As Xaden traveled on the horse with his men all he could think about was Jasmine and her being safe.
Was he going to make it in time?
What had overcome Aurora?! She had always hated Jasmine, but she had gone to
Attack her in broad daylight.
It did not make any sense to him, and rightfully so, he did not understand.
He was so deep in thought that as the men joked and made tales he barely listened.
Then Erik, who had been riding in silence, looked at him and pitied him.
They were not on the best terms, but they were still best friends.
He was still his alpha.
And that came first before anything.
He sighed to himself and pulled his horse to Xaden side.
"Xaden." Erik said.
Xaden slowly turned to face his friend, and Erik saw that his eyes were still blood red.
"It was not your fault." Erik said wisely.
"Gods, I never thought you were one to say things like this."