
The Allure of the Necromancer

Keziah Amorette, a freshman nursing student, spends her life on a monotonous basis. School, cafe, apartment. That's it. She finds solitude in the simple routines she follows day by day, until a phenomenon she never thought existed disturbs not only her routine but also her perspective on how reality works. Living has been a challenge she keeps on beating. She never thought that she'd have to face it in a different kind of instance—in a dangerous way. 

Ailuria · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Reverie Cafe

"Have you sent the minutes of the previous meeting to Rowan?"

I was stunned by Macky's question, which made me cough a little bit.

This guy's movement is stealth. What the heck? I didn't even hear the door open.

"Yes, President." I answered calmly, and he responded with a nod. He sat on the swivel chair behind his desk and took a peak at the papers lying above it.

"That is the proposal of the Business Department for the incoming Intramural. They need your signature for approval before it will be passed to Dean for finalization," I instructed him, and he just fixated his eyes on the paper, reading it seriously with a creased forehead.

He hummed first before he laid back on the back of the swivel and took a sip of his coffee. "I'll handle this, Ms. Braza. You can now go back to your class. Thank you so much," he responded with a small smile, gazing at his lips. I nodded and grabbed my bag from the top of my desk. "I'll be back after our class to run errands for the papers to the dean. I'll see you later, President Macky, " I smiled before I headed to the door.

It's still ten in the morning and I can already feel my mouth craving for a milktea. Since I was still a little bit early for class, I decided to stop by the nearest cafe, Reverie Cafe. As I stepped my foot in and opened the door, the aroma of the coffee and pastries invaded my nose.

"The usual, Kez?" I was greeted by the smiles of Jon, the owner and chef of Reverie Cafe.

"Yes, Jon. Thank you so much, " I beamed at him and decided to wait on a vacant table. Since it's still early, the cafe is a little bit packed. Some are having a light breakfast, some are having their morning coffee.

As I was waiting, I decided to open my social media accounts and check the emails sent by the administration. I sighed as I read the emails from different departments that I needed to relay to the President. I was slightly preoccupied with responding to the emails and messages when I noticed someone had moved the chair in front of me and occupied it.

"Good morning, Keziah. It's still ten in the morning and you're already stressed. " I rolled my eyes when I saw Yuan grinning while leaning his face on his hand on top of the table.

"Well, good morning too, Yuan." I sarcastically replied and went back to doing my business.

"I'm touched, Kez." He responded to me sarcastically before he opened his backpack to grab something. I just smirked and never lifted my eyes from the screen of my laptop. "Anyway, Miss Secretary, do you already have a handout from Doc. Jang?" He asked as he skimmed through his iPad.

Before I opened my mouth, we were both interrupted by the waiter—Rain as he cleared his throat to catch our attention. With our orders in his hand, we helped him arrange the food on our desk.

I thanked him after we were done and tore my eyes off of him to Yuan.

"Yes, he sent it to Derla and asked her to send it individually to our emails." I answered, pertaining to the president of our class, before I took a sip of my matcha-flavored milktea.

He nodded and also took a sip of his coffee as he settled his eyes on his iPad and started skimming through it.

I checked my wristwatch and saw that it was almost eleven, which is the schedule of our Biochemistry class. "Oh shit, Yuan! Hurry up, we're getting late to our class! " I informed him as I was shakily packing my laptop into my tote bag.

Before we headed out the door, Yuan put the bill on the table. "I've got yours covered, no worries." He winked at me, which I replied to with a beam.

We walked and ran towards the LAB building. When we arrived, I was relieved that our professor wasn't here yet. That prof is hell-incarnated.

We both decided to settle into our chairs before we opened our own iPads to prepare them for note-taking. It didn't take a couple of minutes when Prof. Ong arrived. He didn't hesitate and immediately started the class.

Hi! I'll soon upload a visualizer for this to help your imaginative minds! Thanks so much!

Ailuriacreators' thoughts