
Chapter 82 A Warning

Even though the man had just woken up, he looked like a masterpiece work of art.

Ignoring his languid and handsome face, Emma couldn't help looking down. Not in high heels, she could only reach his shoulders. She scanned his sexy face, sharp chin, and then sturdy chest. Every inch of his muscles showed his masculinity to her. This man had woken up.

"Ah..." Emma felt she had seen something she shouldn't.

"You done watching me? Satisfied?" the man asked in a husky and confident voice.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes. I have something to talk to you about." Emma turned around, and closed her eyes.

After she heard him enter the bathroom to wash up, she waited at the door. What happened last night was serious, and she had to warn him officially. Otherwise, he would do it again if they lived under the same roof, which was the last thing she wanted.