
The Alliance

Lilliana Russo, the eldest principessa of the Russo family, is now obliged to marry the most malevolent Don in New York City. Here, he rules like a king, and whoever opposes him meets a gruesome end. She wanted to run away and never look back like her cowardly mother did, but that had resulted in the most devastating feud between two of the most powerful Mafia families. No, she couldn’t let history repeat itself. ______ Vincenzo Salvadori wasn’t looking for love in this marriage. This was just an agreement to make peace with the Russos, as his grandmother had wished just before she drew her last breath. He conducted himself as a man of honor and even if he didn’t love his future wife, he would still respect this marriage. ______ “I-I have three conditions that I would like to put forward before this marriage takes place.” Lilly slowly lifted her eyes to meet his scorching gaze that seemed to burn into her skin. “Speak.” The deep calm in his voice made her shudder. She took a deep breath and straightened her back to appear confident. “First, I want to continue working as a doctor after the wedding. Second, after our marriage, we will sleep in separate rooms until I am ready to sleep with you, and third, I am not having a baby with you until I want to.” She breathlessly listed out, and nervously twisted the ring latched on the chain she wore. The corner of his devious lips tilted upwards and a flicker of amusement danced in his dark eyes. He leaned back on the antique sofa and brooded over what she said. Silence prevailed, so did the urge to take back her conditions and escape from his overbearing presence. “First and third, agreed.” He answered in an unsettling calm. “What about the second?” She questioned. “You are my wife. We WILL share the same room.” She wanted to open her mouth and object when he abruptly got up from his seat, immobilizing her objections. Her heart thudded rapidly as he closed the space between them, his enormous stature shadowing her petite form. His gaze had her locked in place and she failed to notice his hand reaching out to lift her chin. He neared to her face, his breath fanned against her cheek. “Or do you think I won’t be able to stop myself around you? If you do, you think too highly of yourself, Dr. Russo.” She gulped, growing thirsty for something she didn’t know for what. When his touch left her face, she understood what for. ‘Oh god, how am I going to survive alongside this devil?!’ _______________________ (This book is strictly 18+. If you're sensitive to gore, violence, and some strong sexual themes, then this book isn't for you. This is a mafia romance, so please don't expect everything to be rainbows and sunshine. And please don't come at me in the reviews saying it was too damn gory. Because it is. And I warned you guys.) The cover is NOT mine. Credit goes to the original artist. Enjoy. ;)

JennyFerrr · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
10 Chs

A ruthless patriarch

The sun had settled down in the west; the sky sheathed in an obsidian blanket with no visible stars to stare at.

Lily's heart fluttered as her car neared the Russo mansion gates.

Finally, home.

The driver, Sebastian, hurried and picked up her luggage, and carried it inside. She stepped out of the car and two familiar faces showed up, with big smiles and open arms.

Rosalina, her cousin, and best friend engulfed her in a bear hug. "Welcome home after what seemed like a fucking eternity," Rosalina said.

"Language, young lady!" Lily scolded playfully, but of course, no one couldn't fix Rosalina's spitfire of a mouth.

Rosalina laughed and kissed Lily's rosy cheek and stepped away to let their beloved nonna warm up to her favorite granddaughter.

"I missed you so much, nonna." Lilliana gave her a long hug. Lilliana had stayed a week in an apartment near the Salvadori residence so she could treat Elena Salvadori in secret.

"I missed you too. You must be tired after all the work. Go freshen up. I'll cook your favorite pasta tonight." Her grandmother, Bella Russo, said and kissed her cheek.

Taking Lily's hand, Rosalina pulled her inside, eager to talk and talk until her mouth fall off, and since Lily was such a good listener, she had no problem listening to Rosalina's adventurous stories.

"I hear you treating Elena Salvadori these days."

Both of them stopped in their tracks and turned around to see their nonno, Matteo Russo, sitting on the couch with his face all scrunched up.

Lily averted her eyes from him. She had been excellent at ignoring him like he never existed in her life.

"I'm just doing my duty as a doctor. Please don't interfere in my business—"

"That horrendous woman wants you to marry his grandson! That is why she hired you so she could measure your worth!" Nonno's voice boomed like an alarm, causing Lilliana to flinch.

Teary-eyed, she glared at him. "You are wrong! She isn't anything as you've described. She is a really sweet old woman, just like nonna, and she never belittled me for being a Russo." Lily didn't know where she got the courage to raise her voice against the fearsome Matteo Russo.

He had her pinned under his authoritarian thumb, which she desperately wanted to break free. She lost everything because of this man! Everything!

Nonno's eyes flared up, ready to unleash hurtful words that stung her like arrows, but paused when his beloved wife looped her arm around his.

Nonna slowly shook her head at him, her delicate brows pulling together.

Matteo inhaled a sharp breath. In a calmer voice, he said. "You are not going to the Salvadori Mansion again. Ask her to hire another doctor to take care of her. I'm sure she can afford a more experienced one."

Lilliana sniffled and yanked her hand away from Rosalina's hold and ran upstairs to her bedroom.

Nonna watched her closing the bedroom door, and this deeply hurt her. She turned to her bull-headed husband. "Why do you always start a fight with her? She just came home after days!"

"She is my granddaughter! Can't you see that I'm worried?" Nonno asked. He never liked it when his sweet Bella got mad at him. It made him feel like a savage.

"She is not a child, Matteo! She is a twenty-six-year-old adult who can think for herself!" Bella chided.

She was about to pull her hand back when he caught it and clasped it against his weakening heart.

"So what? She is still so gullible, just like our Ariana. Anyone could take advantage of her." Elena Salvadori was someone who always had her way with everything. She made one of the most ruthless Dons bow to her and lick her feet. Manipulating Lily would be child's play.

"I know, but please don't underestimate her like this. You will only make her feel worthless." Nonna said. Her husband still loved her so fiercely, even if he was bed-tempered, she couldn't help but love this man with all her heart.

Nonno trusted Nonna's words, but he trusted nothing related to the Salvadoris. "Very well then, but I will not say yes to any alliances between the Salvadoris and Russos."


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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