

Xaden just stood as she slowly progressed towards him.

He knew those eyes, that face, he had seen them years back.

It had been imprinted into his brain when he discovered she was his first mate.

He instinctively took a step back.

She reached out to him.

"Xaden, it's me." She repeated. "Lily."

He could barely even swallow; his entire throat was dry, and he was void of words.

First his uncle, and then now this?

This was a dream.

They were all playing tricks on him.

Someone was playing with his mind.

"You are not real." He said. "You were dead. I saw you."

She shook her head. "You saw what you were meant to see."

He rose a brow in confusion.

He was baffled.

What was going on here?

He felt everything in his body shake with anxiety, with uncertainty

Xaden, who was always certain.

Xaden, who was never unsure of himself, was now at a crossroads.