
Chapter 19 (Long Chapter)

The training ground was still the same. Lush green grass, with a few trees that bear apples and the calming the sound of the river going, Their were a few training dummies at random positions of the field. Animals could not get in due to the large fence surrounding the training grounds.

Hard to believe the place was not occupied. There used to be some guy that came here before but left before I started occupying this place.The only thing I knew about that guy was that he was an uchiha. Now than I should really start practicing the bunshin no jutsu, than the kawarami no jutsu other wise known as substitution jutsu.

I don't really care about mastering the bushin since anyone can see the difference between a clone and the real person through careful observation. Like a clone wont cast a shadow, kick up dust, crush grass etc. However if you act fast enough they wouldn't notice the difference.

Say if you run at the intended target with a kunai in hand and then you suddenly use bunshin no justu or clone jutsu you know what for convince, I will just say all the jutsu in english. Anyways if you suddenly use clone jutsu and you lunge at him/her, that person will not have enough time to find the true slasher and than get injured.

Arashi (mc from the all seeing copy cat) called this Gates Of Hell: Path of Illusion. Sadly I can't call it that since it is blatant disregard for the author and is considered infringement of copyrights. Oh well, I'll call it something else and say it is something that I created my self. I wonder if I can add some shadow clones to the mix. Yeah that way my opponent won't be able to tell the difference.

Instead of what I should be thinking of calling it, I should be learning it. I touched the scroll and willed the system to absorb the knowledge. When I opened the scroll I found out something interesting, there was some information relating to chakra control. It was called leaf concentration.

I realized that was why feeling as if I was forgetting something important. It was the chakra control method for people who are still in the academy. I was at first surprised, then felt quite happy before my facial expression changed completely. I am 100% sure I did not mention anything about chakra control to that person.

At first I thought Tsukasa just gave the information related to chakra control because he thought I was just training for the graduation exams and than gave the information related chakra control simply because he was a kind person bu my intuition told me something was wrong.

So I decided to confront him about this minor thing tomorrow where two possible reactions could happen. One was that he would deny this altogether or that he will decide to accept him to some weird cult or organisation. The first possibility is more realistic than the other one but my intuition keeps on telling something is clearly going on right now and that something is related to him.

Just than I felt the knowledge on how to do leaf concentration method, clone technique, body replacement technique and transformation technique.

The jutsu's were transported to the skill list while the leaf concentration method was in my memory bank.

Sense Chakra (Active) Lvl: 3

- A sensing technique used by people with the talent to sense chakra.

- It costs one third of the chakra you will posses when you become 7 years old

Shadow Clone jutsu (Active) Lvl: 2

- Allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves.

- The user's chakra is evenly divided between themselves and their clones: creating one clone will give it half the user's chakra, creating two clones will give each a third of the user's chakra, and so on

- Maximum clone creation: 20 (When at the age of 7)

- Tiger hand seal is required to use the jutsu

Fire Style: Hiding in Ash Jutsu (Active) Lvl: 1

- The user expels chakra-infused ash that blanket a wide area, burning anyone who comes in contact with it

- The user doesn't need their hands to be free nor does this technique require hand seals.

Clone Technique (Active) Lvl: 1

- For this technique, users create one or more afterimages of themselves to move alongside them.

- These afterimages have no substance and thus are incapable of damaging opponents.

- May fail due to being unable to control your chakra

- Costs very little amount of chakra

Body Replacement Technique (Active) Lvl: 1 (Max lvl is 3)

- The instant before they are to be struck by an attack, the user replaces themselves with a block of wood or something similar.

- The Body Replacement Technique can evidently only be used in response to what would be harmful attacks.

- Costs half of a quarter of your chakra.

Transformation Technique (Active/Passive)

- It is typically used to change into people other than oneself, but one also has the ability to change into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like weapons.

- May have obvious flaws in the transformation such as coloring, obesity etc

- May fail due to being unable to control your chakra

- Costs very little amounts of chakra.

Suddenly I felt a large chakra source hiding behind a tree. This was not naruto's chakra, this chakra is filled with malicious intent towards me. Don't know why I feel that but I just do. I acted as if I did not know that guy was hiding behind the tree, to be exact at the right side, near the river, last tree hidde in the shadows.

I added two skill points to the body replacement technique and the rest were all added to the clone technique. I had two left, this was due to the max level of the clone technique being five. I kept the remaining two for later use. While I was doing this, I started to take the buried weapons from my last trip here. That was my second trip here, it was yesterday I came here but again came back here at night time during when most of the people were asleep. Emphasis on most as I was nearly caught by a patrolling genin squad. Twice!! Once near the ninja tools shop and once here.

I was originally going to go to a ninja shop to steal a sword when I saw the genin having one. I think it was called a tanto, I didn't know genin were proficient in kenjutsu though. Moving on, when he wasn't paying attention I switched his tanto with a stick which roughly weighed the same.

He immediately realized something was wrong so he touched his tanto sheath for it to be gone and replaced with a stick. He immediately and desperately started searching for the thief whom he thought was running away from him when the culprit ie. me was covered in cold sweat hiding in a bush next to him.

The showdown is about to begin. Also props for guruv0429 for guessing correctly and voicing it out but can you"ALL" guess the motive. f you guessed correctly I promise you that I will implement any idea that you have besides yaoi/ harem/mukaihina/mukaikura/mukaino/mukaiemari relationships or anything that is related to naruto. Thanks to people like gurv0429 I already have an idea on naruto. I'll be waiting til monday since the regular schedule is back.

DaoistForgetsAlotcreators' thoughts