into our land. He won't get what he wants. And our Luna was BA! She slaughtered so many of his rogues and did not even get her hands bloodied. She used nature against them. Conrad, you were out cold but she called forth fire, windand the earth itself, lightning...she was overpowering. With just the flick of her hand or the wave of her arm the elements obeyed her command. Her eyes shine bright and her body elevated and glowed."

Conrad had only heard a little of his warriors' and Beta's account as he was so weak and unable to stay focused when they first reported to him via mindlink. As he listened now, he was awed and so proud of his beautiful wife/mate.

He leaned into Cynthia and kissed her cheek. Cynthia smiled shyly. "I was so scared,Conrad. I saw them attacking you and then I became enraged! I just wanted them to die and you to live. I cannot lose you, my dearest! I just cannot!" shaking her head side to side. Conrad drew her closer to his side and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, my love."

"So, Father, Simon I believe we protect our pack and our Luna at all costs. What do you say?" ."Yes, Alpha!' Simon blurted out standing up ubruptly and bowing. Tom agreed.

Cynthia added, "And our Alpha!"

Simon seconded Cynthia and again Tom agreed.

"Now to set out a plan while we also begin contacting the Suoernational heads."

Cynthia shook her head in agreement.

Steve, the Delta and head warrior was called in. He had heard all the reports from his stunned and overwhelmed warriors who were there.He was waiting to be called to the Alpha's office to receive the formal report. Steve was thinking about all the others had said they witnessed. If even half of what they said was true, it was ... well... unbelievable. Could the Luna have that much power? He knew she was a white wolf but... she would have to be Royal to emmit that much power. He was sure of that!

Conrad rose, took Cynthia's hand and walked to the office door. He turned to look at his closest friends. He smiled, "Thank you. I am grateful for each of you." They all.looked at one another then back at Alpha Conrad, "Did you just thank us?" Simon said, bemused. "I believe our Alpha hut his head when he was attacked."

"No. I have come to realize how blessed by the Goddess I am. Nearly dying awakened me to the fact that I am surrounded with incredible friends."

Cynthia squeezed Conrad's hand and kissed him on the cheek.

All bowed to the two of them and Simon spoke for them all, "It is us who are blessed to have you and Luna."

"Ok, everyone. Let's begin preparations for a gathering of Supernaturals, shall we? " Cynthia said.

Conrad laughed, "My love is correct. Steve, we will hold off on our revenge on the Silver Moon pack until after the conference. BUT DO NOT LET UP on trainings. Understand?"

"Yes, Alpha,of course."

"Timothy, I will be busy the next day or so,your tasked with protecting our Luna. Understood? You follow her closely and let nothing happen to her!"

"Yes, Alpha."

"Very well. I will be unavailable for the next little.while as I need to debrief with our Luna. Come, my love."

The two walked out the office door together. "Humph, debrief my..." "Enough, Simon." Tom said. "Let's get started. We have a lot to do to provide protection for the pack as well as dignitaries from all species of Supernaturals."