
The Alpha’s Selkie

“Hey, you dropped this” Tyrion picks up the coat lying on the cafeteria ground to pass it to the woman standing infront of him. The woman turns and Tyrion could’ve sworn air left his lungs for a minute. She had the beauty of a goddess. “Tha-thank you” she struggles to speak. Red spreads from her neck to cheeks as she blushes and looks at him wide eyes. Before Tyrion could’ve asked her anything or talked to her, she ran off. •••••• Sophie is a young shy selkie who had to run away from her world because of an attack. Selkies are magical creatures who can stay in human forms or shape shift to seals. When a person hands over them their coat, they get married. That is exactly how Sophie got married to the guy who looked like he just left heaven to bless humans with his looks. But what selkie doesn’t know, is that the guy she met is not an ordinary human. He’s a werewolf, and an alpha on top of that. Determined to win over her werewolf husband, she enters her pack only to find out that the princesses of other werewolf packs are there to compete for the title of his Luna. Not wanting to loose him, she enters the competition. But how far can she run away from her demons when they start chasing her to Tyrian. Everybody has a secret. And so does Sophie.

Bee_Tb · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Leave Princess Jada

Sophie was waking in her room restlessly. It was night now and Tyrion hadn't come back with Helena yet.

She felt sad as she thought that they might've gone to the place he too her, but he did tell her that this was a special place right?

She clutched the purple ring harder.

A car stopping in front of the mansion startled her and she jumped to her window for a better view.

Tyrion walked out of the car and then held the door for Helena. Helena came out and then the two held hands.

Sophie's eyes widened at their proximity. But then something worse than this happened, Tyrion pulled Helena in and kissed her!

Sophie's body went limp as she saw in shock the two of them kissing. They didn't even stop for air. Then Helena broke away but Tyrion pulled her back in for another kisses.

All of this felt like a stab to her heart, she cannot imagine Tyrion doing this to her. Yes she was in a competition and everybody was at the same stage but Tyrion liked her. He had shares closed moments with her, he took her to his special place, a few hours ago, he told her he'd never leave her.

Maybe he did treat every woman who won this way, she bitterly thought. She couldn't see them any longer than this, kissing and sucking each other's faces so she violently closed the curtains and sat in her room.

How foolish she had been! Trusting him.

Maybe all the promises he made were in the heat of the moment, maybe all he was attracted to was her being a selkie.

She bitterly thought and laid in her bed. The whole night she couldn't sleep. After stirring in the bed for hours, she thought she will roam around the house for a better sleep.

She started walking absentmindedly, without caring for where she was going.

But then all of a sudden, she heard spirits talking. Her mind instantly went to Goeth and she felt foolish, how could she just forget that a danger was freely roaming in this palace!

She followed the voices which led her to a garden.

A woman was sitting on the ground and just got up hearing Sophie's footsteps.

Sophie clenched her fists, she won't let Goeth get away with it this time.

Sophie kept on walking forward until she was just behind that woman. The woman turned and it sent shivers down her spine.

Infront of her, stood Helena.

Helena was standing there alone with a weird tint in her eyes.

"Helena, what are you doing here this late?" Sophie questioned.

"I was just out for a walk, my wolf, he wanted to be free" Helena said. Something about the way Helena was speaking seemed creepy to Sophie.

"Oh okay." She said. Honestly she wouldn't care if Helena dies the next moment but there was something weird about her.

An idea came up to Sophie's mind as she smirked. She looked straight into Helena's eyes and started enchanting her. A few seconds passed, then another few minutes, after trying to enchant Helena for almost 5 minutes, Sophie gave up.

Sophie couldn't enchant her!

This has never happened before. Selkies can enchant anybody other than fellow selkies and Helena was definitely a wolf so what the heck was the problem.

"I'm Sophie, is everything alright?" Helena questioned and Sophie nodded. They left for their own ways and the evil glint in Helena's eyes went unnoticed by Sophie.

Sophie was left even more confused.

Helena wasn't enchanted even after trying for five minutes! Usually this just took a few seconds at most.

Sophie opened the drawer in which she had kept the thumb.

If her suspicions were right, this means something terribly wrong.

The challenge presented itself to Sophie, the thumb was missing.

Sophie closed the box with a sigh. This was not good, in fact this was horrible.

She needs to go to Tyrion's room right now, it's possible that the thumb might have gone to Tyrion's room again.

She closed her room and silently made her way to Tyrion's. She dreaded meeting him there, what if he just ignores her now that he has started bonding with Helena? But what if he's still the same? Wouldn't that mean that nothing out of what happened in between them was serious. She shrugged off those ideas. No matter what happens between them or what goes wrong, she would never wish harm on him.

She goes near the room and opens it. The knob twists in her hand and as she enters, she hears that the shower is turned on in the bathroom. This pleases her because now she can peacefully leave. She starts whispering to the holy souls, asking them to show her the way of the negativity in the room. It takes her ten minutes but still there's nothing that she can feel.

This means the thumb is not here.

Sophie turns to leave the room when the bathroom door opens and Tyrion enters the bedroom.

"Princess?" He says as his eyes fell on her.

Her eyes softened when they fall on him, she even gets sone ideas watching his half naked body but she doesn't look much and turns her eyes to Tyrion's in an instant.

"Hi" she says dryly.

"Is everything alright?" He asks her as his brows furrow.

"Yeah" she says dryly but then she remembers that she has to say something otherwise he'll believe that she was trespassing into her room "I wanted to know, how did you date go?" She asks, trying to play cool.

"It was nice actually. Me and Helena spent some time as we used to when we were younger" Tyrion spoke as a little smile played on his lips.

"Looks like it went a little too well". Sophie couldn't hide the venom in her voice and Tyrion walks to her in slow steps.

"Why? Was is supposed to go bad?" He questions as he looks at her with a smirk playing on his lips.

Tyrion might have been playful but that's the last thing that Sophie was right now.

"I don't know. But was it supposed to be so good that your tongu-" she stopped herself as she thought she had no right to, they might've been married in her world but he had no idea, in fact his world was completely different than hers. She gulped as a lump formed in her throat.

"What is it princess? What happened?" Tyrion spoke with curiosity and innocence. Almost too innocent- Sophie bitterly thought.

"Nothing." She said and thought about leaving when his hand held her wrist, stopping her.

"Is someone bothering you princess?" Tyrion genuinely asked and Sophie's heart warmed. All this love was for her until Helena came. Or maybe, he and Helena have been together and she was the one intruding.

"No. I'm happy that your date with Helena went well" she said and gulped again.

A blank look crossed Tyrion's face.

"What are you doing in my room?" He exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Tyrion, you stopped me" Sophie said with confusion.

"No I didn't" Tyrion's eyes narrowed on her face "I was taking a bath. I'd suggest for you to leave Princess Jada" Tyrion spoke with frustration.

"Okay, I'm leaving." There was no energy  left in Sophie's body and she exited the room, not even bothering to look back.

What had just happened? How did Tyrion switch so instantly? He was so playful one minute and as soon as he heard Helena's name, his whole demeanour changed.

Something was definitely going on, and Sophie will get to the root of it.